eero Labs features and feedback thread
Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!
Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.
While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.
For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.
1097 replies
Would be nice if the conference and gaming prioritization feature actually prioritized gaming like it claims it does, when you're supposed to have DL speeds of up to a Gbps and never quite get over 300 Mbps, that clearly shows that it's not prioritizing anything, I have less lag and jitter running my consoles through a highspeed cellular hotspot than I do using the eeros, the fact that I play ranked pvp and have been banned for leaving early which is when the net is so bad I get booted from the games sometimes every couple of minutes, please fix your net or honestly quit advertising something you can't provide especially at a monthly payment of nearly $100.00, had better gaming experiences using Comcast Xfinity Blast, and if it was available at my current location I wouldn't give Mediacom or the eeros system a thought, fix your products
Optimize for Conference and Gaming isn't working. My base download speed is 22 Mbps. I'm downloading games in the background on my PS4. With OCG on, streaming TV is unwatchable, and Speedtest reports 3.61 Mbps. With OCG off, Speedtest reports 3.2 Mbps.
OCG was a huge part of why I bought an eero. I just want to be able to watch TV and download things at the same time. Is there anything that can be done about this? Help!
Would be nice if eero devices remembered which devices connect to them. When rebooting network for software updates or general reboots, it's a pain to get devices back on their correct eero devices
Over the last week or so I’ve noticed that my connection is dropping frequently. Usually for a few seconds and seems to be mostly on my phone, however, I am seeing more issues with my security cameras dropping off line and needing to be reconnected and some smart devices connecting to the furthest eero and having a poor signal. Wondering why this is happening?
I agree that a feature should be added to allow to manually assign static devices (lightbulbs, Echos, etc). There is no need for those to be hopping around. They stay fixed in the same place.
Why does my eero not connect to my wireless point to point internet services modem sometimes? It can take it up to 8 hours to connect. I am ready to dump the piece of garbage. I verify the signal with my laptop that the signal is working fine. I got tired of calling my local company and the techs telling me it’s working perfectly. It happens about monthly.
I have had many problems with eero 6 and have turned of most of the features in the eeros app in settings I’ve turned off client steering, thread off, wan type default, uplink vlan off, advanced security off, add blocking off, which has improved my internet speed, hope this helps as I know how frustrating this has been for me
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- 8 mths agoLast active
- 1097Replies
- 57293Views