Major connection issue
For about a week now, I’ve had a bad connection issue with my eeros. My internet is up and running, speed seems fine, but connections are not instantaneous. Every time I open an app or click a link, I have to try at least twice before it works. Happens with every device but worst on iOS.
This probably happened after 3.13.0 update.
21 replies
You can run the health check in the eero app (under Help > Troubleshooting), and if that doesn’t help resolve your issue, contact eero support who will happily help you out.
Hi, miamojo – thanks for taking the time to share your concerns here. This is definitely some unusual behavior, and not something we believe to be related to the newest firmware update, so I'd like for us to investigate this a little further with you. Please shoot us an email to with the details of what you're seeing and we'd be happy to do what we can to get this resolved! We look forward to hearing back from you, and please feel free to put "Community followup" in your subject line so I can get your email directly to a specialist!
Drew, eero Community Team -
The identical issue is occurring with me. I've been on the phone with deep support, my ISP, and my modem provider support. I'm at the point of changing my modem and changing from deep to an alternate mesh vendor. The last week technician wasn't at all helpful.
It is the eero and they can’t figure it out. Most of my connections time out or take 3-4 attempts.
I have a similar issue. But my setup is a bit different: I am running a Linksys router to my ISP and have the Eero Master connected to that in bridge mode with 2 beacons in a 3000 sq ft 1 story house. The WIFI on the linksys has been disabled until today - enabled for testing purposes. There are about 20 attached devices of various types.
Here is the behavior I see:
1. WIFI Connections to any eero node come and go. Connected to Eero wifi and running the eero app from my iPhone will show the node I am connected to as offline.
2. Turning off Phone WIFI (using cellular connection): the Eero App reports all nodes as "hunky dory".
3. Enabling WIFI on Linksys router and connecting there shows no issues (I just don't have the WIFI coverage this way).
4. The above behavior happens on multiple devices.
I have been having similar issues. This is a inferior product that Amazon should do something about. I personally think we might consider a class action against Amazon as this is their product and a very poor one at that!
I have similar issues: I have 3 eeros strategically spread throughout my house, which is about 3,500 sq feet. My issue isn't with the hardwired eeros - it's with the wireless system - IT'S TERRIBLE. I've contacted tech support at least a dozen times and between moving all the eeors around from room-to-room (something I have done at least 2-3 times) and doing a massive reset of everything a few months ago, nothing seems to be working. I have a hard time connecting to Sonos, our Amazon Fire sticks experience wifi connectivity issues monthly, my Sony smartTV has issues with wifi as well and our cell phones are constantly having trouble connecting when I move within my house. The crux of the issue is that the eeros don't update so my phone (or any wireless devices, even stationary ones) will stay connected to the "living room" eero when the phone is 4 feet from the basement eero. The fact that you can't manually connect to the closest eero is also infuriating. I never had these types of issues with my FREE ISP provided router, what gives?
Having the same issue, it is a week now that after the last update something is wrong. I checked my rooter and works fine. I restarted the router and the eero devices but it made it even worst. I am still waiting for a reply from the assistance.
I too am experiencing the problems commented on above. I just purchased and received the Eero Pro for a 1 story 1477 sqft home. The decision was to switch from Linksys to Eero to eliminate the issues with Linksys connectivity issues and upgrade. I am so angry I did not check this community and other forums to learn more about theses problems! The entire thing is crap and the technical support responses are so basic and fail to resolve the issues.
They aren't compatible with iOS 15 or 15.1 (beta). See my thread just below this.
I can’t see your thread…..THANK YOU. I take it you are not the eero employee that responded to my message? The information you provided is clear and direct, information that should have been disclosed by eero when I purchased. I am desperate for a solid and consistent Wi-Fi system and wanted to purchase the Alexa system. So back to square one. I am always surprised by the failure of great products and big companies who don’t go the extra mile to ensure access and usage by all. Make the very best product for everyone. LOL
Every time I leave the house, upon returning my device is connected to wifi, but cannot reach the internet. I have to toggle wifi on and off to get connectivity.
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 21Replies
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