eero Labs features and feedback thread
Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!
Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.
While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.
For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.
1097 replies
Should have went to Mediacom it’s 99.999% better I knew better always have had trouble with this service
When you run a speed test, you don't do this using the eero app.
The closer the speed test server the faster the results.
So, it's not eero slowing down internet speeds.
You need to plug an ethernet cable directly into your isp router to test your speeds.
But a true speed test is opening multiple sessions on your computer, download a large file, and calculate the time it takes to download the file.
From your friendly Network Engineer.
I need wpa3 to still enable all other older wpa security protocol for some reason enabling this disables a lot of devices connecting to the network, please make this backwards compatible!
When WPA3 is turned on, Chamberlain Smart Garage Hub won’t connect. I verified this multiple times by just toggling the WPA3 in the beta labs on and off and it drops once it’s turned on and reconnects when it’s turned off
Absolutely crap router slows down broadband yo-yo WiFi would not recommend
If you want super slow broadband get a eero absolute crap slower than a snail
Why is ping so high now I’m using eero
Hi, i have 3 devices that consistently goes offline e when I enable the WPA3. Is there a way to utilize this and also keep the those 3 online? Thank you.
Can we actually get some new features in the app? It's been literally years for features beyond bug fixes.
- tool to detect node signal strength for locations / placement assistance
- ability to filter/sort the device list. We need to find devices by MAC address to ID them, for example. This is a very common need. This honestly would be a week's work worst case for a junior dev.
- give a prompt when a device is joining the network for the first time to approve or block. Use case is the iphone private mode IPs. I want to have the owner disable private mode on their phone, not allow them to constantly look like new devices on the eero and jump outside of their assigned profiles.
You guys are owned by Amazon now. Frontier is reselling your devices You should have the funding to blast part competitor feature sets.
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- 9 mths agoLast active
- 1097Replies
- 58156Views