eero Labs features and feedback thread

Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!

Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.

While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.

For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.

1097 replies

    • joedaman88
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I don't think local dns caching is working for me...unless I am failing to understand how it works.  My assumption is that the eero would point dns to my gateway eero which in my case is  However, with it switched on, all my clients are still pointed to cloudflare dns.  Is anybody else seeing this behavior?

      • joedaman88
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 Well, when I use Terminal inside of OS X and do a NSLOOKUP, it is asking google's ipv6 DNS for resolution 2001:4860:4860::8888.  This is the DNS that Spectrum is currently pushing down to me.  So I am not so sure that this feature is working correctly.  Maybe someone at eero can chime in?

      • joedaman88
      • 6 yrs ago
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      joedaman88 cotedan87 it looks like the local dns caching now works correctly with the latest 3.9 firmware update.

    • Jimvandenboom
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Excellent features. Thank you!  One suggestion is to add reporting. Those of us that like to geek out on new features like this would like to get reporting on things like DNS caching, how successful 5G steering is etc. 

    • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
    • cotedan87
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Everything eero and Eero Plus have to offer has been active here for several days and things appear stable. Couple quirks but probably not related to eero...

    1) Some LIFX bulbs become unresponsive randomly through the day. Smart bulbs have some way to go before they become stable on any router. I believe same happens for Phillips Hue bulbs. Maybe it's because I have 60+ devices going at any given time. Only solution is to power cycle the bulbs. 

    2) One of my Nest cams persistently tries to connect to the furthest of the 6 eeros in the house. Dunno why. Signal turns 1-2 bars yellow, then 3 bars green, back to yellow etc. Probably the signal is just strong enough to keep the connection from switching to a closer eero. There is an eero about 10 feet from it tho. Such is life. Will have to power cycle it. 

    3) Good news: I have two Apple HomePods working as a stereo pair in a room. They both connect to different eeros - but they run as a stereo pair without a hitch. Fantastic stereo and sound. Amazing how they work well with the eero routers, which in turn ensure smooth delivery :) 

    • mperu0608
    • 6 yrs ago
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    SQM causes my network's speed to cut in half.  Obviously this is a beta, but it drove me crazy until I figured out what was causing the problem.  I have everything in Eero Labs turned off until it's ironed out.

      • foo
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 might be the same issue I ran into. The way i fixed my issue was, while SQM is off, do a network speed test on the Eero  so that it registers the correct available bandwidth. Then turn SQM back on and test your speeds again both on the Eero and on a connect computer to see if that fixed your issue. 

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      foo Thanks for the suggestion.  That didn't work for me.  When I discovered the issue, I tried turning it on and off a handful of times.  Every time it was on, I got about 50% speed.  Immediately after turning it off, I was back to 100%.

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 I have all eero labs features on, as well as all eero Plus features enabled. The nightly eero speedtest shows approx what I should be getting from my isp. Eero tests are not done through Speedtest though. Speedtest.net results show half the upload speed I should be getting.

      For now I have very stable results (once I removed 19 Lifx bulbs from my system and replaced them with Philips Hue). 

      eero Labs and eero Plus fully enabled seem to be very stable for my 40 devices. 

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 That's interesting. I confirmed my speed decline through Eero's speed test, and also through speedtest.net . However, when I have Eero labs off, and I'm showing full speed through speedtest.net , I am still showing about 1/2 speed through Eero's app. It would seem like:

      1) Eero's speed test in the app is not working for me

      2) Eero labs is also not working for me

      I have reset the system to see if that solves the problem, and it doesn't.  

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 yeah interesting indeed. 

      My Nest Cams would be the first to notice low speeds and fluctuations, and so far, so good. I used to have random disconnects of the Nest cams running at 2.4 when I had those 19 Lifx bulbs, since removing them, all problems have disappeared. 


      I think it’s less about pure speed but about how eero manages the traffic between devices and units, especially if you have lots of them. Transition between my 6 eeros is smooth so far.  Hope your issues get worked out  

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 Thanks

      Turning off Eero labs resolved the speed issues for me.  Eero is looking into the app showing incorrect test results (but that doesn't affect my network so that's not a big deal).

      • joedaman88
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 sounds basic, try swapping Ethernet cable to gateway. 

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      joedaman88 That was worth a shot.  It didn't help, though. 🙁 


      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 devil’s advocate question for you .... I used to think that speedtests were absolute measures of performance. Not an IT person here, but a heavy user of technology. Many of my IT colleagues have convinced me that speedtest.net etc are not the ultimate measures of how your network is performing.

      Question is... is there any device on your network that isn’t performing well ? (friendly question)

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 Thanks for the thought.  The way I discovered this in the first place was I noticed a drop in performance of the network as a whole.

      I did consider that speedtest.net is not possibly a surefire way of knowing if my network is performing, but it showed almost exactly the speed my router should output, so I liked that.

      The speed test on the Eero app shows about 1/2 of that, which shouldn't be the case if my network is indeed performing the way it should.  

      I had my ISP out to take a look at our network, and everything checks out.  

      In summary, even though the app does not show my network performing at the speed I pay for, I do believe it really is (with Eero labs turned off anyway).  I think the bad speed test data in the app is something Eero can iron out.

      Do your IT colleagues have a different service they like to use to test speeds?

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 good observation and not that different than mine. My network performs well though. I’m also running Mac beta Mojave so I like to live dangerously at times :).  Perhaps IT peeps can chime in on this convo. cMoo92  might have some wisdom on this. 

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 Haha! I'd run Mojave, but my wife would kill me because of the bugs and issues so I choose life. ;)

      Thanks for your thoughts.

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 it’s worth the risk actually :)  I’ve had zero issues of stability, and my 2013 iMac with fusion drive is finally running APFS. I run mainly Safari, email, Word, PowerPoint etc but Mojave is as stable as was High Sierra before it, at least for me.  For a beta, it’s remarkably stable this time around. 

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 Good to know! Thanks!

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 I am a licensed marriage therapist if that helps in your decision for MacOS Mojave :).   

      It’s been been very stable here.  Not sure what software your family runs but for me nothing has crashed or acted crazy with it. I like the APFS file system with my old fusion disk. Gives some comfort for an aging hard disk. 

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 hahaha! That’s mighty nice of you. 

      The main reason is when I did it in the past I had small issues that stemmed into larger issues down the road. I bet it’s good, but I promised myself I would wait next beta. I’m just like you, though. I want to be using the newest and best. 😉 

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mperu0608 it’s a dangerous habit isn’t it. But good. But dangerous. But good. 

      • cMoo92
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cotedan87 mperu0608

      speedtest.net has notoriously been one of the worst speed test services. Really any speed test that uses Flash is bad. Now that Speedtest.net uses HTML5 though, it seems, IMO, to be improved.

      A personal favorite of mine for quick/easy download speed testing is Netflix’s fast.com .

      Other reputable speed tests (which are mobile friendly too) are https://speedof.me/ and http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 Thanks much once again. All show relatively similar speeds although fast.com doesn't show UP. With Eero Plus am getting about half the upload speed (4-5 instead of 10) although I figure the DNS has to be filtered by Zscaler etc, so a bit slower. It hasn't presented any issues with my 10 Nest cams tho. Still have a bit of UP room to spare.

      • mperu0608
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 Thanks for your thoughts. 

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