Slow Speed Issues with Eero 6 Wi-Fi and 8GB RAM Laptop at Midnight

Hey there, fellow forum members!


I'm facing some frustrating slow speed issues with my Eero 6 Wi-Fi and 8GB RAM laptop specifically during midnight hours. I'm reaching out to seek advice, suggestions, and insights from anyone who may have experienced similar situations or has expertise with Eero 6 and laptop networking.


Here are the details of my setup:


Wi-Fi System: Eero 6 with 1 router

Laptop: 8GB RAM, Window 11 specifications compatible with Eero 6

The problem I'm encountering is that during midnight, when network activity is typically lower, my laptop's internet speed slows down significantly. This slowdown persists despite having a compatible Eero 6 Wi-Fi system in place.

I have performed several speed tests using online tools, and they consistently show slower download and upload speeds during the midnight hours.

To troubleshoot the problem, I've tried the following steps, but the issue persists:

Restarted the Eero 6 router and laptop.

Checked for any firmware updates for the Eero 6 and ensured they are up to date.

Verified that other devices on the network are not hogging the bandwidth during midnight hours.

Confirmed that my laptop's software and drivers are updated.

I've also reached out to Eero support, but they couldn't provide a satisfactory resolution so far. They mentioned that my setup seems compatible and that there are no known issues with Eero 6 during specific times of the day.

If anyone has experienced similar slow speed issues with Eero 6 and an 8GB RAM laptop, particularly during midnight hours, I'd greatly appreciate any advice, tips, or potential workarounds you may have. Could there be specific settings or configurations I should be looking into? Is there a possibility of interference from other devices in the vicinity during that time?


Thank you all in advance for your support, and I'm eager to hear your insights and suggestions!

Regards Jessica Shepherd!

2 replies

    • Michael_eero_support
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi jessicashepherd

    Are you seeing this same slowdown on other devices?  Preferably we would like to check with a device connected to the same eero at the same time.

    If not, given the regularity that it is doing it, I would suspect that the laptop is probably checking online for updates or is doing some sort of backup, or other cpu intensive operation like a virus scan.  That would cause a slow down on that system and those tend to happen at the same time of the day.

    • Cmp
    • 10 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I use a MacBook Pro with macOS  and I don't have a virus.

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