eero Pro 6 handing out wrong IP address
EERO Pro 6 handing out wrong IP address - problem
Today I was using my laptop and suddenly I got an error which said I wasn't connected to the internet.
- I have 3 eeros Pro 6's named "Living Room", "Hallway" and "Bedroom with a wired backhaul.
- The eero app. showed the network was on and all eeros where online, wired, and Wired data rate: 1Gbps (Good)
- I rebooted but got the same error.
- I checked the IP address on the laptop. It was something like which is wrong. It should have been something like 192.168.4.x.
- My laptop was connected to "Hallway". So, I rebooted "Hallway", then my laptop but still got the same error.
- I tried renewing the DHCP lease on my laptop but got the same error.
- Finally, I picked up my laptop and walked into the living room. In less than a minute, it picked up a new address in the correct range (I think it was, the error went away and everything worked correctly again.
- Select settings form the eero app:
- Software Version v6.14.0-4275
- Gateway eero IP address:
- DHCP & NAT: Automatic
- DNS: Default
Can you tell me what's going on?
- Why would this happen?
- Is my "Hallway" Eero broken?
2 replies
Was it 169.254.x.x? That's a self-assigned/link-local IP address if so, which can happen if a device is not able to obtain a lease via DHCP. I'd make sure the Hallway eero has a good ethernet connection, as well as possibly soft reset it.
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 1496Views