Integrated Speed test not working since June

I purchased my Eero 6+ three pack in June (2022) and immediately ran a speed test upon setting it up. Since that time, it has been unable to run even a single speed test, neither automatically nor manually. I called support, and they ran me through a huge litany of steps, all to no avail. Devices were swapped. Devices were reset. In the end, we were right back where we started, with the inability to run the integrated speed test in the Eero app. The tech was also unable to run the speed test from their end as well. My assumption was that this must be a software issue with the app, and that surely tens of thousands of other people would have experienced the same thing. Yet upon searching extensively on Google, I have found very few reports of this.

Did I perhaps receive three lemons? Any suggestions?

Thank you all in advance.

3 replies

    • deininger
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I think I’m having the same issue. I upgraded my main router from a basic Eero to the Eero 6E Pro, and since then, speed tests are not running automatically, and manual speed tests do not show any results.

      • Michael_eero_support
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view


      Please contact support to report this.

      • deininger
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Michael_eero_support sure, I’ve sent an email with the information.

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