PS4 Pro wifi problems w Eero? ...
Anyone else run into problems with these together?
We have a Pro and 3 beacons, the PS4 is within 15 feet of the Pro gateway and a beacon. Wifi signal strength is very good in this room. No issues w previous NetGear router and same modem.
Since I switched to Eero a few weeks ago every time my son turns the PS4 on it asks him for a WiFi connection and he has to reconnect. And the speeds are super slow. It's not uncommon for him to see 30gb down while a device 5 feet away is getting 150gb down.
(I've bounced the modem and all Eero devices)
Any ideas? Thanks!
74 replies
Was anyone able to resolve this besides hard wiring the ps4? I have a ps4 pro that refuses to connect to the 5ghz band, it times out and says unable to join network. If I force it on 2.4ghz that works but is very slow, the max speed I was getting was ~20Mbps where was if i wired it I would get 120Mbps. I would prefer to have it over wifi since I have other devices that need ethernet.
Following this thread because I’m looking for a solution as well. Never thought something so simple could be frustrating.
From the sounds of it... I think the stacking may be the cause like others have mentioned. I’ve been messing around with different settings and even initialized the ps4 pro to no avail -
The Eero‘s Wifi is having trouble with some devices trying to connect to the 5GHz. There’s few solution right now:
1. You can disable the UPnP going to Settings —} Advanced —} UPnP —} and turning it off.
2. You can change the preference of your Network at the PS4 going to Settings —} Network —} Set Up Internet Connection —} Use Wi-Fi —} Easy —} Press Option button to get more options —} Wi-Fi Frequency Bands —} and choose 2.4GHz Only and configured it as normal and should work without any problems.
3. You can puase your 5GHz signal from your Eero app to get connect the devices that are having trouble by going to Settings —} Troubleshooting —} My device won’t connect —} Temporarily pause 5GHz.
Hope this can help you guys.
Today, the new update 3.20.0 has fixed the problem.
My fix for the moment and works great is set up a guest account in Eero and select that on the Ps4 and select 5G. Worked great for me
I just wanted to chime in here, the 7-10 second physical button reset worked for me. I have a PS5 and it shows on OG eero with 6.0.3 as a PS4, and I have had the issue with my PS4 since the Spring 2020. I thought my PS4 was dying, and couldn’t believe I was having the same problems with a new PS5. Now my PS5 connects at 5 GHz and doesn’t lose it on restart or reboot, and speeds are tripled.
I have been experiencing this same issue and I’ve only had the Eero for 2 days.
but it’s very clear, the 5Ghz network and the PS4 do not work together.
I changed frequency to 2.4ghz only and it connected without a hitch.
I rebooted and turned back on to see the Delay in connecting, it connected without a hitch. Conclusion, PS4 and 5 must run on 2.4Ghz only.
Eero has to fix this.
Are there (still) known issues with connecting to PS4?
Using three standard eeros since yesterday (all updated to 6.11). Everything connects and works fine but just my son's PS4 is loosing wifi connection after some time while playing. Should I force PS4 to use 2.4ghz only?
I think so, I never got my PS4 Pro to work with my eero system ever again, I ended up hardwiring the ps4 into the eero. My PS5 also had problems related to password and staying on the network, but that did get fixed in a software update on Sony’s end.
Hello I wanna come on here looking for some help so this has been happening for a while now and my ps4 has not been holding a stable connection to the ps4 pro I’ve tried change the bandwidths from the 2.4ghz back to to the 5.0ghz the 2.4 has the best signal strength and all but I get good download and upload speeds and I still lag out of every game I play I barely can’t sit in a cod lobby or the 2k park without getting kicked out or error coded I’ve tried changing my dns serves all that nothing seems to work and I can go to the Lan cable because the eero is in the kitchen but I’ve never had a problem with the internet until now I still get 95-100% signal strength it’s like my eeroforgets to stay connected to my ps4 and I lag out every game please respond I’ve tried everything.
Having the same problem, it's specific to eero. Both PS4 pro as well as PS5. Hard wiring is the only way it will work. If I add a different router to the network, those consoles work just fine. Eero support is ignoring my inquiries. I'm going to add an amazon review to ensure any potential buyers are aware of the problem and to avoid this product if they have PS consoles.
Has there been a solution to this problem? I recently purchased a PS4 Pro and can't seem to get a stable connection. My gateway Eero Pro 6 (OS 6.6.0) is roughly six feet away from my PS4. I've tried a number of things and it seems that hardwired is the only solution. Running the connection test on the PS4 will yield very different results each time I test them, on 2.4ghz or 5.0ghz.
1. Restarted network on Eero.
2. Re-initialized PS4's network settings.
3. Connected to 5ghz only. The app will indicate that it is connected, but will drop almost instantly. ***Running speed tests I will get anywhere from 150MBs to 10kbps***
4. Connected to 2.4ghz only. Will show connected through the app, test speeds indicate a decent connection; but will drop the connection over time.
5. Tried with both IPv6 on and off.
6. Tried with both UPnP on and off.
7. Used the physical button reset.
Any other suggestions?
I ran into this issue just a little while ago on my playstation 4 pro. As soon as I forced it to only use the 2.4 band only it is working properly and the speeds reflected are correct.
Still an issue in November 2023... I have error plus with paid membership. Games download stop after few hundred megs of downloads on PS4 Pro.
Tried turning off ad block and advanced security options using the mobile error app but didn't help.
Spoke to help desk and could find a resolution... Anyone know if someone from eero dev team is tracking this??
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