Eero unit over heating

I have been very happy with my EERO system as one that bought the system (3 units) via the crowd funding stage, and referred to 4 more house holds for same.   I also recently added a beacon to my system to further increase coverage to my bedroom.   However, over the last few days, I am having some intermittent internet connectivity problems.  When I unplugged and re-plugged the unit connecting to the internet to reset, I get that the top of the unit was relatively hot (like a computer running for a while), and the bottom of the unit is very hot (burning) to my hand.  Is the normal?  Do I have a defective unit?  Its only been 2 years!  Please let me know if anyone experienced the same?

151 replies

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi  Micky Tsui —

    Thanks for reaching out. I see that a member of our team is currently helping you through this matter. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

      • Micky_Tsui
      • 7 yrs ago
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      Jeff C. The tech support asked me for the usual questions, like where is unit placed, is it under the sun, covered by stuff, next to a wifi router, etc...  I provided my answers.  The unit is sitting on my desk, with no obstructions, and not under the sun.  It is the unit connecting directly to the cable modem.  I also attached a small switch hub so that I can connect to other local storage devices.   Other eero units are only warm to my hand.  I have another 2 reboots today.

      • Chany1
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Jeff C. hello I’m having the same issue these systems are very costly and I was so afraid that I hurry and unplugged it it burnt me fingers that’s hot hot it got ! 

      • Isaac
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Chany1 Hi Chaney, Isaac with support here. We reached out to you directly so we can get you taken care of. Please respond at your earliest convenience. Thank you!

      • bran
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Micky Tsui i have the same issue!! nothing around my router, in an open-air area. I even took pictures and sent it to them. They act concerned but ultimately do nothing. I'm never buying this brand again

    • Admatuszak
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I’m having the same issue. The hard wired unit just over heated and I had to unplug it to cool it down. It was so hot it felt like it could burn skin. I’m a little concerned about it being a fire risk—plus it is a little frustrating to spend 400 and then have connectivity issues. Any suggestions? Is there a recall?

      • eero Community Manager
      • Jeff_C
      • 7 yrs ago
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      Admatuszak —

      Thanks for reaching out. Like most electronics, eeros can get warm when running. Anything outside of that isn’t typical, and we’d be happy to take a look and provide any next steps including a replacement if necessary.

      If you haven’t yet, please contact our support team so they can take a look. We can be reached by email at support@eero.com or by phone at (877) 659-2347.

      Also, you may want to take a look at this article for tips on placement for your eeros:


    • bferjak
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I have the same problem. Main Eero of the 3 eero unit is extremely overheating. Has there been any update? Less than 8 months old.

      • eero Community Manager
      • Jeff_C
      • 6 yrs ago
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      bferjak  —

      Thanks for reaching out. As mentioned above, like most electronics, eeros can get warm while running. We often compare it to a laptop that is on. Anything outside of that type of experience isn't typical, and we'd suggest taking a few precautionary steps, followed by reaching out.

      First and foremost, please make sure the eero isn't in a contained space. If the eero is placed in a closet or cabinet, it is best to move it to a place that is more open.

      In addition to that, please also make sure the eero isn't being covered by any objects.

      If the experience remains after following these steps, or you already were following these best practices, please send us a note at support@eero.com so a member of our team can take a look.

    • Micky_Tsui
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I am still having the same issue.  The connectivity can be intermittent when it exhibits over heating.   I am hoping either I can get a replacement or some software upgrade to solve the problem.

    • Steve1963
    • 6 yrs ago
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    They get hot - too hot in my opinion, regardless of what Eero says.  Especially the gateway unit when there's a lot of activity.  Most other routers have significant numbers of ventilation holes.  Multy X uses a really nice quality white plastic with tons of holes in it, looks really attractive, and it never got more than lukewarm for me despite similar hardware, the whole time I used it before Eero.  Not sure why Eero doesn't do something similar.  Sometimes my speeds are very erratic and I tend to believe the heat might be a contributing factor.  I just put a small USB fan next to it to blow on it, and plugged it into a nearby device with USB ports.

      • pakostka
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Steve1963 I had to put a fan on mine too.  The bottom of the device is extremely hot while the top is much warmer than it should be in my opinion.  The gateway and 2 beacons have completely fixed all of the issues I was previously having but I just hope the gateway doesn't give out because of the continuous extreme temps.

    • Ronna
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I am having the same problem. My unit is about a year old and I started having connection problems. When I went to unplug the unit to reboot it the bottom was extremely hot. It’s out in the open, on a solid surface and out of sunlight. Has anyone had a solution to this? I too am worried about a fire hazard. 

    • jhaygood
    • 6 yrs ago
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    We were doing some work at the house so I unplugged an extension eero (not the base at the router) and was surprised how hot it was. I'm not sure about the others. So this is related to usage? That seems odd, but I have no idea how wifi works! We're plugging them back in today so I'll check and see, but it was a concern how hot the device was. 

      • Drew
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Hi, jhaygood – thanks for sharing your situation, and welcome to the eero Community! 

      I was able to investigate your network here with a couple of my colleagues, and thankfully we can confirm that nothing looks out of the ordinary with that unit. For a bit of context about how we've designed the units, it's important to keep in mind that we have no moving parts (e.g. fans), as well as no ventilation holes or vents. The way the eeros stay cool is through the use of a special heat sink located under the top shell of the units. What this means is that if the unit is warm to the touch, then the unit is actually cooling itself effectively! 

      While we have both physical and software safeguards in place to prevent the unit from reaching excessive heat, if you ever have any immediate concerns about the temperature of your units, we encourage you to call support directly at 877-659-2347 so we can assist directly. Thanks again for bringing your concerns to our attention, and have a great day!

      Drew, eero Community Team

    • Drew
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hi, all! 

    As a quick note to everyone in this thread, or anyone who happens upon it later down the line, I want to emphasize that calling support directly is always the best course of action for concerns or issues with your eero's thermal state. We're open 7 days a week, 9am-7pm Central, so please give us a call directly if you ever need our immediate attention on your network!

    Drew, eero Community Team

      • shoeseller01
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Drew Ronna I had Drew diagnose the issue for me multiple times and it was always pointing to the ISP. I would call the ISP and they pointed me to the router manufacturer. I finally got the techincal information from EERO as to why the issues is with the ISP. Long and behold, the cable outside my home had a tiny hole in it (not sure as to why) but water had gotten into the line and created major static and interference. Once they changed the cable outside my home, I have had no issues with speed and drops or manual reboots. Bottom line is my system is working well and no problems are being experienced. Mine is in the open and it is warm to the touch all times. But no connection issues.

      • Steved
      • 2 yrs ago
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      shoeseller01 Are there tests we can run to determine if we have the same problem? 

    • Ronna
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I called into customer service and they were very helpful!

    • shoeseller01
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I'm new to EEro, I replaced the Orbi RGB50 (2 pack) and it worked great without overheating. I only replaced it because of its horrible customer service, even to manualy update the firmware I would have to pay. So for that, I replaced it. Mine is way too hot too, I see that it is not just mine. My wife is in a panic over its heating and is worried it could catch on fire of burn itself out and fail. I kind of do not disagree with her on this. Has EERO done testing to see if this causes the drops in service I have? It sometimes says I am online and it drops, and then it says I am offline when I am online.

      • shoeseller01
      • 6 yrs ago
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      • shoeseller01
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Tim Actually EERO customer support was able to diagnose my system was slow and was having issues at the ISP level. I called my ISP and gave them hard data sent to me by Drew and they had no choice but to fix it. Had @Orbi been diligent, they would have me as a customer today. But I do not regret switching to EERO.

    • garp
    • 6 yrs ago
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    day 10. was working great. had a arris surfboard that was overheating but not eero, replaced arris with netgear modem, now eero is getting hot but not netgear. somebody smart out there knows why this is happening. this is happening when NO ONE is logged onto the erro. help. headed back to best buy.

    • garp
    • 6 yrs ago
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    also, twice on hold for oever 15 minutes. still have never talked to support.

      • eero Community Manager
      • Jeff_C
      • 6 yrs ago
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      garp  —

      Sorry for the wait and for the issue you're experiencing. A member of our team should have reached out via email. We look forward to helping resolve this matter for you.

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