eero Labs features and feedback thread

Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!

Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.

While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.

For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.

1097 replies

    • Adams.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    So, as with many others i have seen with printer related issues, i found that turning off wpa3 and band steering lets me connect to my HP Envy 5300. Without doing this the printer will not connect to any device in my house. ie, windows laptops, iphones, desktop. 
    Im fully up to date with all software and firmware. Is this my only option? Its just i get my daughter coming to me at random times of day and NIGHT to turn them off so she can print a Harry Styles picture 🤨

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Adams also, as I stated earlier band steering is beta for eero Labs.  When applied, the access point will check to see the device that is trying to connect to the wifi can support 5GHz vs. the 2.4GHz band.  If it cannot, then the device should connect to 2.4GHz.  I have mine tuned on, and do not have connection issues.  If you have connection issues with this, then you might have a coverage issue in your house which would have nothing to do with the band steering.  HTH...  Scott

      • JimmieJohn
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Sdworman shouldn't your device use WPA2 automatically if WPA3 does not work? I think that is the way it is supposed to work, although eero does warn that some devices may not work if wpa3 is enabled. I can't imagine why. I would think the router should figure it out. 

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 3 yrs ago
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      JimmieJohn if you enable wpa3 then there is no wpa2 enabled to connect.  You are selecting encryption method for the ssid.  There can only be one type at a time supported.  Unless you setup a separate network which you cannot do at the same location.

      • JimmieJohn
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Sdworman hey buddy, I appreciate your reply, but... that is not my experience.  Right now my eero says my phone is connected with 'advanced security (WPA3)', but my tablet is connected with 'basic security (WPA2)'. Quite a few devices don't even mention one or the other, but maybe they are ethernet connected.? I should have checked that before I started typing this. 

      I really appreciate this forum and its contributors. 

      • cMoo92
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Sdworman that’s not true. It runs in a “compatibility” type mode where it will try and let non-WPA3 compatible devices still connect—although some devices will struggle with this and fail to connect. The main thing is that you aren’t really getting the benefits of WPA3 unless all your devices are connecting through WPA3.

    • Aquarod
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi. Desperately need eero to improve roaming/faster switching between devices in for iOS and macOS devices. It’s a matter of reflecting the roaming protocols in apples guide https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202628

    • Magellat
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Optimize for Conferencing and Gaming:

    Contacted support about this and they reply that it is not supported yet with Eero pro 6 😑

    • Polznb01
    • 3 yrs ago
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    The band steering seemed to directly prevent me from connecting my Roku tv and Kindle. Once I disabled band steering, both connected no problem.

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Polznb01 The band steering is used to "steer" a 5 GHz capable device to connect with less congestion.  Do your Roku TV and Kindle support 5GHz?  And keep in mind, the Band Steering is still in beta for the eero Labs.  It's not going to always work at the moment.

      • Polznb01
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Sdworman The Roku TV is 5GHz capable. The Kindle however is not. Which is why I was a little confused on why it interfered with the Roku. That said, the tech is in beta and I understand these things will happen. But this is an example of something that clearly needs fixing. 

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Polznb01 band steering in general, is a suggestion.  This is not a eero technology.  This is a wireless feature supported across many vendors.  

      It would be great if 2.4GHz can be turned off.  Eero does not have this yet, but it should.

      • cMoo92
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Polznb01 band steering on any brand of WiFi access points can be problematic (even enterprise grade APs). It’s not just an eero problem. Client devices will sometimes struggle to connect when band steering is enabled.

    • Comoejay
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Good afternoon - I noticed that when the enhanced WPA3 security is enabled my sons iPad was not able to join. When I researched the issue I found a thread from someone else on an Apple chat board that had the same issue with an older iPhone. I turned off the added WPA3 security in the eero beta and it was able to connect without issue. 

    the issue seems to be with older Apple devices that have not been upgraded recently. My personal phones and iPad connect with the WPA3 enhancements enabled. 

    hope this helps

    • Virtualizer
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi eero Team,


    simple Feature request I just want to shut down the ssid (wifi signal) completely at night maby with the profiles... But I just want an automated workflow and less emissions. ;) Would be really great and important to us... Greeting 

    • Koze11
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Mostly just makes my connection slow! I got 1GIG fastest available but I can’t even finish a zoom interview 

    • julesmoretti
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello Eero Labs:


    Great stuff so far. Few competitive suggestions:

    1. Better network diagnostic tools - as a user it is hard to distinguish what caused an internet connection to be faulty this not just for a simple on/off connection but more specifically for streaming (zoom calls, or gaming). It could be the ISP, the actual eero hardware connections, the wifi signal, and also peripherals in between such as caldigit TS3 plus network interface. Or the computer itself. So many fault lines and no easy means to tell which one while on a call. 


    2. Device bandwidth breakdown - be able to tell which devices used the most communications and over time would be great. This would help determine if a device is sucking up bandwidth or cluttering the network with excessive pings, making the routers unable to process other calls on the network.


    3. ability to VPN specific device out to other locations. This is specific to gaming, and helps make a PlayStation/XBox look like they are in a foreign country.


    4. WPA3 whitelist - the molecule devices on my network are not able to handle WPA3 just yet so having the ability to ignore certain devices would be great.


    5. Routing resolution - be able to show what devices are communicating with (ex iPhone 12 connected to Instagram, google, ... )


    thank you for your help with this.

    • R1Amped
    • 3 yrs ago
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    My printer stopped working when I turned on advanced features. I’m trying to find out which feature, but I can’t sustain reboots right now... any ideas? Thanks

      • cMoo92
      • 3 yrs ago
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      R1Amped either band steering or WPA3 (or both)

    • Fabi
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I activated WPA3, now our old Ipad 4th generation (2013) no longer connects to the WIFI, although eero recognizes it as WPA2

      • Clinically_Speaking
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Fabi There is no requirement to activate band steering. It is a beta feature. eero will assign either WPA3 or WPA2 based on what each device supports.

      • Fabi
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Clinically Speaking i think you‘ve got me wrong, the issue appears with WPA3 switched on. Band steering works with the old iPad

    • Sheepmaster
    • 3 yrs ago
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    When I look at the discover tab, the eero labs option contains 4 items, one of which is "optimize for gaming and video conferencing", but when I click on eero labs, inside, there are only 3 option and the optimize one (which I presume.is the closest I can get to QoS) I not present; there are only 3 options there.

    Any idea why that is?

    I'm running the latest version of eero: 6.1.2-20 on two eero 6 pro devices

      • Ripxfit
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Sheepmaster same here, same version.

    • manoatennis
    • 3 yrs ago
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    WPA3 features do not play well in conjunction with myQ devices.  myQ devices won’t connect or work when this feature is turned on.  I tried with band steering and 5 ghz features on and off- it is there WPA3 feature that acts as a block.

    • Ripxfit
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Good afternoon. I am writing this post while I am sitting no too far from one of my 3 eero6 extenders in the first floor of my house, called office. The problem that I am having,  is that the system prefers to connect to the main router that is on the second floor (guest room), instead of connecting to the mesh in the first floor,  very close from me. I enabled the beta option to steer signal (band steering) , but no luck with that as well. My phone wifi icon has two out of three bars. My Vizio TV in my third floor, is connecting to my extender on the first floor called office.

    Any advice? 

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