eero Labs features and feedback thread

Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!

Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.

While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.

For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.

1097 replies

    • Jeffrey_Shaw
    • 1 yr ago
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    Would be nice if the conference and gaming prioritization feature actually prioritized gaming like it claims it does, when you're supposed to have DL speeds of up to a Gbps and never quite get over 300 Mbps, that clearly shows that it's not prioritizing anything, I have less lag and jitter running my consoles through a highspeed cellular hotspot than I do using the eeros, the fact that I play ranked pvp and have been banned for leaving early which is when the net is so bad I get booted from the games sometimes every couple of minutes, please fix your net or honestly quit advertising something you can't provide especially at a monthly payment of nearly $100.00, had better gaming experiences using Comcast Xfinity Blast, and if it was available at my current location I wouldn't give Mediacom or the eeros system a thought, fix your products 

      • Calion
      • 1 yr ago
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      peterconnor66 What's the latency when you hook a laptop to the Ethernet port in the wall and run Speedtest?

    • Calion
    • 1 yr ago
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    Optimize for Conference and Gaming isn't working. My base download speed is 22 Mbps. I'm downloading games in the background on my PS4. With OCG on, streaming TV is unwatchable, and Speedtest reports 3.61 Mbps. With OCG off, Speedtest reports 3.2 Mbps.

    OCG was a huge part of why I bought an eero. I just want to be able to watch TV and download things at the same time. Is there anything that can be done about this? Help!

      • Oakey
      • 1 yr ago
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      Calion I have exactly the same problem. Have 3 x Eero 6 Plus and was looking forward to improved latency for all devices around the house. I've noticed that my latency increases considerably when I enable the feature, so I've basically turned it off. I'm now using my Eeros as AP's and reconnected my Ubiquiti Edgerouter X to do the SQM for me.  I'm sure something is wrong with the firmware as it has such good reviews historically. 

      • Calion
      • 1 yr ago
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      Can I get an official response on this? The basic reason I was excited about getting an Eero simply isn’t working.

      • eerofan
      • 1 yr ago
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      Calion If you have a 6 model, the feature is really bad. It's VERY good on the 2nd gen model though (non wi-fi 6).

      • Calion
      • 1 yr ago
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      eerofan Harumph. Yes, I have a 6. 

      My fear is that this feature isn’t designed for downloading at all. Here’s the description:

      >Optimize for Conferencing and Gaming makes the most difference with wifi activities that require high bandwidth and low latency. For example, when you’re streaming 4K video while also browsing the web or playing a video game. While Optimize for Conferencing and Gaming ensures every device still has bandwidth access, you may see slower performance on certain devices. 

      Nothing about downloading, just streaming. So perhaps the Eero doesn’t know to deprioritize downloads.

    • td76
    • 1 yr ago
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    Would be nice if eero devices remembered which devices connect to them. When rebooting network for software updates or general reboots, it's a pain to get devices back on their correct eero devices

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 1 yr ago
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      td76 never happened to me in the past 8 years.  My devices always reconnect with no intervention.   I would call eero directly to troubleshoot further.


      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sdworman they reconnect but not always to the same eero. Devices will reconnect to the first available eero. I have 4 total eeros so it's really working as designed

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 1 yr ago
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      td76 correct.  Devices will connect to the best available eero based on the best path to get back out to the internet.  This is how mesh works.

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sdworman eero is supposed to maintain the best connection across the network and it's devices. Eventually, most devices switch back to the eero it was previously connected to and identified as it's best connection. Reboots don't retain this connection information. It's a request many others have made. We all know how mesh works. The system also knows what device was previously connected, when, and to which eero. There are even Alexa integration features that depend on locating a device based on the eero is connected or nearest. A system reboot should reconnect the devices as previously done. 

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 1 yr ago
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      td76 this is not how mesh is designed.  A device connects to the best possible eero in this case for the fastest route.  The wifi network is never constant.  It will always be dynamic.

      Yes, eero knows what was connected previously.  Eero also checks the SNR and decides what the best eero will be for the device.  Every vendor does this.

      Now chosing between 2.4 and 5.0 is something eero should work to change.  Turning off 2.4  completely will get rid of most if not all the network congestion.

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sdworman you're just insistent on repeating your same statements. On a reboot, they do not connect to the best device they reconnect to the first. They later correct in most cases. Please stop replying when you don't understand I'm not saying it isn't working as designed but how it could be working since each eero device logs its connected devices and connection history.  

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sdworman this has actually been a long discussion over many years with the eero team and community. https://community.eero.com/t/80zzmb/choosing-specific-nodes-for-devices

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 1 yr ago
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      td76 I'm reiterating what has been discussed over and over.  Not even sure why you posted this to start.  It is working by design.

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sdworman no, you're just being obstinate. If you read the other long threads, this is a long standing request. eeros know the difference between roaming and static device types such as mobile phones vs appliances that will never move between nodes. Having static devices paired to certain nodes would not be difficult programming. This forum also by design is to request features to improve issues or performance. There are many threads discussing issues that are 'working as designed' as this is a forum to discuss and give feedback of features at the request of eero. Many features in labs and other software updates have been 'redesigned' due to such feedback. In the tech world, 'Working as designed' often doesn't mean 'Working as intended' or 'Working as it could' Again, if you read the thread, eero has acknowledged the request.

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sdworman additionally, eero has already acknowledged in other threads regarding this the static devices should never roam. They should always reconnect to the closest node vs the first available. Several suggestions to ensure this actually happens have included assigning static fixed devices to specifc nodes, wait for all nodes to come online before processing connection requests, periodically check if static devices are indeed connected to the closest node as there are already intended to connect to.

      • Sr. Eero wireless engineer
      • Sdworman
      • 1 yr ago
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      td76 Obstinate - wow big words...  This is not how roaming works.  There is no such thing as a static device.  This is not even a network term.  

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      Sdworman OMG. Static device vs roaming. Device types are assignable in the app such as 'appliances categories' 'Garage doors ' etc. These means they are non roaming devices\they will never move in the location and will maintain distance to\ from nodes. Again, eeror's own replies mention static devices should only reconnect to their closest nodes.

    • danoutlaw3
    • 1 yr ago
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    Over the last week or so I’ve noticed that my connection is dropping frequently.  Usually for a few seconds and seems to be mostly on my phone, however, I am seeing more issues with my security cameras dropping off line and needing to be reconnected and some smart devices connecting to the furthest eero and having a poor signal.  Wondering why this is happening?  

    I agree that a feature should be added to allow to manually assign static devices (lightbulbs, Echos, etc).  There is no need for those to be hopping around.  They stay fixed in the same place.   

      • td76
      • 1 yr ago
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      danoutlaw3 especially since the app knows the device types that will never if rarely move. Why would 'washer\dryer' or any other fixed devices including those you mentioned be assigned to a further node on a reboot\etc? Room for improvement.

    • SK1SW
    • 1 yr ago
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    Why does my eero not connect to my wireless point to point internet services modem sometimes? It can take it up to 8 hours to connect. I am ready to dump the piece of garbage. I verify the signal with my laptop that the signal is working fine. I got tired of calling my local company and the techs telling me it’s working perfectly. It happens about monthly. 

    • peterconnor66
    • 1 yr ago
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    I have had many problems with eero 6 and have turned of most of the features in the eeros app in settings I’ve turned off client steering, thread off, wan type default, uplink vlan off, advanced security off, add blocking off, which has improved my internet speed, hope this helps as I know how frustrating this has been for me

    • peterconnor66
    • 1 yr ago
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