Eero automatically blocking access to needed web sites and services

I have a repeating problem with my Eero network. There are, at times, websites or outside web services that I need to access, but Eero blocks them.

This is WITHOUT me running Eero secure or any other blocks on my end. Eero simply chooses not to allow access.  I'm sorry, but this is total B.S.

Eero should not have a say in any outside sites I access. None. Not unless I ask for the block.

And no, this is not to access porn or some other crud; today, the current problem is my new Chamberlain/LiftMaster MyQ account server (my garage door opener and garage smart camera). I can connect just fine with LTE data. I can also connect using my back up wifi router when I plug it in to the same cable modem.  But when I try to connect through my Eero wifi, I cannot reach the server.  It's blocked.  This is unacceptable.

65 replies

    • rronne.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I too have a site www.schedulesdirect.org that I need access to. When I try normally my browsers will time out and I get a message about the site not being able to be reached. I worked with support but did not get any solution. I too connected direct to the modem bypassing the eero router and all works perfectly, so it is not with my antivirus or anything else. I did find that a work around was to turn on my Norton 360 VPN which I normally leave off. Once that is turned on and I am using the VPN then I can access the site every time. I will try working with support some more and see if we can figure out what setting is keeping me from accessing my cable TV guide listing site.

    • MerfinAZ93
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Anybody find a resolution to this? I’ve worked with support too but they all act like they’re befuddled. I find that all cannabis sites are blocked, even when I have all secure turned off. Anybody got a list of manufacturers that aren’t trying to enforce their so-called morality? I need to know before I switch vendors.

    • mrsaxy
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Enable the guest network, connect to it and see if you can access the website in question. The guest network bypasses all the eero security features or so I have read.

      • shs111
      • 2 yrs ago
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      MrSaxy I just found this post, and the guest network option solves a problem that has been driving me crazy for the past month. Thank you!

    • MerfinAZ93
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Wow, that worked. Curious, wouldn’t you want more security on your guest network than your home network? Regardless, what do I need to turn off on my main network to get it to work like this? I have all content filters turned off now.

    • Marty_S
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Can't Connect to socialclub.rockstargames.com [] .A bit off topic, not real fond of the Eero Android app. at least v6.2.1-23, don't know what /when it changed, I didn't use it (other than initial set up w/ MetroNet) I don't have a discovery screen with Allow / block options just an Amazon link button [added reluctantly] and Eero Labs [Beta] with 4 buttons greyed out - I did try 'optimize for conferencing and gaming' -no effect for my problem. I can't seem to access router through, PC \ Chrome. -to see (change?) settings etc. I've been on the phone with MetroNet (twice 40min+ per) My networking knowledge is limited, But did the obvious reset/unplug etc changed the DNS to google ( etc etc Was working fine until MetroNet (Eero??) did a 2am-5am Maintenance window -doing unspecified. When using T-Mobile hotspot (RedDead/ GTA) works fine.(Slower and capped at about 15G /mth) ...Prime, YouTube, SamsungTV etc.not affected negatively by maintenance window.

    • wsands
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    i to have problems opening important sites on my PC. I put the domains in the allowed section of the app, and i turned on guest network, but nothing worked.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello wsands ,

      Reach out to our phone support so we can take a look at the setup on your network and help you get this resolved quickly. I will share a link below that will help you identify the best number to call. However, if you would like to troubleshoot over email we can do that as well. I will send you a direct message with instructions shortly.


    • Willyjp
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I am routinely having to turn on my Guest network to follow links in email.  Like, for instance, the Wall St. Journal's various daily emails with links to stories on their site.  But today I had a unique experience when a website I was using (my ADT security system website), upon my clicking on an update entry I had made in my settings, blocked the entire website.  Although the blocking message had "X" and "back" buttons, neither  worked and my browser's back button didn't work either.  This large message box essentially blocked the web page I was viewing and froze the browser.  After restarting my browser, the same thing happened 5 seconds after I successfully logged back in to that site and before I'd taken any action.

    I agree that this is TOTAL BS!!  I think it's great if a router can protect me from inadvertently going to fringy websites that might be dangerous.  But ADT, the alarm company????  Come on!!  SOMETHING is SERIOUSLY WRONG with Eero's algorithm that it used to identify danger spots if one can't connect to legitimate business websites.  And total blocking with no "STOP" button is ridiculous.  Block my click and warn me, and if I choose to go ahead and visit the site, which I will have no problem doing with the Wall St. Journal or ADT, THEN LET ME GO AHEAD by giving me "back-off Rover!" button.

    If someone doesn't have a solution to this pretty fast, my new Eero system of routers is going bye-bye!!

    • Willyjp
    • 3 yrs ago
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    PS to above:  For what it's worth, I tried Guest network to work around the ADT block but no help, same issue.  And, I have domain "allow" set for the WSJ, but doesn't stop the link blocking in their emails or a lot of other emails as well.  Guest so far does seem to solve that problem.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello Willyjp ,

      Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community! I apologize that you are experiencing some difficulties accessing websites on devices connected to your eero network. There could be a few settings that might be causing this. Can you check your app and see if you have eero Secure enabled? If you do, please try disabling eero Secure and see if you can access the websites. If you can please let me know. Also, if you are still unable to access the sites, please give me an update.

    • Willyjp
    • 3 yrs ago
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    In the App: selecting "Discover" at the bottom: In "eero Secure": I DID have "Advanced Security" and "Ad Blocking" both turned on. I turned both off, but the "eero Secure" box still says "Active" under the heading. I do not see any choice to select turning that off. I do not have any profiles under Content Filters and no blocked sites entered under advanced. A quick check of emails in my inbox fails to find any with links blocked at this moment. I'll have to watch to see if the problem recurs or not. The entire website (myadt.com) for accessing my security alarm company seems to be working find at this moment. The strange blocking experienced yesterday only occurred after browsing in the site and clicking external links for awhile. So provisionally, things seem to be operating fine at this moment. So maybe it was "Advanced Security" being turned on that created the problem? If there's a way to remove that "Active" which stilll shows under "eero Secure" in Discover, I don't see it!

    Thank you for the suggestions.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello Willyjp ,

      Okay, so it does sound like it was the Advanced Security feature. These blocks happen up at the DNS level which also explains some of the behavior you were experiencing. We will need to get a ticket created and escalate it up to have those sites no longer be blocked. You can give our support a call to set this up, or you can send us and email to support@eero.com and we can get that escalated up. The link below will have numbers that you can call us just in case you are located outside of the US & Canada region.


    • slamond01
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Same issue, why DOES EERO force the consequences of some behind the scenes security situation NO ONE CAN FIND?   Seriously, getting reservations on the Marriott site is problematic and slow and mostly going to blank screen and website blocked.   

      • slamond01
      • 3 yrs ago
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      slamond01 You guys kind of ruined my morning trying to make it work.   If you guys don't fix this issue without us having to be on a call for 3 hrs with support staff the negative reviews are going to start in the next day.  

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello slamond01 ,

      I apologize that you are having difficulties with your eero network and I would like to assist you troubleshoot and get this behavior resolved. I will send you a direct message shortly with instructions on how to get an email to me.

    • iamtmo
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I cannot connect to filezilla-project.org . I do NOT have eero secure and have never had it. In testing, I can bypass wifi or ethernet by connecting to my Hotspot and connect just fine. If my Cell is connected to wifi it is also blocked but connects just fine if wifi is disabled. Without ever having eero secure why would this site be blocked. I have been using it until it was blocked yesterday and again the site is online as I can access from outside of the eero router and I can connect with a direct PC connection to my Fiber Internet connection.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello iamtmo ,

      The only blocking that eero does is if you have eero Secure. Without eero Secure, you are unable to setup blocked sites. The only possible cause to this is maybe something is messed up in the DNS. Check if you have local DNS caching enabled. If so, disable this to allow the DNS to look up the route to the website again instead of using the saved path. Also double check and make sure that your DNS settings are set to default in Settings -> Network Settings -> DNS.

      • iamtmo
      • 3 yrs ago
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      James No DNS Caching enabled and DNS is being assigned by ISP. During testing, I set to Google DNS but set it back to auto. I wouldn't expect the eero to block a site without secure being on and it may be a caching issue somehow on the eero and maybe a soft reset or factory reset may be needed.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hello iamtmo ,

      Thank you for verifying the DNS Caching was disabled and that DNS was set to ISP during testing. The eero will not block the site without eero Secure. You cannot block or allow sites without eero Secure. Also, eero Secure blocks sites at the DNS level. So only reasonable explanation for this is the DNS. I would like to take a look at your network and look into this for you though. I will send you a direct message soon with instructions on how to get an email to me so we can start troubleshooting.

    • blue_window
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I am having the exact seem issue with random blocking of webpages or links from within a website. The only thing that has changed is adding the eero.  I keep getting cant reach server errors on webpages, or google cant reach search server etc.  I switched over to my other network wifi and all works perfectly. I have switched off ad blocking which I didn't realize was on and it seems to have corrected itself. Seems there is more developer work to be done on these things. 

      • Hendrik_72
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Me too, the sky Ticket stream was not reachable with eero secure activated,btw it's a total nightmare to disable it, as it can't be done by the click of a button but only via disable each and every single activated item....each...if you have a whitelist you need to delete each entry...one by one.

      Anyway this behavior came up with the last update.

      Also, if apps were blocked for a child profile, it seems not only the profile which is blocked, is getting this block... The apple app store is not accessible anymore via WLAN for my iPhone which is definitely not part of that profile

    • Patrice_eero
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Same here for me


    Since I run secure I am no more able to access some standard sites like Tesla.com or ikea.com.

    switching to guest works but that cannot be the workaround


    any suggestions?



    • marcus_er
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Same here. Amazon Eero router randomly blocks various domains, which I want to visit and need them.
    For example, it blocks the ikea.com domain and sealsubscriptions.com domain, which we need for our business.
    I have no idea why Eero would block these two legit domains. It also doesn't say anything about this. It works on all other routers, I tried it out on a Linksys router and it worked flawlessly. I suppose I will have to replace my Eero router with a simpler Linksys router which doesn't restrict us on what we can do.

    But if anyone from Amazon is willing to help us here, I would be incredibily happy, as I would love to continue using Eero router.

    • blue_window
    • 2 yrs ago
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    When you go into Eero Secure, make sure that Advanced Security and Ad Blocking are both turned off. Make sure there are no content filters or apps or websites blocked unintentionally. The first two should fix the error otherwise. 

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