MacBook Pro Connection Problem

Hoping to find some help here before I can get a hold of Tech Support. My MacBook Pro is able to connect to Eero but the internet is not functional. Our other Apple and non-Apple devices work just fine. My MacBook Pro is in stationary position. Thanks for your help!

42 replies

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Hi  rpb161

    I'm sorry to hear the issue you are encountering. There are no known issues with MacBook Pro's, so I definitely recommend getting in touch with our Tech Support team.

    Feel free to give us a call at 1-877-659-2347 or email us at support@eero.com. We'll be happy to get this resolved for you.

    • Ryan_Stevens
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I also got the same issue friend 😕. Did you find any solution?

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi Ryan_Stevens

    I noticed your other post in the community, so perhaps this is related to that. If you haven't yet, please contact eero support. We'd be happy to take a look.

    You can give us a call at 1-877-659-2347 or email us at support@eero.com .

    • jerryrs
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I also appear to be having issues when I try to connect my work Macbook Pro to my home eero network. My Macbook connects to the eero, but I can not browse the internet.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi  jerryrs

    Sorry to hear you are experiencing some trouble with your Macbooks. This isn't typical behavior, so we should take a look.

    Feel free to give us a call at 1-877-659-2347 or email us at support@eero.com . Our team is happy to take a look at what is going and provide any necessary steps to get this all resolved.

    • NJRonbo
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I am using the new 2016 Macbook Pro with several eeros in my home.   No connection issue.  Just speed issue.

    • kenbo
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I've got 2 MBPs that stopped connecting to my Eero couple days ago, including our iPhones, iPads, and other appliances like the MyQ garage opener and Harmony hub. Sometimes all at once, sometimes selectively. I've tried a soft reset of all 3 Eeros, and while waiting for a response from tech support I deleted and recreated my network. While that fixed the connection with some devices the MyQ, Harmony, and both MacBooks still randomly drop off. Tech support tried assigning static IPs to these devices unsuccessfully, and we even tried creating a guest wifi. While the MacBooks were able to connect they couldn't see our printers on the main wifi grrr. At one point even my iPhone couldn't connect to the guest wifi. 

    My issue was "escalated" so I hope you guys can figure this out as this has been a disruptive 3 days.  I re-enabled the wifi from my isp's modem and have had zero problems with any device added to that network. 

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi  kenbo

    Welcome to the eero community. I'm sorry to hear the issue you've been experiencing as of late. That definitely isn't the typical experience with eero.

    I'm happy to hear you are already in touch with tech support, and we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding through this process. Hopefully, we can get this all resolved for you in a timely manner. 

    Thanks again. If anything else comes up, please don't hesitate to reach back out to our team so they have the latest happenings on what you are currently experiencing.

    • Greg_G
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I've just experienced a similar issue 2 days ago. 2014 Macbook Pro cannot connect to one of my two secondary eeros. I have a 24 port Linksys gigabit switch connected to the gateway eero. The problematic secondary eero is hardwired to the switch. The third eero is wireless. The gateway is double NAT'd behind an ATT uverse router with IP passthrough so that the gateway eero is getting the public IP address.

    When my Macbook Pro is in range of the hardwired secondary eero, it is failing to get a DHCP address and falling back to a link local address (169.x.x.x). When the Macbook Pro is anywhere is successfully gets an IP address. 

    The issue seems to be recent. I installed the eero system on April 26, but did not see this issue until 2 days ago.

    • kenbo
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Greg G Yup, all 3 of our MacBooks and most of our iDevices were locked out of my Eero's Wifi.  Likewise I have a 16 port Netgear switch connected to the main Eero, while the other two Eeros are hardwired to the switch.  Under Advanced Settings Eero support had me change DHCP/NAT from auto to Manual IP with an IP address prefix of  After the trio rebooted all my previously booted devices came back online.  I've been 100% online for a few days now (crossing my fingers).  I asked Eero support for a laymens explanation on what happened for future knowledge but haven't gotten one.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi  Greg G

    I'm sorry to hear the issue you are experiencing. If you haven't yet, I would encourage you to contact our support team. We'd be happy to take a look and get to the bottom of the issue you are experiencing.

    Feel free to give us a call at 1-877-659-2347 or email us at support@eero.com .

    kenbo  —

    I see that our team is continuing to work with you on this matter and some progress is being made! We really appreciate your patience and understanding with this matter.

    • pjohnson826
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I am having this exact same problem!  Just upgraded from a MacBook Pro 2014 - never had an issue....

    However the problem started when I got my new MacBook.  I can connect to my Eero just fine with my brand new MacBook Pro 2016 - however, anything that becomes data intensive, even if its just transferring a lot of photos to my network server (Western Digital MyCloud) all of a sudden my internet, and connection to the server hangs...  WiFi stays connected to the Eero, but I can't access the internet or my server until I turn off WiFi on the computer then turn it back on.

    This problem happens over and over - without fail, every time.  No other devices in the house have an issue.

    Internet works perfectly fine if I connect directly to my AT&T modem's WiFi network - issue only arrives when connected to Eero network.

      • joeba
      • 7 yrs ago
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      pjohnson826 I have the same problem with my mid 2009 MBP.  It seems to happen if I am watching youtube.  I have to turn the MBP WiFi on and off to resolve the problem

    • Greg_G
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I tried several different config changes (setting lower MTU, etc.) on the Macbook to no avail.

    I was already using a manual IP for DHCP/NAT with a prefix of, so that I wouldn't have to re-IP a few servers in the house. I really don't want to have to change that to

    After eliminating everything on the Mac side and sniffing the traffic with Wireshark, I finally resorted to power cycling the one offending eero device and the problem is resolved.

    • Greg_G
    • 7 yrs ago
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     pjohnson826 I don't know whether it's just a coincedence or not, but the only device that I was having a problem with is my 2014 Macbook Pro. But power cycling one of the eero's resolved it for me.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Greg G

    I'm happy to hear that this was able to resolve the issue. If you start to experience this issue again, please let our team know so that we can continue to take a look.

    • perplexed
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I ran into something similar with my wife's MacBook Pro.  All other devices seem to not have this issue, but her MBP would periodically refuse to connect to the eero wifi network after a week or two of use.  The symptoms were that the wifi status icon (top right) would constantly show the "scanning" animation, but it would be unable to connect.  Finally, it would time out and give up.

    Power cycling the eero units would solve the issue in the short term, but it would return within days/weeks.  I gathered wifi diagnostic reports and submitted them to eero support, but nothing could be found to indicate the cause.

    I figured out a permanent solution though...  the problem seemed to be that, for whatever reason, the MacBook Pro was unable to obtain a DHCP IP address from the eero network.  I created a new network location on the MBP, and configured it to use a static IP address that I selected (unique, outside the DHCP range I'd configured on the eero), configured the gateway IP address, and configured the DNS server IP addresses.  Since switching to that approach she has never run into an issue, and my life got a lot easier ;-) 

    No idea why the eero network and her MacBook Pro are not getting along when DHCP is used, but she never had this issue when operating on the Apple AirPort Extreme/express network the eero replaced.  Seems likely it's an odd interoperability issue to me.  While it would be better if it would be reliable on DHCP, using a static network location profile while on the home network is workable for me... we'd just need to remember to switch it to a DHCP default profile when/if operating off network (Starbucks, etc.), and then to switch it back when home.  

    • jimamba
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I fixed my issue by going from Bridge mode to automatic. 

    • mlowman129
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I have 2 airs and 1 MacBook Pro and haven't had issues until today where my Pro would no longer connect to the eero.  I tried reboots, forget network/rejoin, etc and it would never connect.

    My resolution was to create a Reservation for the MacBook pro using the Eero app and as soon as I did that the connection worked. This is much cleaner than creating two wireless profiles for on and off home network.

      • clippermadness
      • 7 yrs ago
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      This worked like a charm for my MacBook Pro running Sierra. One of our family laptops just up and decided to stop getting an IP from the eero network. Network restarts, laptop restarts, forgetting the network - nothing worked. Once I created a Reservation, all was good.

    • kjonmiller
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Note: we are operating in Bridge mode so that we can leverage the AT&T modem as a router for our many wired devices. So I can't set a static IP in Eero.

    We created a guest network and then the MBP connects to the guest network we don't have any issues. But when the MBP uses the main network it always has trouble finding an IP address. Anyone have other ideas? 

      • jamiecheng
      • 6 yrs ago
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      kjonmiller I have the same issue with a 2017 MBP and a 2017 MacBook. Devices sometimes do not get assigned an IP address from primary network, but switching to Guest network works.

      • kjonmiller
      • 6 yrs ago
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      • kjonmiller
      • 6 yrs ago
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      jambear we continue to be able to keep the IP address on the MBP using the guest network but not on the main network. No issues with other devices. Very strange.

    • paulmez
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Hello,  Just installed the eero network and my wife's MBP is having the same network issue.  In addition, she had to disable the trackball as it was taking on a life of its own when connect to the eero network.  Not sure if anyone else had the trackball issue when the eero network was connected.  seems a bit odd but maybe it is some sort of device conflict.  We shutdown the eero network and I replaced it with the Linksys wireless router we had been using with no issues for a few years.  After doing this earlier today the network works fine and the track is not having any issues.  My wife took the MBP to Apple, it worked fine there and they could not find any issues.  Seems like there is a "known" issue with MBP and erro.  Who own the issue is still to be determined it appears.  Considering sending my eero back to Amazon and getting my $400 back for something else.  Not sure I agree with having to setup a static IP for the MBP as others have suggested which seems to resolve the issue however I am not sure if that is a permanent fix.  Any feedback welcomed. 

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