eero Pro 6e 2.4Ghz Radio Gone After Update to 6.16.2-88

As the title says I had no issues before with my devices on the 2.4Ghz or wired before the latest update. Steps I've done:


Restarted eero via the APP: No Change

Reset eero via the button on the bottom: No Change

Power cycled both ISP modem and eero: 2.4Ghz comes back but will randomly dissapear again


Current setup is just a single eero Pro 6e to my modem. Tried contacting support which was of no use as they had no clue and its been escalted. Now I'm hoping someone from eero is going to call back in a couple days. All while my secuirty camera, doorbell, lights, plugs, etc don't work. 


Why do these updates seem to do more harm then good or the poor customer service that now seems to be out sourced.

14 replies

    • Evan_eero_support
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

      Thanks for posting! We would like to take a closer look at this. I'll be sending you a DM shortly. Follow up with me there and I'll be happy to move forward.

    • AccordXTC
    • 1 yr ago
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    Well I did reply over an hour ago and no reply back. Must have been a default to show face to other users on the forum. 

    Not impressed.......

    • Explosive76
    • 1 yr ago
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    I have the same problem, this happened last night after this update.

    • AccordXTC
    • 1 yr ago
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    Ive messaged people from Eero but it's all silent for any reply. I tried to post it on Reddit as well but the fan boys all dismissed it as a concern. 


    I don't care how good a product is. If it's not supported it might as well be obsolete....

      • Michael_eero_support
      • 1 yr ago
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      We would like to take a look into this and see what we can figure out. Can you please send us an email to support@eero.com and use the subject line "Community Followup - 2.4 going out"?

    • Explosive76
    • 1 yr ago
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    Not sure how or why but I have been able to use the guest network to move all 2.4 products and they work but this shouldn't be the permanent fix. Hopefully we hear back soon.

    • Knuth21
    • 1 yr ago
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    I also have this issue. I just spoke to someone on the phone and they are “escalating” it. I notified him of this post and he said they have no knowledge of this issue. Hope we can make some progress  

    • BrigJoe
    • 1 yr ago
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    Any news on a solution to this problem.  My eero goes out every day but only the 2.4Ghz.  The 5Ghz is always working.  When I do a hardware reset both bands start to work fine.  I even had my ISP replace the eero and still the same result.

    Any ideas????

      • delmario
      • 1 yr ago
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       I found all my devices were connecting to the farthest unit in my home on the 2.4 network.  They were not handing off to closer units.   I had to unplug all of an units so all were powered off at the same time.  Then plug them back in and that resolved my issues.  The 2.4 is now working as expected and handing off to other units.

      • Knuth21
      • 1 yr ago
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       so after talking to eero, they had me disable WPA3 and do a restart. This has fixed the issue for the most part. I am still testing. My devices were dropping every 24ish hours and now they did drop after a week of disabling WPA3. I’m on day 6 of the second week so we will see what happens tomorrow. 

      • BrigJoe
      • 1 yr ago
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       WOW, that's what is happening to me.  About every 24hours or so.  My WPA3 is off.

    • BrigJoe
    • 1 yr ago
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    Thanks for the quick reply.  I only have the one eero so that isn't my issue but again thanks for the reply....

    • AccordXTC
    • 1 yr ago
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    Honestly my issue resolved itself after talking with eero. I can't know for sure but I think they did something on the back end to resolve it. After I had escalated the problem with eero it was fixed but they never replied to me on what the cause or fix was. 

    • susannemkibler
    • 1 yr ago
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    I'm having the same problem since the update. All of my 2.4 devices are going offline. Last night in the middle of the night some but not all of them came back online and then they were not back offline again today... Is the 2.4 GHz radio going in and out???

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