iOS / iPadOS 14.5.1 + Private Address OFF = Frequent Disconnects

Hi all -- seeing this issue with several iOS / iPadOS devices (iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 8, a few iPad Pros, iPad Air, iPod Touch): If the device is configured with the Private Address option turned OFF (so that I can use DHCP IP reservations), the device will frequently either disconnect from the WiFi completely, or it will flip over into the Private Address option (in which case my IP addresses get all out of whack). The only thing I can do when this happens is to completely forget the WiFi network on the device and then join again with the Private Address option turned off.

Anyone else seeing this? I have called Apple and of course they wanted to blame the Eero. I have restarted the Eero a few times and nothing solves the issue. Eero is on the latest version (6.3.0).

53 replies

    • clayj
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I should add: NONE of my other non-Apple devices have this problem. It's only Apple devices.

    • clayj
    • 3 yrs ago
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    And now I am seeing a lot of Reddit threads where others have noticed that this issue has really gotten bad under Eero 6.3.0 -- so now I think this is Eero's fault. Get it fixed, folks!

    • clayj
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Just spoke to Eero technical support about this. Amazingly, they claim they have not heard of any disconnection issues with 6.3.0.

    • eero_support
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello clayj ,

    I would like to take a look at your network and help you troubleshoot this behavior. I will be sending you a message soon. Can you please follow the instructions in the message so we can get a ticket generated and start troubleshooting?

      • clayj
      • 3 yrs ago
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      James Hi James -- I have already called in and spoken with two different Anthonys about this issue. The one thing we have tried is to swap two of my Eero units around. We'll see if that helps -- but it does not explain why my aunt, who also has an Eero system, has also been having severe disconnection issues (to the point where I had to walk her through disconnecting Eero completely -- it was completely unreliable for her). The stability of wireless connections and the issue of Apple devices becoming disconnected (where manual action is required to rejoin the WiFi) is a really serious problem, to the point where I will not at this point recommend Eero to anyone.

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      clayj I completely understand your frustration. I have an iPhone myself, and my eero network is on 6.3. I'm not experiencing those disconnections at all. This is why I was wanting to take a look at your network to see if I could identify any differences and find out what is actually happening that is causing this behavior on your network. Because I am unable to recreate it on my own network. Go ahead and monitor your network though. If the issue continues to happen please reach out to me using the instructions I messaged you.

      • clayj
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James Hi James -- well, the steps that the second Anthony asked me to try (swapping two Eeros around) have already failed -- two iPad Pros that were rejoined to the WiFi network less than three hours ago have already dropped offline, requiring manual rejoining.

      Please try testing in your environment by doing the following:

      1. Set your iPhone to NOT use the Private Address option in the WiFi settings.

      2. Set up an IP reservation for that iPhone in the Eero setup. The idea here is that the iPhone should be set to ALWAYS use the same IP address, not a random one.

      3. See what happens.

      As for myself, I am done troubleshooting on this end. I am just going to sit here and stew about it until Eero release an update that fixes this issue. You may want to talk to Apple to make sure that what THEY are doing and what YOU are doing are not conflicting with each other -- because if I have to choose between Apple and Eero, I will choose Apple.

    • clayj
    • 3 yrs ago
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    OK -- there is DEFINITELY a problem with reserved IP addresses in Eero 6.3.0. (Prove me wrong.) Twice today I have configured an IP reservation for my new HP notebook, and both times, within minutes, my WiFi stopped working and was completely unable to obtain an IP address on the WiFi network until I removed the reservation.

    Get this fixed, Eero.

    • Medina5148
    • 3 yrs ago
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    We track all bugs and issues linked to Apple's iOS 14 update. And yeah, the iPhone 12 series comes with iOS 14 out of the box, waiting for Apple to release another update to address the problem. 03:07 pm (IST): A security update just went live for iOS and iPadOS bumping up the version to 14.5.1.

      • Medina5148
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Medina5148 Thanks for the information 



    • thomas_niessen
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I am experiencing the same issue with frequently getting disconnected. That is really annoying going from the office (3rd floor) to the kitchen (1st floor) and always being disconnected from the wifi. 

      • Kora_eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      We'd be more than happy to check this out for you and offer some more in-depth assistance, thomas. niessen . Would you be able to email us at support@eero.com with the subject "Community Followup"? It's much easier for us to troubleshoot over email than here. (=

      Kora | eero Community Team

    • Peterj0
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I am also experiencing the same issue with frequently getting disconnected on my apple devices

    • chevyv
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I have 3 Eero WiFi 6 Pros in one home and 1 WiFi 5 Pro with 2 Beacons in another home using different broadband providers as well. The entire family is experiencing this problem with Apple devices - a mix of various iPads and iPhones all at iOS 14.5.1 and iPadOS 14.5.1. I have toggled the Private IP setting thinking the obvious- that random MAC addresses are going to be a problem- but that doesn't make sense if the devices have the correct SSID and key/password stored. These devices just get the most use. So I went ahead and then confirmed random disconnects with ASUS laptops, Sony smart TV and Roku devices. All Eeros on 6.3.0 - with the older Eero 5 Pro mesh only recently upgraded to 6.3.0 in the last few weeks, but enough to lead me to think the problems reside in the Eero.

      • chevyv
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      chevyv On 6.3.1 and confirming that this is still an issue on Eero 6 Pros. Will check on WiFi 5 later.

    • speedmaster
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I was seeing a lot of problems with 6.3.0 as well. No problems with 6.3.1, yet. Fingers crossed.  

      • Peterj0
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      speedmaster will update tonight and see how it goes

      • speedmaster
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Peterj0 Sure, good luck. I can't guarantee it's gone, but I haven't seen the problem since. Hoping I didn't jinx myself.  :)

    • laimheloc
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I am still experiencing this after 6.3.1 update. 

    • drutz
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Try enabling legacy mode on the WI-FI 6 routers.   We have seen that fixes the issue with Apple devices.

      • chevyv
      • 3 yrs ago
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      drutz I will try this today. It is random and only restarting the WiFi 6 Pro routers alleviates this problem in the short term. Power-cycling the Apple devices with WiFi 6 (802.11ax) does not resolve the issue. However, I have a WiFi 5 with 2 beacons which do not provide 802.11ax support and the problem persists. Switching to Legacy mode drops 802.11ax support, so I have doubts this is the root cause.

      • chevyv
      • 3 yrs ago
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      I have a Playstation in one home which lags when it is wireless - in addition to Apple devices. It is not online for 20-3 seconds. I have two wireless HP Laserjets as well, one in each home with slightly noticeable but manageable lag.

      I’m not sure who is at fault but I suspect vendors are not fully specification compliant.

      I don’t have VPN issues. I’ve done Network Setting resets on Apple devices etc but yet the Playstation wireless lag gives me a clue that there is a problem negotiating *something* — bandwidth steering, MIMO, credentials, DHCP. No idea.


      I bought the Eero to make life simple. This certainly stinks. If I have to break out a protocol analyzer I’ll probably move to another platform.

    • chevyv
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I have noticed that I need to restart the entire network after 2-3 weeks, at both locations (one WiFi 5 and one WiFi 6) and all Apple smartphones and tablets are at version 14.6 at the moment. Eero firmwares at 6.3.1 on both.

    • Punzai
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I’m having the same problem with my 2021 iPad Pro. It just started a few days ago. Nothing has been updated recently.  I’m on iOS 14.6 and 6.3.1 on my Eero 6 network. All other Apple devices seem to be ok.

      • Punzai
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Punzai aha! I’ve just noticed that 1Blocker had installed a VPN and that was bugging out. I deleted the VPN and now everything is working ok.

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