eero speeds capped at 50Mbps

I've had eero 2+ years. 6 days ago noticed much slower speeds that were consistently 50 Mbps on various devices. I typically average greater than 800Mbps. After several long calls with eero tech support without resolution, issue has been elevated to level 2 support via email. I waiting to hear from them. 


Since then I've purchased 4 new Netgear switches (recommended by eero) and all new cat6a cables. Deleted old eero network and hard reset all eero.


I have 7 eero and 4 switches previously working for 2+ years and no issues. I have not changed anything on my network so I assume it is an eero issue.



at&t modem ---> eero gateway ---> switch A with wired eero

switch A is connected to switch B with wired eero

switch B is connected to switch C and switch D each having wired eero


So during the rebuild, everything was working. I checked speeds with each addition of devices to network. When I attached switch D (which only has a mac mini attached to it) speeds immediately dropped to 50 (range 48-50) consistently. I disconnected switch D and still slow speeds. Disconnected everything from gateway eero and still only 50Mbps wired and wireless. Any ideas or help appreciated.

17 replies

    • cMoo92
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Have you tried connecting a computer directly to your AT&T modem and speed tested? This would remove eero from the equation and identify if it’s an eero issue or a modem issue.

      • t2clej
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Yes - if I connect directly to at&t modem, I get full speeds greater than 800Mbps

      • cMoo92
      • 6 yrs ago
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      t2clej and you’ve tried using a different eero as your gateway? I’m assuming eero support had you try that, but just want to double check.

      • t2clej
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Correct - I have 7 eeros and have tried 3 of them. Same results. I have purchased new cat6a cables and new switches. As far as I can determine, it is not hardware issue. When the speeds get throttled, it limits speed to around 50Mbps download consistently on ALL devices although upload speeds go as high as 200Mbps. It definitely seems like an eero software issue as it started about 5 days ago. Previous eero setup solid for 2 years and I had no changes recently except for most recent eero update.

      • cMoo92
      • 6 yrs ago
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      t2clej yea, I’d have to agree with you on it being an eero software issue. Hopefully they can get it resolved for you quickly. Out of curiosity, are you running all gen 1 eeros?

      Jeff C. - just tagging you to put this on your radar in case you can do anything to help

      • t2clej
      • 6 yrs ago
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      cMoo92 Yes - all gen 1 eero. Thanks.

      • cMoo92
      • 6 yrs ago
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      t2clej I wonder if this isolated as a gen 1 issue. I have two gen 1’s, but they are leafs. My gateway eero is a gen 2. 

    • kmont1234
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Just wanted to copy my same problem from the other discussion:

    This is exactly what happened to me. Since last Saturday, November 10th, my Eero app has been showing me around 45 down, 300 up on AT&T Gigabit fiber. Speed tests from my devices have shown me the same results, even hard wiring into the main Eero. I just factory reset my AT&T 5268AC gateway hoping that would solve it, but still a problem. Another problem I'm noticing is with AT&T WiFi calling on iPhones and iPads connected to my network. If I get a call, the other person only hears me for the first few seconds and then it goes out.  

    Hardwiring to my AT&T Gateway gives me my full speeds (around 800 down/up). I don't know what happened, but will be contacting Eero Sunday. 

      • BarelyThere
      • 6 yrs ago
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      kmont1234 Same here. Getting 800+ when plugged into the modem. 50 down when on the eero. Mine started on the 12th though.


      Is there a solution?

      • kmont1234
      • 6 yrs ago
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      BarelyThere When I called eero support, they asked me to switch out my Gateway eero for another node, and that fixed my problems for now. But, I’ve seen on the AT&T Forums and eero subreddit that a lot of people are experiencing the same problem. They mentioned it has to do with a firmware update AT&T pushed to the Pace Gateways. 

    • t2clej
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Yes - I am almost certain this is due to firmware update pushed to the AT&T Pace 5268AC modem, v11.

    I contacted at&t and requested a new modem, arris bgw210 I think. AT&T didn't put up any resistance.

    • catmandad
    • 6 yrs ago
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    t2clej Did the Arris BGW210 Modem solve your performance problem?  I've got an AT&T Pace modem as well, and the whole DMZ+ seems to be causing an issue with eero in the last few days.  Not sure if it is AT&T or eero that updated software that is causing problems.



      • t2clej
      • 6 yrs ago
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      catmandad The Arris BGW210 will be installed this Saturday. AT&T would not mail me one - they said it had to be installed by technician. I also ordered a used BGW210 from Ebay for $38 as I'm not confident the AT&T tech will bring the correct modem. I requested the BGW210 and they sent me another Pace. When I called they said they would send the tech with modem. I'll let you know.

      • BarelyThere
      • 6 yrs ago
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      catmandad BGW210 resolved my issues. They had to send a tech out to replace it. That happened today. I put it in IP passthrough mode, disabled the firewall, and everything seems to be working great now.

    • alz0rz
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I'm having this issue too.. I have AT&T Gigabit service and a 5268ac modem. This happened after I fully reset my 5268AC to clean up my network topology a little so presuming a new firmware was pushed.


    Anything from Eero on working around this? 

    • alz0rz
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Wow, for a change I found a 'useful' AT&T support article that seems to address this niche topic (v11 and DMZ+) directly.


      • Amn
      • 5 yrs ago
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      alz0rz I just applied the same steps from that linked article and it increased my downloads from 50 to 65-79mb.  iPhone calls on WIFI are not dropping after a few seconds anymore either.

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