Eero unit over heating

I have been very happy with my EERO system as one that bought the system (3 units) via the crowd funding stage, and referred to 4 more house holds for same.   I also recently added a beacon to my system to further increase coverage to my bedroom.   However, over the last few days, I am having some intermittent internet connectivity problems.  When I unplugged and re-plugged the unit connecting to the internet to reset, I get that the top of the unit was relatively hot (like a computer running for a while), and the bottom of the unit is very hot (burning) to my hand.  Is the normal?  Do I have a defective unit?  Its only been 2 years!  Please let me know if anyone experienced the same?

151 replies

    • Micky_Tsui
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I appreciate all the good info on temperature measurement etc., the issue is why the eero unit rebooting or stop communicating to the internet while at the temperature it was operating at?   I have replaced the main unit with the living room unit, it is working a little better but still occasional slow-down or disconnect.   I am sure it will work for a while.  This is not a right way to fix the problem.

    • shoeseller01
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I still say if eero wants they can most definitely add this functionality and monitoring to the app. Unless there is no temp sensor in the units which prevents them from being able to allow them to add the monitoring to the app


    green for notmal

    yellow for above notmal

    red for reboot or overheating. 


      • shoeseller01
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Jeff C. Drew  does Eero units have a temp sensor built into the units? If so wouldn’t eero save money by having time to concentrate on technical issues and nit the normal working temp of the units? I really do not think it would be that hard to add that functionality and alert.

      nmetro I’m not as technical to make the adjustments you mention. One thing Orbi has that Eero doesn’t is connecting devices to specific eero like the tv’s, thermostat, @keenhome (which for some reason has issues connecting to the smart vents with eero) sprinkler, ADT alarm, etc. 

      • Drew
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Thanks for your concerns, shoeseller01. While I don't exactly understand your question re: technical issues vs. temperature sensing, I'd like to assure you that the eeros are designed and equipped to automatically monitor and adjust their own temperatures. They do this through gradual performance throttling and, in rare cases, a self-reboot. As for the normal working temperature of the eeros, they're going to register to the average person as noticeably warm to the touch.

      Because of the automatic safeguards and sensors in place, we don't have any plans at this time to include any temperature data directly in the app, but as always we encourage you to contact support directly by phone (877-659-2347) or email ( support@eero.com ) if you ever have any concerns about any aspect of your eero.

      Drew, eero Community Team

    • shoeseller01
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I wish I received an alert each time my eero loses internet service or goes offline. 


    I just checked my eero remotely as i am as I am traveling and it shows everything in red. The internet has been offline since 10:45am est. I checked the connected devices and it says the last device active was at 10:45am. So I assume that’s when it was offline. My home alarm is also offline. Not sure if it’s the internet or the eero at this point. I wish I knew earlier so I could have told my neighbors to keep an eye out. 

    • ChristianS
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Mine also gets really hot. The internet speeds shown above are 4x to 8x (or 20x tonight) what I’m getting... howcome is my eero so slow?

    • ron_mvsoundandvideocom
    • 6 yrs ago
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    When your network goes offline, check to make sure you're not getting a DNS error. The heat is normal and unrelated. Your connectivity is DNS related. Either verify your DNS with your provider or try entering an as well in DNS. Fixing the DNS has resolved my issues regarding connectivity, not chasing a heat issue.

    • nmetro
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I had this problem with an eero Gen 2 I just set up. I use Layer 3 TV streaming service, which seems to really make the Gen 2 run hotter, than the Gen 1. This may sound silly, butI created a little stand, with some spare Legos lying around. It now sits about three inches above where I placed the unit. Now there is airflow going over it and below it, and it is now running cooler.

    I took this action, this morning, after feeling how hot the unit was, and having to restart my network several times (about 20 minutes apart). Layer 3 TV also was not very happy. Now, it seems, to be stable, for now. As for layer 3 TV, I used one of the eero network cables and connected directly to my Living Room eero, moving the load off the router. This is not a supported option, as it required direct connection to the router.

    I agree, with other posters, that a little icon is needed to indicate when an eero is getting too hot. I also think eero should supply a web based ability fro those who know what they are doing. Troubleshooting a network problem, blind, is not fun, when you do not have any ability to look at logs, stats, error counts or anything else, one would use in IT to troubleshoot a network. There are people out there, believe or not eero, that know what they are doing and should not be owning to customer support to deal with issues they are well suited to take care of. Sound like I am frustrated? Well, for the past week I replaced cables, added an eero, upgraded to gen 2, etc, becauset here was nothing to tell me that my eero router was overheated.

    I thank the person who started this thread.

    • Nick.1
    • 6 yrs ago
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    had the same issues when i wired mine up but remembered something that made a huge difference on our PS4 pro temps/noise and applied it to these eeros. 

    Home depot sells these small, about half inch, clear sticky blocks that you can put on electronics which raises them up off the surface and also protects said surface. Needless to say, just like on the ps4, they made a huge difference. Not only do these eeros barely get warm now but we have also had zero drops since. 

    For a few dollars its worth a shot

      • Drew
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Really great suggestion here Nick, and definitely one that can make a difference depending on the surface material where the eeros are placed, and the placement location in general. Thanks for sharing!

      Drew, eero Community Team

      • Steve1963
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Nick I took some rubber grommets from some WD external desktop hard drives I removed from their enclosures as stands for all three of my Eeros and also added a fan aimed at the gateway, and no issues since.

    • creativejoe
    • 6 yrs ago
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    With this many people having this issue, why isn't EERO providing a solution or recall? Just curious, at what point does this become a problem that needs a fix?

      • Drew
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Thanks for sharing your concerns here, creativejoe. Given the wide variety of situations in which an eero might exhibit increased temperature, as well as the possibility of misinterpreting an eero's normal operating temperature, there's not really any one issue to address in these situations. As always, we encourage any users who have questions or concerns about the physical state of their eero, whether temperature-related or otherwise, to contact support at 877-659-2347 so we can assist immediately!

      Drew, eero Community Team

    • nmetro
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I solved my problems by dumping eero and going to orbi. The instability, that I was having, warranted moving to something else. eero was too much of a "black box". What pushed my decision was a tech, working on my issue, took several days of vacation, without informing me, meanwhile I was stuck with an unstable network. The orbi, turned out to be more stable, has better range, and gave me the features (ncluding logs) that i was looking for.

      • Steve1963
      • 6 yrs ago
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      nmetro Interesting, I tried every version of Orbi made (RBK50, RBK43, RBK30, and various combinations of RBR/RBS50, 40 and RBW30) and all were disasters - horribly unstable, would drop internet frequently for no reason, satellite(s) lost sync and had to be powered off and back on to re-sync (or the whole system would need to be reset), multiple times weekly.  Magenta light of death!  I dreaded my work travels because one satellite or the other would invariably go off-line and I had to have someone go to the house to reboot.  Terrible app with nonexistent remote management unless you used Genie and then could access the main unit but not the satellites.  Buggy web config page that would lock up.  Firmware update after firmware update would not resolve.  Finally gave up and now have Eero, which I have used longer than any other system, with rock solid stability and it's compatible with everything (I now have over 100 client devices).  Eero in my experience is 1,000x better in every way and just a bit slower - but it's reliable and always works.

      • ron_mvsoundandvideocom
      • 6 yrs ago
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      nmetro Also have 75plus customers on Eero now. Some with as many as 15 access points. I routinely replace Orbi systems with Eero. We do a lot of Sonos multizone systems and video streaming with consistent solid results. Keep units in open cool space and away from other wifi devices is key. 

      • shoeseller01
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Steve1963 I started this thread because I suffered exactly what you experienced. I can speak from experience with Orbi. I was really happy with the orbi recommendation until it was time to install. Pretty much every other day it had to be reset, updating and firmware was a major issue. Besides, it got to the point my 12 and 7 year old were constantly complaining about the internet being offline. If I was traveling I had no way to help. I was patient until I was told I had to pay for my phone and online support. So I felt I paid enough for the system that would not work properly. I went back to Best Buy and did some research. Orbi did not work for me, EERO is working for me.  I honestly was concerned about the temperature at first. But the location where they are they are in the open. They are warm but they perform without a hitch.

      Is the system perfect, no.

      I do wish there is a notification whenever the system goes offline.

      i do wish there was a notification when the update is released. (Although the system automatically installs it when the system overnight)

      i wish there was a temp notification or temp status for each EERO. Like Green for normal, yellow for above normal and red for overheating. I am not sure if this is possible but it would calm lots of fears. 


      Im posting my screenshots from before I returned Orbi and took home Eero. 

      • nmetro
      • 6 yrs ago
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      shoeseller01 To be fair, I need to post the long story, I was troubleshooting two problems simultaneously. One was with Layer 3 TV ( a cable streaming service in Longmont, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles and Washington), and one was with eero. It turned out that Layer 3 TV's set up was a good part of the problem. For whatever reason, their service does not support router subnets above a certain subnet. They use as their own internal network with their equipment. I was using, because my job's networks were using all subnets below 100, with the exception of I was using their VPN to work from home. I have since left the job, but left the subnet intact.

      With that said, orbi would not work at all with Layer 3, unless it was set to or below. Eero somewhat worked with Layer 3, but it was very unstable. Mainly due to something within Layer 3 TV. It was crashing my WAN connection, my wireless connections, and restarting. Similar to what you describe, with the orbi above. Eero needs to determine why the Layer 3 setup interfered with eero, in this way, and why orbi refused to even route Layer 3 TV traffic, but eero did; even though it would negatively impact the mesh network.

      FYI, I switched from an eero gen 1 to eero gen2, but kept eero gen 1 satellites running. Also, Layer 3 TV applied a number of firmware updates, which increasingly made it, and the eeros, unstable,

      After switching to orbi, and changing the subnet, I have a very stable network with no issues. Layer 3 TV has been functioning without issue, as well. Also, I am running v2.4.16 firmware. I am using  Orbi AC3000 Tri-band WiFi System Router Coverage up to 7,500 sq ft (RBK53). Yes, I read about all the issues with orbi, and I was reluctant to switch. However, like you, I could not have an unstable network. Also, not having any means to troubleshoot the problem, no logs, and MIA eero support. So, to get things fixed, I had to move to something else t o fix my problems.

      eero is great, if everything works perfectly, you do not need to troubleshoot, and you do not have to change from subnet to something else. Also, if you are not  running a proprietary streaming service like Layer 3 TV. That is, 99% of eero's customers.  So, the masses, eero is great for the average home user; plug it in, set it up, add satellites, done. Make sure you put them in a place where they have perfect air circulation; especially Gen 2. However, if you are a person who has a systems or network background, and are tempted to play around, tune things, want to direct connect more than two devices, or fool around with subnets, then eero has its limitations.

      The bottom line, is that "one size fits all" does not work, in all circumstances. Eero should allow their customers, who have systems and network experience, access to eero Pro, which would have helped in my situation. eero Pro is what customer service, professional installers, and subcontract support use to help solve customer support issues. I would have gladly paid an annual fee fro that service, just to try to fix my problem.

      • Yuck
      • 4 yrs ago
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      shoeseller01 I'll pick the orbi problems over the oven any day of the week.Coming home to a non-working orbi sounds better then a burned down home. 

    • ron_mvsoundandvideocom
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Common sense will prevail here. Would you put an amplifier in a closed space? Treat your eero with open cool air and it will be good to you!

      • Yuck
      • 4 yrs ago
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      ron@mvsoundandvideo.com Mine is in about a open space as one can get. On top of desktop. Can't get much better then that. Heat is the number one killer of electronics. I was going to wait to take back. Now I can't wait to return this oven.

    • Tim.1
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I have been going around and around in circles trying to decide my next router. I thought I had decided to go with the eero. Then I started reading these posts. How severe is the the heating issue and how much does it effect performance and connectivity?

      • shoeseller01
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Tim get the system and dont look back as long as you keep them in an open area.

      • Yuck
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Tim 130 is the device temp here. And inside the house is 65. Nothing is around unit. 

    • nmetro
    • 6 yrs ago
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    These units do get very warm, as others mentioned. If I were you, I would make sure they are in an open area, not sitting on other equipment that generates heat. Some people may be tempted to lay an eero router on top of a flat laying cable modem; that is ill advised. Same goes, for putting them in an AV cabinet.

    One suggestion is to buy a laptop fan, and stick it under, at least, the eero router.

    Not every wire mesh system is perfect, they all have their positives and negatives. eero seems to be the most stable, very easy to set up, and has great coverage, it just did not work for me, because of the LAN port limitation on the router and that I could not view logs to troubleshoot a problem I had with Layer3 TV. Also, Layer3 TV, it tuns out, required a dedicated LAN port. However, I also needed LAN ports for other equipment. I would say that is the biggest down side to eero, is not the heat, but the limited number of LAN ports on the router. A switch will work for most Ethernet connected equipment, but a streaming service, like Layer 3, and Tablo (Over the Air TV DVR, network based) were very unstable when not having a dedicated LAN port and going through a switch.

    Maybe, when eero comes out with eero Gen 3, they may consider have 4 LAN ports on all their satellites, with 1 WAN and 3 LAN ports on the router. This configuration is available on Netgear Orbi. See: https://www.pcmag.com/roundup/350795/the-best-wi-fi-mesh-network-systems .

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