eero Pro 6 has slow hardwired speeds with gigabit internet
I am getting slow download speeds on both wired and wifi connections with my new eero 6 Pro setup. On wired ethernet I can get about 400mbps, on wifi about 200mbps. I have gigabit internet with Xfinity BTW. The Internet connection from my router on the eero app shows it delivering 960mbps down. Upload is fine at about 30mbps. Honestly I was expecting a bit more from this product. I see this is a problem in several other discussions but not seeing any suggested fixes, and all kinds of conflicting opinions about what I should expect. If this was normal then why are some users reporting no issues with wired connection while others are having issues?
62 replies
The 6.9.0 firmware came out and has fixed this issue for me now. Getting up and downloads close to 900Mbps now with my media converter. Even the wifi seems faster on my Eero pro 6, downloads are over 500 Mbps and uploads over 300 Mbps on a wifi5 device tested with speed test from Ookla. Thanks so much Eero!
I've had this problem on my gigabit DOCSIS based internet (i.e. cable internet) where I'm testing 930mbps+ down direct to modem AND on eero app speed test, but speed test on wired devices were testing no more than 90mbps down. Uploads were consistent no matter what but with cable it's always capped.
SOLUTION: I just want to say that upgrading to 6.9.0 firmware FIXED this problem. I'm speed testing properly again in the 800s to 900s mbps download speed.
Long story short it WAS eero throttling everything and the firmware update fixed it.
Having the same 'issue' here over 900x900 from the router, had my computer plugged into Eero 6 Pro and getting well under 400. Verified cable speeds. When I plug the computer directly into the wall i.e. upstream of the Eero I get over 900x800 once more. In my instance, it is clearly an issue with the Eero 6 Pro system.
When I use the Eero 6 system bundled with Frontier I am getting less than 60% of what I paid for.
I’m having similar issues. 1 gig service from fios. Speed test from ONT to router shows 937/850. Speedtest through eero app shows 760/800. Wi-Fi speeds from iPhone/iPad are averaging 250-400 downloads. Using the eero supplied Ethernet cable, switching ports, all with the same outcome. Need the g1100 because i have fios tv.
Anyone have anything further? I’ve done every configuration dropped down to just a gateway eero, new wires, different locations, changed gateways, upgraded router, all with the same results. Customer service is slow to respond and still wants to unplug and replug as a solution
EERO support is terrible. I tried another brand new satellite eero Pro to my network and immediately I had speed issues drops. I had to remove again the satellite. Also the router EERO pro 6 speed is still 750/900. Frontier came over and the tech confirmed that plugin his equipment directly he go almost 1 Gig ..Something is capping the EERO router. I called EERO and they are blaming Frontier. Again Frontier came and they proved it was EERO. I even plugged an old Orbi router and was measuring 920/910
getting 300 - 400 mbs down/up connected to my eero pro 6. apparently these are gigabit routers in name only?
I have raised the position my eero pro 6router with positive outcome . The speeds have improved quite a bit.
There are the tests I have done recently.Room where router is situated 750-800
Adjacent rooms to the router 550-600
Room where the node is situated 350-400
Adjacent rooms to the node 275-300
note - the node is still just under a meter off the ground and i feel the speeds would improve if I were to raise the height of the node.
i haven’t found any speed gain by raising the position of the nodes.
I found that the only way to match the speed of the router would be to hardwire the eero nodes. The best speeds I recorded on un wired nodes is half to that of the router. And more over the speed of the nodes keep fluctuating between 1/2 to 1/4th of the router speeds.
needless to say I have hardwired them now and speeds are almost similar.
Any solution yet? I am having the exact same issue. I have Verizon FIOS. Internet speed from eero app shows 950/950. But my eero pro 6 setup, I get like 400 down hardwired from gateway to laptop, and 200-300 wifi. So disappointing to be paying for a gig service and getting half of it or less.
Looks like I'm experiencing the same issue. Verizon FIOS Gigabit for my home service and I'm only getting a fraction of what the speeds were prior to switching over to a 3 pack Eeros 6+. I have the gateway unit plugged directly into my ONT and the satellites on an ethernet backhaul. One of the satellite units has a downstream gigabit switch where my PC is hardwired into. Download speeds are perfect but my upload speeds are horrible. If this behavior continues within the next week or 2, I will be returning this product. I switch to this only because my Google Wifi hardware started degrading after 6-7 years of use.
I think it's time for me to return this; luckily I'm still within my 30 days. As a prosumer, I would think that these vendors would stay on top of their game. Is the experience the same with all of the Eero 6 line of products?
I’m also having the same problem. Before I go into the scenarios I just want to get one thing out of the way: there’s nothing wrong with the cables, modem, or any interference. I’ve been an IT Professional for over 13 years - both as a network administrator and a software engineer and I can tell the difference between that and a device problem. Im not trying to be’s just that I noticed that the first response to all of the previous posts was to deflect blame onto cables or something else the person did wrong. Like one from James eero employee, whose response was to question if the person’s cable was only rated for 100 Mbps. Seriously?! I haven’t seen a cable rated for less than a Gigabit in years! You definitely won’t be buying one in a store in the year 2023.
so here’s my internet connection Docsis Cable 1 Gbps down 40 Mbps up. I have a gateway eero connected to the cable modem via the 1 Gbps Ethernet port. Then across the home I have a node eero. All cabling is brand new CAT 7. My testing computers is an iMac using WIFI and Ethernet on the node eero.
Scenario A — ISP -> Gateway eero -> node eero (via cat 7 ethernet in the 2.5 Gbps ports) -> iMac via Ethernet + iPhone via 5GHz WIFI.
iMac gets 90 Mbps max.
iPhone also gets 90 Mbps max.
Scenario B — ISP -> Gateway eero -> node eero (via cat 7 ethernet in the 2.5 Gbps ports) -> iMac via 5GHz WIFI + iPhone via 5GHz WIFI.
same results as above
Scenario C — ISP -> Gateway eero -> node eero (via cat 7 ethernet in the 2.5 Gbps ports) — iMac and iPhone coerced into using the gateway eero’s 5GHz WIFI, bypassing the node eero altogether.
Both devices achieve 400 Mbps even though the gateway eero is across the home.
Scenario D — ISP -> Gateway eero -> node eero (via WIRELESS backhaul with Ethernet disconnects between the two eeros ) -> iMac via node’s Ethernet + iPhone via 5GHz WIFI. This is essentially a wireless bridge set up.
iMac = 980 Mbps! and iPhone = 450 Mbps.
Scenario E — ISP -> Gateway eero -> node eero (via WIRELESS backhaul with Ethernet disconnects between the two eeros ) -> iMac via node’s WIFI + iPhone via 5GHz WIFI.‘iMac = 450 Mbps and iPhone = 450 Mbps.
So to summarize when using Ethernet as a backhaul between Eero devices, it’s throttling the negotiated link down to 100BaseT. That’s why it won’t go over 90 Mbps. Remove the Ethernet between the nodes and let I use the dedicated WIFI channel as the backhaul and you get full speed (at least…as much as WIFI allows).
I’m so far really disappointed in the quality of these devices. It seems to be a really inferior product. That 450 Mbps wireless I showed above was the highest I achieved - in general, even less than 6 feet from the node, I was getting 250 Mbps on 5GHz. so anyway, I had to choose between Netgear Orbi and eero. I’m about to take the eero back and buy the Netgear. I just wanted to post this so that others who have this problem will realize IT IS a problem with the eeros device itself, not the cables or arrangement. And maybe in the future eeros will improve their product.
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