eero Labs features and feedback thread

Welcome to the eero Labs features and feedback thread!

Here is your place to share your experiences with new eero Labs feature releases, as well as let us know the types of future concepts you'd like to see here. We encourage you to share your feedback and interact with others, as well as have an opportunity to interact directly with our developers.

While this section will be more focused on connectivity related features, you can also submit general feature requests here.

For more on eero Labs, visit the eero help center.

1097 replies

    • greg_edwards69
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Band Steering appears to slow down my connection.
    I have an “up to” TalkTalk 80mbps line and I’ve counted my new eeros via powerline for a wired back haul and to feed my TV, PVR and fire stick. 

    If I enable band steering my download speed, either wireless, or wired (speed test app on fire stick) drops to about 50mbps.
    With it disabled it reaches around 70mbps (+/- 5mbps) which is generally what I got with the powerline before purchasing the eero system. 

    • SFJeff
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Enabling WPA3 permanently kills the connection on devices unable to use WPA3, such as the Kaiterra Laser Egg. 

      • SFJeff
      • 4 yrs ago
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      SFJeff Band Steering also kills the Laser Egg.  Since it’s only supposed to “encourage” devices tryst are capable of it to use the higher frequency, that’s clearly not working correctly. 

    • WSummers
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I love the latest security options, the only thing really missing for our family is the ability to apply a default profile to new devices and to the guest network.  Guest network is completely wasted without this feature, especially with kids and their friends.

    Keep up the awesome!

    • SFJeff
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Would be great if you could use Profiles to set devices to stick to a specific connection frequency, such as Nest cams that are just far enough away to constantly fall off of 5Ghz. 

    • Adams.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I see it has been asked before, but if you could add an option restrict the speed on certain devices. My son has recently bought the new xbox series x and as he is constantly having to download games, the xbox is stealing all of the bandwidth leaving very little for the other 30 devices wanting to connect in my houses

    • violet_airplane
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Whenever we leave our house and come back our phones get connected to the 2.4GHz band. I have band steering on but it never returns us to the 5GHz band unless I toggle that setting on/off. 


    Please fix band steering so that it does this automatically. Or better yet just let me choose the band I want for each device like most decent routers do.

      • cMoo92
      • 4 yrs ago
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      AJ it’s up to your phone to choose which band to connect to. Your phone’s logic is choosing to stay on the 2.4Ghz band. eero can’t “force” it to change, it can only try to encourage it (which is what band steering does).

      • violet_airplane
      • 4 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 I have a Samsung Galaxy S10, is there a setting on the phone to only use 5GHz or something? The phones all connect to 2.4GHz before we even enter the house and then they never go back to 5GHz unless I toggle wifi on/off. 


      2.4GHz has longer range so the phones will always grab that band first when you approach the house. The 2.4GHz band is really slow, less than 1/2 the speed of the 5GHz band. 

      • Togacuse
      • 4 yrs ago
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      AJ I have a Note 10 and Note 9 and they consistently end up on 5ghz. In general all 5ghz devices end up at 5ghz. I don’t keep track much so it’s possible it doesn’t happen immediately. Make sure you have not turned the Band Steering feature off.

      • cMoo92
      • 4 yrs ago
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      AJ I don’t believe there’s an option on Android to disable connecting to 2.4Ghz, but I can’t confirm that. I wouldn’t recommend disabling 2.4Ghz even if that was an option.

      When you say your phones never connect to 5Ghz, are you checking this after only a few minutes of being back in the house, or are your phones still connected to 2.4Ghz even after several hours?

      • violet_airplane
      • 4 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 I haven't timed it, but yes I mean hours sitting and being around the router. 


      Is there any kind of timing or proximity mechanism in band steering that would get it to realize you don't need to be on 2.4GHz anymore? It would be helpful if the eero let you just choose your device in the app and select "5GHz only." 


      My previous routers I had separate SSID for the 5GHz and 2GHz devices.

      • Troynado
      • 4 yrs ago
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      AJ I noticed a similar thing happening. I found it typically happened when my phone would connect while being a long distance from one of the eeros units.  Like when in my car as I pulled into the driveway. If I got close to a unit, turned Wi-Fi off on my phone and then reconnect, it always connected to 5G and stayed there from that point on.

      Hope this helps.

    • pilot
    • 4 yrs ago
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    WPA3 unsupported on Apple iPad 2

    • Tvlas
    • 4 yrs ago
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    With WPA3 turned on, have difficulty loading websites like ATT to see bills, accessing bank websites.  Not sure why.  Have to turn off WiFi and access over air on Samsung Galaxy 10+ phone.  

    • Cheech808
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I am unable to connect my infinity touch control thermostat. When looking for wifi it cannot find it. Any help here would be appreciated. 

      • Tvlas
      • 4 yrs ago
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      In settings on Eero app go to troubleshooting tab, then click on my device won't connect.  Gives the option to turn off 5GHZ band and just be on 2.4 GHz band for a period of time to allow you to connect.  

    • Swilcoxadelman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Love your product-

    tried to add DNS connectivity feature and caused one of our units to go offline- did manual unplugging and replugging but didn’t fix- turned off DNS feature and that unit was back online. It is not the furthest unit from the one connected to modem and has no issues with software updates. 

    • thomas
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Anyone else seeing connectivity issues with a MacBook while band steering is turned on? Other devices seem OK.

    • Troynado
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Love all the features of my eero Pro network but I've come across one issue in particular. I bought a new phone (android) and during setup of the new phone of course it wants to connect to Wi-Fi. It would not connect. After much digging and trial and error, I found that when I turned off the WPA3 feature it connected immediately. After getting my new phone setup and connected, I went back in and turned WPA3 back on. Phone stayed connected and shows it's even connected via WPA3 standards. So, strange that it wouldn't initially connect. My kids then came complaining that their older iPad wouldn't connect. I turned WPA3 off again and the iPad connected straight away. Turned WPA3 back on and their iPad will no longer connect. I'm sure it doesn't have WPA3 capability so does that mean if WPA3 is turned on that it's not backwards compatible with WPA2 or prior standards? If WPA3 is turned on can only WPA3 devices be used in the Wi-Fi network? That would be a shame. Would love to hear back with any suggestions or maybe info of a forthcoming firmware update to resolve this issue?

    Secondly, I would greatly appreciate an update that would allow us to connect to a VPN via the router so that the whole network passes thru the VPN instead of only individual configured devices.

    Have had my eero Pro network for a couple of years now and absolutely love the product. Hope this feedback will lead to some minor improvements and maybe a new VPN feature router side.

    Keep up the good work!


    • rmtaylor1000
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I switched the band steering on and it knocked out all of my Magic Home connections which use the 2.4Ghz band

    • Flempitsky
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have the same issue with 2.4ghz cameras as well.  Eero really needs to fix all these issues with the eero 6 I had the original eero and things were fine.  I spent almost $1000 for 4 Eeros and now I have nothing but issues.  I drop Zoom connection all the time now.  Please fix your product.  Maybe a Class action would be good.

    • srejeti007
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I recently bought a iPhone 12 Pro Max, I was under the impression that it would be best performing device on my new Eero Pro 6 network. On the contrary, it was the worst performing one . My 4 year old iPhone 7 Plus gets 5 GHZ bandwidth and can get up to 570 Mbps whereas iPhone 12 pro max got stuck with 2.4 GHz and just about 90MBps . Is there a solution to this . I tried Band Steering and had no success 

    • Flempitsky
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have had the original eero for years no major issues. Since going to eero 6 I have issues that have never appeared before.  The eero team needs to figure it out. I spent almost $1000  on new eeto 6 pros for of them. I have opened 4 support tickets and they are grasping at straws. Eero please fix your issues

    • Faster
    • 4 yrs ago
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    The band steering option is a good start. However, pushing everything to 5GHz is not the way to do this. Give us the option to choose which devices we want to connect to 2.5 and 5GHz independently. With all of the IOT devices that are in homes. Some devices won’t function on 5GHz at all. This renders your current “band steering” toggle useless. 

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