After update to 3.19.0 my Xbox ONE now has connection issues to the mesh. ALSO, IPv6 does not appear to work either.
Up until I got 3.19.0 pushed onto my mesh system, my Xbox One worked flawlessly with the mesh system. NOW, it has a difficult time connecting. Some times I have to assign an IP address, subnet mask,…
Eero reliability when internet is down
Back in the heady days of January, I’d have never anticipated frequent internet outages. But here we are in a pandemic, smashing records for users online and the vast amounts of bandwidth in use.…
Change of MAC Address at reboot
Hi all, I'd like to understand the reason at the base of the MAC Address change at every boot. Why does this happen? I'd like to completely avoid this because my DHCP is becoming crazy assigning…
Cannot access MoFi router administration interface behind Eero
Hi. I have my Eero Pro (version 3.19) connected to a MoFi cellular router configured with IP pass through. Here's the documentation related to this: With IP Pass Through,…
Improve eero wifi for older devices
I have a eero base and 3 beacons on a 4600sqft 3 story home. The wifi works fine for TVs, game systems, etc. We have some older laptops, and more recently,…
Eero and Synology NAS with Bonded ethernet ports
Recently changed from a Netgear R8500 to Eero Pro Mesh. I have a Synology DS1815 on which I have aggregated/bonded the four ethernet ports, which are all connected to a gigabit switch.…
Eero pro is limiting my internet
i have a arris TG2492lg model and if I test my internet speed wired and wireless is almost in 600 mpbs the arris is in bride mode and I connect via cable to my brand new Eero pro.…
Add a second network to the same eero system for the same home (besides primary and guest)
I would like to have 2 passworded networks in addition to my guest network. Possible? I see "Add a Network" option on the bottom of the settings screen, but I am unsure this will do what I want.…
Eeros are acting flaky
I have 3 Eero pros and one EEro standard covering a 3500 sq foot ranch house (all one level). For the most part this has worked great, but lately the eeros are flaking out.…
Separate Networks?
Hi All, new user with a question. Does anyone run Smart TVs, Streaming devices, Home devices on a separate network from computers that might have additional security on the user end?…
EERO and Ethernet port priorities
I have a new EERO cupcake looking router with two Ethernet ports. I have my modem plugged into one, and a network device on the other. when I restart my EERO,…
eero ignores wired backhaul during setup/placement test?
It seems like during setup, eero doesn't consider the signal from wired connection. It would refuse to add a new eero if has poor wireless connection, even if it's hardwired to the first gateway…
Can I use an eero router as an ethernet port?
Hi all - I have an eero pro as my main router, with 3 beacons covering my house. Working from home, I now need to connect a PcOIP box via hardline ethernet and my home office setup is too far away…
Eero routing The threading.
Eero routing The threading is what speeds up the network and also choosing the appropriate device to carry the 2GHZ or 5GHZ. With the beacon make sure you have the same day to day activities for the…
Alternatives to fios-provided broadband router
I’m getting fios 200/200 service in my new house, and I’ve been told I’ll need a broadband router to interface with the external fios fiber box. I could rent one, but I’d prefer to own.…
Eero pro won’t connect to Ring Base Station.
I tried to connect my Ring base station to eero pro wirelessly but with no success. I called help center and they tried their best to fix it. I hard wire them and the work but I can’t connect them…
Could use some advice from other users
Here's my situation. I have Rogers Ignite (I'm a new subscriber). I had some generic wifi pods (supplied by Rogers) to boost the signal throughout the house.…
Having odd performance problem with my Eero units
I have 4 Eero units around my house. All units are running 3.19.0. My cable setup is this: Cable Data Modem -> Linksys 1900ACS running Openwrt -> Eero Gateway (and the other Eero units) Everything…
Mac address
Hi, I need to find the Eero's MAC address, but not through the app ... I need it before my network will allow the Eero to be registered and activated during setup.…
Eero iOS App - iOS14
I'm testing the IOS14 release, and with the latest developer beta 4, the eero app now fails to find devices on my network. Basically, it sees them (as previously in the app) for about 5 minutes,…
Help Installing Motorola Moca 2.0 + eero Pros
Can you please take a look at the 8 pictures and let me know what I'm doing wrong? The 3rd Floor Bedroom connection is still showing up as Wi-Fi. Thank you in advance and please let me know if I can…
Beta band steering issue
Activating the beta band steering caused an HP 8620 printer that only has 2.4 antenna not to be able to connect. Issue went away when Feature was switched off
How can I make this work? Multiple subnets?
So I've recently purchased the Eero. Its a really great product for what it does. But I'm having a particular issue. I have multiple networks within the house.…
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