Can you fix the "Devices" TableViewController?

I've posted this on twitter twice, but no response.  When showing all of the "Devices", your implementation of the TableViewController is not to Apple's specs.

(1) Section headers should remains visible on the screen.  You have two section headers "Current On Your Network" and "Recently on your Network".  The two section headers scroll off the screen as you scroll through each of the table row cells under that section header.  That is NOT the proper implementation of the TableViewController.


(2) Why is it when I view details of a device on the "Devices" view, it never goes back to the exact same location when I tap on the back button.  It picks some random location in the "Devices" TableView implementation.  Why can't you just go back to the same location?  Again, this is not following's Apple's implementation of the TableViewController, in addition to being a poor user experience.  


I've been reporting both these issues since version 1.5 (Jan 25th).  Their has been 6 releases since then, and the problem still persists.  


I assume you're using Jira to track not only your Epics and Stories, but defects.  Can you please open a defect for the current release (v1.5.6) for this and assign it to the current sprint you're working on?  


Note:  This should not be considered a feature request and put in your backlog for a future grooming session.  This IS a bug and one that should have been caught as you're doing your automated Xcode testing using XCTest.


We should not have to wait this long to fix a simple coding error like this.


Thank you!

6 replies

    • ndv
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I also experience the bug you mentioned under point #2 and it drives me nuts. It shouldn't be hard to get the view to go back to the same place when you come out of the device list. I have 50-60 devices connected any time and it constantly moving down when coming in and out of devices is quite irritating and causes lots of extra hassle when trying to dig into each device quickly.

    • zubinanary
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    29 views, and no response from Eero.  I noticed that their latest update (v1.5.7) did not resolve either issue.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Official response
    • Reported - view

    Hi  zubinanary and  ndv

    Thanks for posting about this matter. Our team is taking a look into the reported issue. I will follow up with any additional information.

    Thanks again.

    • zubinanary
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I just noticed that #1 also exist for "Guest Access" and Help.  Can we please be consistent in the implementation of Apple's TableViewController and the properties for a SectionHeader.  SectionHeaders should NEVER scroll off the screen, otherwise you lose context for long lists.


    Guest Network and Main Network are section headers, but they scroll off the screen.  Not good

    Contact Us and Troubleshooting are section headers, but thy scroll off the screen.  Not good

    • zubinanary
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You've just released 2.1.0 which starts off with "UI Polish and Bug Fixes...".  What UI Polishes were completed, because the two UI issues I found have yet to be corrected.  (1) Not being consistent or even specific with how you report usage. It is either Mbps or Kbps but at least inform the user so they understand what you are trying to illustrate on each of your View Controllers.  (2) The UI issue with your Tableview implementation.  Why does it not come back to the original spot in the Devices Viewcontroller when I go into the Device Details Viewcontroller...


    These are UI issues which are very easy to fix (just a few lines of Swift 3.0 code), but we are ALL still waiting for them to be fixed.


    Can you please confirm if you've opened up a Jira bug for the current sprint for these items (clearly it was not opened for the previous sprint as you just released version 2.1.0 of the mobile app).

    • jkingsle
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Looks like on the July 21 release of the app this tableviewcontroller issue is fixed. Very happy as my network has 75+ devices on it and this issue was certainly frustrating.


    now hope they focus on some more reporting and managability items such as easily seeing all devices connected to one eero.  

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