Wake On LAN (WOL)
Has anyone successfully gotten WOL to work via port forwarding on the eero 6 (not Pro)?
My PC wakes when I send it "magic packets" when I'm on the same network so I know the PC is configured to support WOL but even when I set up a port forward rule for port 9 in the eero I can't get WOL to work remotely.
Any ideas?
6 replies
Hello Tgeery ,
From what I've been able to find, WoL is not supported by eero when the device sending the packet is not on the LAN. Some customers have been able to get around this by using a different device to sent the packet to the PC and they remote to that other device and instruct it to send the packet to the PC. I'll check in with some of our engineers on Monday to verify this.
Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. If eero doesn't support WOL via port forwarding then it doesn't truly support port forwarding! I'd appreciate any additional information that you can share.
Thanks for the detailed response. I was aware of the need to send WOL packets as a broadcast and, yes, I noticed that there wasn't a way to set up a broadcast address in eero.
Thanks again.
I'm trying to send a wol packet to my laptop that seems to fall asleep. The laptop is connected to a docking station and connected to the eero via the ethernet interface.
I'm trying to trigger over wifi. Doesn't seem to be working but as far as I can tell it should. Then I suspect this just doesn't work via EERO.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
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