eero Labs features and feedback thread

Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!

Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.

While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.

For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.

1097 replies

    • Chad_Mobley
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Eero Labs features have certainly impressed me and my uses on the network however it should be noted that I was able to narrow down an issue with Smart Queue Management causing issues with “Hey Siri” enabled devices communicating and responding. Where HomePod is meant to take over in most cases, the devices would just quit trying as if they all assumed the other device would complete to request. Turning off Smart Queue Management resolve the issue after trying some other solutions.

      • Drew
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Thanks for sharing your concerns with SQM, Chad Mobley – I haven't heard that interaction happening before, so this sounds like something we'd certainly like to look into further. Would you mind shooting an email to support@eero.com with my name and/or "Community Forums" in the subject line, and include the details of the steps you've tried so far, and the extent of the Siri/HomePod issue as you've seen it? Once we have your email, I'll make sure it gets to a specialist who can help you out!

      Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

      Drew, eero Community Team

      • joedaman88
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Chad Mobley I have multiple HomePods and do not see this behavior either.  One think to keep in mind is that all of your iOS and MacOs devices should have bluetooth active.  Apple uses bluetooth in its devices to communicate with each other when multiple devices hear "Hey Siri" to determine which device should respond.  Hope this helps.

    • ringlej
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I would like to be able to see what the eero firewall has blocked, how many attempts have bounced off the firewall, etc.  Does eero Plus enhance the firewall?

      • cMoo92
      • 5 yrs ago
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      ringlej no, eero Plus won’t give you any additional visibility into the firewall or incoming requests that have been blocked.

    • mtward
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Eero Labs request (that turns into regular feature).. I would really like to see an overall ISP network bandwidth usage when in the App. This would be multi-faceted, and allow to see in one view a list of all active devices and their current external internet usage since a certain time. Ideally, there would be a way to filter 'WAN usage since X date". Also a global few of WAN usage since a date.


      • Drew
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Hi, mtward – thanks for sharing your suggestion, and welcome to the Community! This is actually one of our more popular requests, so I encourage you to check out the main request thread we have here and vote on it! Whether this is something we integrate into eero Labs or add as a full-fledged feature, we definitely appreciate your thoughts. We're glad to have you here as a Community member, and we look forward to your valuable insights going forward!

      Drew, eero Community Team

    • timd
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hey guys, brand new eero user here. So far loving the mesh wifi, even though it is prob overkill for my 750sq ft apt, ha. It is an old building with lots of plaster, lots of competing neighbors' wifi, and the floor plan is like a long railway car... my old (very good) Asus router couldn't get a reliable signal to the far end with the kitchen, bathroom and laundry area, even on 2.4ghz. Since installing the eero gateway by the modem and setting up one beacon in the kitchen, I have flawless wifi coverage everywhere, and to my delight, getting the FULL speed of my connection, even in the farthest reaches of the apt. 

    One thing regarding eero labs features: I toggled on all three beta features the other day, and noticed that SQM seemed to slow speeds (according to speedtest.net) on all my devices by about 10%. When I turned the feature off, speeds immediately returned to the full strength they were before. I prob don't need SQM anyway, but just thought I'd add this here.

      • joedaman88
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      timd If your ISP is providing speeds over 500 Mbps down, SQM is not necessary.  If you are not at 500 Mbps, turn it on.  The speed hit you see is SQM working.  It will not allow a single device to "hog" all the available bandwidth...so it saves a bit (that 10% you see) just in case another device hops on and needs some bandwidth.  I am explaining this in extraordinarily simplistic terms...but if you look around, in-depth SQM explanations are sprinkled all across the site.

    • hthm2
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I'd like to be able to install a VPN on the router so that all traffic is handled by the VPN rather than just the traffic on which I have installed a VPN app.

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      hthm2 very true. Would be nice to have it network-wide. Closest is eero Plus, kind kinda but not kinda. 

    • jonbirge
    • 5 yrs ago
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    The local dns caching has been nothing but a huge problem. Especially with apple products, it seems. My HomePods occasionally become unresponsive. Same with Apple TV. Turning off local dns always fixes things. 

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 5 yrs ago
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      jonbirge sorry to hear about that. Can’t say I have any of those problems here. Full Mac home. Everything seems to work just fine, with all the beta features enabled, and eero Plus. Wondering if there is something else not playing right there....

      • joedaman88
      • 5 yrs ago
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      jonbirge I have 5 MacBook Pros, 2 iMacs, 4 Apple TVs, 4 IPads, several iPhones and 2 HomePods, all with local DNS caching on. No issues here.  I am sorry to hear you are having issues.  

    • jefe2000
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I'm uploading about 30 GBs to my iCloud drive today. Internet access of all types on all the other devices on my network was a miserable experience this morning. On a whim, I turned on Smart Queue Management. The improvement was drastic and immediate. All other device network access returned to normal. Streaming video from the Apple TV was no longer an adventure in spinning loading icons. And my cloud upload is soldiering onward at nearly the same upload rate (right around the max advertised by my ISP) as before.

    Three cheers for Smart Queue Management!

    • taildragger
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Prioritizing and throttling bandwidth (especially on the guest network) would be very useful in my network.


    Also I need to be able to shut down guest automatically at night.

    • jamcycler
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Please go a step beyond band steering and add eero steering: the mesh steers each client to the eero with the strongest signal. The current state permits a client to connect to a strong signal, move to the edge of that device’s range, and stay connected with a weak signal. Eero should instead push that client to another access point.

    • Jerry
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I’m having trouble with my Sonos app seeing the device as not on the same network. I think this is because it’s not on the 5G wireless which is what the phone is using. How do I ‘steer’ it to 5G or the phone to the one it’s on?

      • cMoo92
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Jerry Sonos speakers only connect via 2.4GHz. But having your Sonos speakers on 2.4GHz and your phone on 5GHz isn't the problem (I know because I have about eight Sonos speakers in my house). I would recommend disabling Band Steering on your eero network if you have it enabled, as it might be causing the Sonos speakers to not be able to connect.

      • Jerry
      • 4 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 I will probably disable the steering. Only turned it on in search of a solution.  The problem went away after I disabled a WiFi connected eero unit.  I can’t say that fixed it. Still working after plugging the unit in again. Thanks for your suggestion. 

    • lincke
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I've been using OpenDNS with Eero for parental controls and see that my home generates about 400k lookups a month on average. I thought I'd try the beta dns caching feature to reduce that and improve performance. After turning it on, I see I am doing about 800k lookups / month with about half of them being a looking of cdn.samsungcloudsolution.com. It looks like that lookup is not working and so my Samsung TV retries over and over. Any advice?

    • dannyboy
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Looking at the DNS caching, this doesn't seem to work at all. Firstly, clients still get two DNS addresses: one of the Eero gate itself, and the other of my ISP. So only some queries (that would be pointed to the gate would be cached) but even that's not the case: I tried little bash script dnstest which should show significantly faster response time second time around for cached queries, but that's not the case. In fact, appears slower than my ISP's DNS on

    ( is Eero gateway). 

                      test1   test2   test3   test4   test5   test6   test7   test8   test9   test10  Average

    cloudflare        18 ms   19 ms   16 ms   20 ms   30 ms   19 ms   24 ms   20 ms   22 ms   15 ms     20.30      18 ms   22 ms   18 ms   18 ms   17 ms   19 ms   16 ms   39 ms   18 ms   21 ms     20.60       21 ms   58 ms   27 ms   36 ms   29 ms   21 ms   20 ms   27 ms   24 ms   32 ms     29.50

    norton            28 ms   33 ms   46 ms   26 ms   28 ms   31 ms   27 ms   27 ms   29 ms   27 ms     30.20

    comodo            32 ms   50 ms   35 ms   29 ms   24 ms   28 ms   30 ms   41 ms   29 ms   30 ms     32.80

    google            23 ms   34 ms   41 ms   37 ms   41 ms   40 ms   25 ms   37 ms   21 ms   43 ms     34.20

    level3            35 ms   35 ms   29 ms   34 ms   27 ms   28 ms   27 ms   28 ms   27 ms   98 ms     36.80

    • dfbills
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Tried the new WPA3 support, but found that devices were constantly falling off the network.  When I attempted to disable, several of my Eeros got stuck in a red light mode.  After waiting 10-15 minutes, I pulled the plug on each and the network came back up.  Then I went back into the app and found WPA3 still enabled.  I disabled a second time and the slider now has stayed off.   Looks like this might be a little too bleeding edge for my network when we're all working at home.

    • melliott
    • 4 yrs ago
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    WPA-3 setting kicked my AppleTV3rd Gen off the network. I had to disable to get the AppleTV back on the network. 

      • microChasm
      • 2 yrs ago
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      melliott yes, ATV 3rd gen does not support WPA3 and Apple won’t be able to update it as the WIFI hardware won’t support it either (does have processing power for the encryption).

      Time to upgrade that ATV man.

      • Cristian.1
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view


      microChasm said:
      Time to upgrade that ATV man

      Such a wasteful way of looking at things. It’s not dead so why discard it? FYI: this can be repurposed as a hub to make non-airplay studio monitors Airplay(1) enabled

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