eero Labs features and feedback thread

Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!

Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.

While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.

For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.

1097 replies

    • Robert_Laidler
    • 3 yrs ago
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    My internet is not connected 

    • JMP
    • 3 yrs ago
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    The WPA3 function in beta divides by ten my internet speed when the router is in bridge mode.

    • Calion
    • 3 yrs ago
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    WPA3 is incompatible with iOS 10 devices. If enabled, they cannot connect, and if turned on while they’re connected, they disconnect. 

      • cMoo92
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calion This should be expected as iOS 10 was released in 2016. The WPA3 standard wasn’t even finalized until 2018, so any device running iOS 10 wasn’t certified/designed to support WPA3.

      • Calion
      • 3 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 Wait, when you enable WPA3, all devices that don't support it are kicked off the network? That was not my understanding.

      • cMoo92
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calion not necessarily. WPA3 mode on eero (and other network providers), will run in sort of a hybrid mode where WPA2 devices can still connect. Unfortunately, this still requires a certain amount of compatibility and older devices are hit and miss on whether they’ll support connecting.

      • Calion
      • 3 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 Which is exactly why I'm reporting iOS 10 as one of the "misses," so it can potentially be addressed.

      • cMoo92
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calion that would require, at a minimum, a software update from Apple—which isn’t going to happen. I think devices running iOS 12 are the oldest that have any support for this.

      • Calion
      • 3 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 An update to become an older device that the eero connects to via WPA2???

      • cMoo92
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calion you can read more from eero about WPA3 here and about how “transition mode” should work, but doesn’t always work with older devices (because of manufacturer’s software not supporting it): https://support.eero.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042523671-What-is-WPA3-


      And Apple has a list of which of their devices fully support WPA3 here: https://support.apple.com/guide/security/protocol-security-sec8a67fa93d/web

      • Calion
      • 3 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 Well, that's frustrating. Still seems like an issue that eero should be able to address. Obviously I'm not a WiFi engineer, but I don't see, technically, why eero can't just offer regular old WPA2 to clients that don't support WPA3.

    • zer0systems
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have thoroughly tested all of the available eero Labs features and find them all to be very reliable. After running these features on my eero Pro 5 units for about six (6) months now I really believe they are ready for prime time. Let’s see these features graduated and let’s see some new euro labs features! Additionally, I would just like to say that these products are exceptional in their field, and I would recommend them to anybody that takes their Wi-Fi seriously. Finally, and this is to you Amazon -  never forget about Apple HomeKit, it’s what truly defines these devices when implemented.

      • Calion
      • 3 yrs ago
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      zer0systems I just want Optimize for Conferencing and Gaming to be available in Labs on the eero 6.

    • crowbar81
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Paramount Plus (on my Apple TV) has not been working properly on my Eero network. Only about 10% of the shows were loading, most got hung on a spinning gear loading screen. 

    Turns out the Ad Blocking in Eero Secure was the issue. I turned it off and all the shows started working. 

    Could this be investigated so I don’t have to workaround? I’m paying 9.99 for the premium, no-ad version of Paramount Plus, and no other VOD streaming service (Apple TV+, Amazon Prime, Disney+) has had this issue on my network with Ad Blocking engaged. 

      • crowbar81
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Workaround: I made a profile for just my Apple TV  and another for every other device (called “Everything else”). With Block Ads enabled, I chose “Block For” for the Profile “Everything else” meaning the Apple TV (and therefore Paramount Plus) is not getting blocked any more.

    • BrianFarnhill
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hey there - I would very much so love to see a DNS over HTTPS option to improve security of DNS requests. I previously used CloudFlares service for this with their endpoint (via a service i ran on a RaspberryPi that ran my Pi-Hole software), but having this option in the eeros would be amazing 

    • lewiswejcam
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Recently got Eero, just thought I'd say there is a bit of an oversight in Type's... you have loads including a "scale" type but you don't have a switch type? Seems very odd

    • Gizmojets
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I would like to see a functionality where Eero secure ‘content filter settings’ can be grouped as profiles and then be able to apply the Secure profile to any given device profile. If you can then add support for scheduling this will be a big win in achieving flexibility with security. 
    Use case example: Kids device profile allows YouTube access until 6pm. After that, they still get Internet access but YouTube is blocked until next morning. 

    • Solokron
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Where is QOS guys?

      • Calion
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Solokron Not yet implemented in the eero 6 (and called "Optimize for Conferencing and Gaming" on the eero 5).

      • Solokron
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Calion Seems like having an EdgeRouter 4 in front is the way to go. 

      • Calion
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Calion Implemented and activated!

    • punk_enciel
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Anyone here having problems with Sonos and enabled DNS Caching/Optimise for conferencing ?

    • wcdoering
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I turned on eero lab optimization feature for conferencing and gaming, within a minute my Ring alarm sent me a notice that it was on cellular backup and not using the internet.  I turned the feature off, and also within a minute my ring alarm connectivity was restored.  

    it appears that one of the devices where bandwidth is being limited is my ring devices.   EERO allows devises to be associated to catagories.  Is there a way to white list a device so that bandwidth is not gated by the optimization feature? 

    • Wakeboarderboy
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Would love a feature that notified me if a device uses over a certain threshold in a 24 hours period. Comcast limits me to 1,229GB/month or I have to pay extra. With the whole family home all the time, it’s surprising how quickly that data can be chewed up. I just hopped on the eero app and saw a Roku that went rogue and has used 75GB in the last 24 hours. It’s supposed to shut off after 4 but obviously didn’t. 

    Although this was a Roku issue, I’d love to have my eero system notify me of rogue devices so I can address them if needed. 

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