Upgrading System and Device Names

I'm probably going to upgrade to the Eero Pro 6. I'm currently running the 2nd gen Eero Pro system. We run about 50 connected devices. I've got them all named and categorized. If I upgrade, is there a way to carry over those names and category specifics or do I manually have to do it again with the Pro 6 hardware? 

3 replies

    • OAW
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Absolutely. I just did this with when upgrading my 1st gen Eero to the new Eero 6. To preserve your device names and categorizations do not just unplug your existing eeros and try to setup the new ones. You want to replace each eero one at at time. In the app do the following:

    1. Click the + icon in the upper right corner.
    2. Tap Add or Replace eero Devices.
    3. Tap Replace eero Device
    4. Tap the device you are replacing. It'll then tell you to unplug that device and the plug in a new one. Just follow the instructions.
    5. Wash, rinse, and repeat until you replace them all.

    If you do it like this all the device names and categorizations will be intact.  It's a very slick and easy-to-use feature.

      • OAW
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Forgot to mention, I replaced the gateway eero using the steps outlined above last.

      • Mgreer316
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      OAW Outstanding! Thanks!

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