Ridiculously Terrible Performance - Eero is Garbage!!!

I recently "upgraded" my Frontier FIOS from 300MB to their 2GB offering.

The 2GB service comes with Eero Pro 6Es. We have three across our single-floor home (3000sq/ft).

The maIn Eerro is in the front coat closet, with the two satellites in the master bedroom and guest bedroom. The guest room Eero is the furthest way, but is still less than 60 feet from the front closet.

We had Frontier technicians out 3 times now. We get 2.5GB+ up or down to the Main Eero. The speed to the main Eero has been verified by all three technicians.

The Master Bedroom Satellite Eero is less than 25 feet from the Main, and can barely pull 150MB down or up.

The Guest Bedroom Satellite Eero averages in the mid-20MBs down and under 15MB up!!

All three Eero units have been replaced by Frontier. This had no effect on the wireless mesh performance.

We had better performance from the old 300MB service.

About to dump this crap back in Frontier's lap and get a regular router and a couple quality access points. TP-Link seems to make good products.

18 replies

    • rada9933
    • 1 yr ago
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    We get 2.5GB+ up or down through Frontier FIOS' hardwired connection to the Main Eero.

    • Enthusiast
    • thatsthequy
    • 1 yr ago
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    They're too far. Place them closer together and get the nodes out in the open. Having the main one in a closet is probably doing most of the harm here.

    • rada9933
    • 1 yr ago
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    If they are too far apart, and hampered by a couple walls, then they are worthless.Not dotting outlets across the house with Eeros to get this crap to work.

    A quality router and a couple access points can out-achieve Eero with no problems. 

      • Enthusiast
      • thatsthequy
      • 1 yr ago
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      rada9933 goodness if you wired in your leaf eeros to the gateway then they’d out perform themselves when in a mesh. 

      This is clearly your first foray into using 6Ghz Wi-Fi. My iPad only connects on 6Ghz if I am in the same room as my eero. After there is a wall in between it drops to 5Ghz. 

      • rada9933
      • 1 yr ago
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      No, this is not my first foray...


      6G to 5G isn't the issue...

      It's the download/upload speeds in the sub-30Mb range that's the issue.

      • Enthusiast
      • thatsthequy
      • 1 yr ago
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      rada9933 yep, because your eeros are too far apart, so they are likely only sending traffic to each other on their 2.4Ghz radios. Put them closer and they will use 5Ghz and get higher speeds. Put them even closer and they will use 6Ghz and get the highest speeds possible. 

    • dcfoo
    • 1 yr ago
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    I solved this seemingly challenging problem. I had 2 Eero Pro 6e's & 2 6+'s and a >1gbps pipe into the house here in the US. And my wifi strength was strong but the wifi performance was pretty crap on some devices and seemingly randomly. It turns out I basically had too many Eero's in my 4 floors home! Apparently over saturation due to these powerful devices were the issue. I have backhauled each eero to the main eero router and still had the issue.

    So I removed the 6+'s and only kept the 2 Pro's, one on the bottom floor and one on the top, and I've never had an issue since. Try that and see. If possible, backhaul each eero to the main router, assuming your home is wired that way for more consistent performance. Good luck.

      • Enthusiast
      • thatsthequy
      • 1 yr ago
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      dcfoo note you need one eero above the others in a wired topology. 

      ISP box > gateway eero > switch > other eeros and clients. 

      • dcfoo
      • 1 yr ago
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      thatsthequy agreed. rada9933 should try to remove one of the Eero's from the setup and give it a go. Two Eero 6e pro's for a 3000sq/ft home should be more that sufficient. Or if I'm reading it wrong, 1 Eero Pro connected to the ISP router as a gateway, and 1 satellite (6, 6+, or 6e) should be sufficient. This is my 1 year of losing my mind talking esp when I had NO problems with the Eero Pro's from 5 years ago...

      • Aknyc
      • 1 yr ago
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      dcfoo Hi - if i backhaul eero clients via ethernet to the main eero (gateway i guess it is called), is there any way to disable the mesh networking and thus use the clients strictly as WAPs?  Thanks.

      • Michael_eero_support
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aknyc There is not.  If an eero is online and on the network it will broadcast wifi and mesh with any other eero in range on the same network.  There is no way of disabling this behavior short of unplugging it from power.

      • Aknyc
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael_eero_support Thanks Michael.  What frequency range does the mesh signal use?  While I have your attention, can the eero be powered using POE?

      • Michael_eero_support
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aknyc The mesh will go over all the radios the eero has, it will actively/constantly monitor all the radios bands and pick the least cost pathway (which is wired if available as wired doesn't add any wireless congestion).  The only eero we have that officially supports PoE is the eero Pro (with the mounting plate which is hard to get now days) and the eero PoE 6

      • Aknyc
      • 1 yr ago
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      Michael_eero_support PoE 6 is that different than the Pro 6E which i have?

      • Michael_eero_support
      • 1 yr ago
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      Aknyc Yes, they are different products

      Pro 6e: https://www.amazon.com/eero-reliable-gigabit-connect-Coverage/dp/B091G68F8C/

      PoE 6: https://www.amazon.com/eeroPoE6/dp/B09HJB9RJ3

      In short the Pro 6E is a tri band product, the PoE 6 is a dual band with PoE built in

    • brownross
    • 1 yr ago
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    LOL!!..... you put the main Eeero in a closet??!!!  You're not the sharpest pencil in the box, are you...yet you're quick to blame everyone else for YOUR STUPIDITY!!....priceless!!!

      • itzJustin
      • 1 yr ago
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       no no. Mine is right next to my Xbox and it’s straight shit

    • itzJustin
    • 1 yr ago
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    It’s just straight stupid. Absolute scam. I don’t know much about Wi-Fi but I can proudly say this is the most shit Wi-Fi ever. Absolute joke 

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