Problems with latest Eero 6 Pro update and Wemo Mini smart plugs?

I was gone from the house for about a week and there was at least one, brief power outage.  When I returned home, I see that there was also an Eero update while I was gone.  After returning home all 3 of my Wemo Mini Smart Plugs were offline.  When I factory reset them and try to re-add them to Wemo and HomeKit, the whole process work perfectly until the very end, but then the configured Wemo mini smart plugs will not connect to the WiFi.  Temporarily halting the 5 gHz band has no effect, nor does setting it to Legacy mode. 

Did the power outage fry all 3 of my smart plugs, but nothing else, or did something about the Eero update make the Eero Pro 6 incompatible with Wemo Mini Smart Plugs.

I was able to get some replacement Feit smart plugs (2.4 only)  to connect and work just fine, but they do not work with HomeKit like the Wemo ones do.

111 replies

    • eero_support
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello cwstnsko ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us at the Community and for sharing the troubleshooting you have done so far. I have not seen anything that would suggest there was a widespread Wemo Smart Plug issue, but we can do some troubleshooting to see what might be going on.

    Lets start with toggling some of the eero Labs Beta features. Lets disable any that are active one at a time and see if that helps. If the behavior continues we will then want to try the soft reset. I have included a link below that will guide you through the soft reset process.


      • cwstnsko
      • 3 yrs ago
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      James Thanks for replying.  Resetting the network is one of the 1st things I tried upon returning home to try and resolve the problem.  I did not seem to have any effect.  

      The only eero Labs Beta feature left in the most recent release is WPA3, and I cannot use that as it consistently prevents my HP printer from being able to connect, so I keep it turned off

      Band steering looks to have been promoted from eero Labs Beta feature to a regular setting.  I tried turning that off and adding one of the outlets and it had no effect. The installation process still functions fine up until the point that it is supposed to connect to WiFi, then it will never connect, it just settles in after a minute or so with a flashing orange light.

      I guess one thing I can try is to create another WiFi network with one of my old routers and see if the Wemos connect to that network.  That should tell me if it is a failed Wemo Smart Plug, or a eero Pro 6 compatibility problem

      • cwstnsko
      • 3 yrs ago
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      James To update, I set up my old router, connected my phone to that WiFi, made a test home in HomeKit and added one of my Wemo Mini Smart Plug V2s to the test home and it worked perfectly with no problem, so I seem to have eliminated the possibility of 3 Wemo Mini Smart Plug v2s failing simultaneously.

      This would lead me to think that it is an eero Pro 6 compatibility problem.  I’ve tried pausing the 5 gHz, Legacy mode, and turning off Band Steering.  WPA3 is off.  I’ve done a network reset from the app.  

      I’m not sure what else to try.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello cwstnsko ,

      Thank you for the update. I will send you a direct message soon with instructions on how to get an email to me. I want to take a closer look at the network and devices if you're okay with that. Follow the directions in the direct message if you would like to troubleshoot over email. You can also give our phone support a call as well and they should be able to assist too.


    • doubledown14
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I too am having the same issue as the user above.  Any assistance would be appreciated.  Thanks

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello doubledown14 and boblied ,

      Thank you both for reaching out to us! Lets get started troubleshooting. The first step is going to be checking your eero Labs features and disabling them one by one and testing your Wemo device's connectivity. After that lets try soft resetting the eeros. There is a link below that will walk you through the process of performing the soft reset.


      • boblied
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James I disabled all labs features, soft reset the main eero, turned off 5ghz and reset the wemo. No joy. Still finds the device on its own network; offers me three local networks (I have three eeros) and fails to connect to any of them. I also tried removing the satellites to make it simpler, but same result.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello boblied ,

      Lets have you reach out to our support at this time then so we can get some information about the WeMo devices and your network. I have shared a link below that will provide you the list of numbers you can call to reach out support line. You can also troubleshoot this over email if you would like. I will send you a direct message with instructions on how to get the ticket setup over email shortly.


      • boblied
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

       I had a spare switch, so I replaced the one that wasn't working.  I worked with Wemo through Facebook messenger (they were helpful and responsive).  It worked for one day, then I foolishly applied a firmware update and now both switches refuse to connect.  I am taking the advice from flemmingg and giving up on Wemo.

    • boblied
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I am also experiencing the same problem and have been through similar troubleshooting experiments. I have two WeMo switches; one reconnected after going through its reset procedure, but the other never makes the connection to the eero network. The one that reconnects is going through a satellite eero. The one that doesn’t is close to the main router unit. I would appreciate sharing answers if any are found.

    • cwstnsko
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Just to update, I haven’t been chasing a solution to this since I got A pack of Feit smart plugs at Costco and they are working fine for my purposes. 
    I did notice that the Wemo smart plugs do eventually stop blinking orange when configured for my eero network, so even though they do not work, they seem to think they are connected to WiFi.  On my old router network, they just blink orange for days if the router is turned off and connect almost immediately as soon as I power on my old router.  
    I am keeping one set up on my old router, primarily so I can check for Wemo firmware updates that might affect the problem, but at this point, it does seem to be an eero problem not a Wemo problem.  I’ll try them again on eero the next time I see an update to eero.

    • scw
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hello, I am experiencing the exact same problems. I have my first Wemo Smart Plug installed and it works fine after just 2-3 attempts. I did not do anything different I recall.

    That’s when I decided to purchase another two of them. I did not get these two new switches to work. Went through the whole process as described by @boblied: I disabled all labs features, soft reset the main eero, turned off 5ghz, reset the Wemo plug, reset the router, move them closer to the router, try install with different iOS device, turn off cellular, turn off band steering. No cigar. Then I called Wemo Customer Support and they had no other options left for me and sent me two replacemenf switches. Now these replacements are also not being added to Homekit. :-(

    I have tried installing the devices both via the Homekit app and the Eero app multiple times. Nothing. Sometimes it looks like it, when I, after a long wait can add them but then it adds it to the network of the plug itself. Not my main network where the first switch was succesfully added.

    The weirdest thing is that the first plug is still working perfectly and I’m happy with it. Since the other four (2 + 2 replacement) switches show signal and work when I connect to their own network.. it really makes me think it has to do with the Eero configuration (?)

    • scw
    • 3 yrs ago
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    btw Yes I have also tried to unplug the first working Wemo Smart Plug to make sure it was not interferring or whatsoever. But no that didn’t help either.


    please Eero support please advice

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello scw ,

      Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community! I'd like to assist you further with this but I will need to take a look at the network and get some device information from you. I'll be sending you a direct message soon. Please follow the directions there if you still need assistance with your Wemo Smart Plugs.

    • flemingg
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Me too.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello flemingg ,

      Can you share what troubleshooting steps you've taken to try and resolve the behavior with your Wemo Smart Plugs? Also, can you share what firmware version your Smart Plugs are on?

    • flemingg
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi James.

    Sorry, but my most recent troubleshooting step was th toss all my WeMo devices in the trash and replace them with Kasa!

    WeMo insight plugs were not accessible through the app, smartthings or Alexa, showed as unavailable. WeMo Mini plugs were trying to update for days, could not be accessed from the app even to delete them. Reset the Mini plugs and tried to reinstall them, my phone could connect to the plug but the app would not complete and my phone remained connected to the plug until I manually switched back to my router. 

    eero os 6.4.0, up to date. 

    hope this helps you guys out, but Kasa install worked fine, the trash man hauled the WeMo plugs away, and I am done with this problem!



    • scw
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    eero os 6.4.0, up to date.

    iOS 14.7.1, up to date

    Firmware Wemo working: 4.0.20090306

    Firmware Wemo not working: 4.0.20111600

    • Elan
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I am having a connection issue similar to this with a Wemo dimmer and have tried about everything. The dimmer is showing as “unavailable” in both the Wemo and HomeKit apps.

    • Mlavoie72
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Having the same issue as everyone else. At my wits end, and considering replacing all wemo plugs with another brand

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello Mlavoie72 ,

      Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community! What troubleshooting have you already done? Can you describe what you are experiencing with your Wemo plugs?

      • Mlavoie72
      • 3 yrs ago
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      James I've performed network resets. I've tried setting my network to 2.4 ghz (I'm using eero home mesh network) I've tried resetting each plug and switch, and tried re-adding them to my home network. I've cleared cache and data from wemo app. Each time, I get the same message "attempting to connect, still working". And the device never connects. As others have mentioned, this just started happening. Things had been working fine up to a few weeks ago.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello Mlavoie72 ,

      Have you called eero support or emailed eero support yet regarding this so we can look into your devices and your network? If not I would recommend doing so. We will want to take a look at the devices and your network to try and identify why they are having difficulties connecting. 

      Some things you can quickly test are as follows: Turn off IPv6, Turn off eero Labs features, Turn off eero Secure, Check to see if you are in a double NAT.

      Below is the link that has all of our available numbers that you can call for support. I will also send you directions on how to get an email to me if you would prefer to troubleshoot over email shortly.


    • junior120872
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have 7 wemo smart swiches that see these same issues.  I tried everything above as well.  Is there a solution to this problem.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello junior120872 ,

      Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to The Community. If you have already gone through all the suggested steps that have been previously posted we are going to need to take a look at your network and get more information about your devices. If you have not already done so I would recommend reaching out to our phone support so we can review the devices and your network settings. 


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