Wifi speed

Have 2 eeros and it runsnat the same speed as it did without them throughout the house...anyone else getting no results. btw, 2100 sq/ft house.

28 replies

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    I'm using 3 Eeros in 2100 square foot house, which greatly reduces the distance between Eeros.  Big speed increase and no more dead spots or connectivity problems. 

    • Latency
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Here are my results: 3200 sq/ft house, 2 eeros (one is on the ground floor, the 2nd is directly above it on the second floor).


    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Each Eero has a maximum range of about 1,000 square feet, with walls, pipes in walls/ceilings, building materials, etc, all reducing that range. That's why Eero recommends 3-4 Eeros in a 2,000-4,000 square foot house, not 2 Eeros as in your set-up.  Luma, Ubiquiti, Netgear, and Google all make same recommendations with their mesh networking systems.  

    I have a roughly 2100 square foot house, with 3 Eeros.  I average 742 Mbps with my Western Digital MyCloudMirror Network Access Storage up to 130 feet from my house.  My NAS is connected via Ethernet to a Eero.  

    How is your Time Capsule connected to your network - wifi or Ethernet?


    • Boboso52
    • 8 yrs ago
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    I have four (4) eeros for a 2100 square foot single story house with well over 20 items connected (had three eeros and just added one more eero from black friday.) Wifi and connected items are working great.  I really like the new True Mesh (software update 2.0) and look forward to more features with respect to measuring connectivity and performance.  

    • Boboso52
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Current Speed test.  The version 2.0 upgrade upped my download speed quite a bit.  

    • SmartHomeTN21
    • 8 yrs ago
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    My setup shows excellent.  The system download speeds show around 60 down consistently.  My Speedtests on devices are only showing 15 to 20 after the system being installed about a week.  I rebooted the router and main unit connected.  Got 60 on my device for a short time and then back to 15.  Not sure how to check anything else on the system

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Hi  SmartHomeTN21

    Thanks for reaching out. It's great to hear how awesome your eero experience has been so far!

    I was curious what else you were looking to check? Happy to help you find it or pass along the feedback to our team!

    • Bixbysbro
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Ya, I returned mine. It wasn't consistent and didn't improve any of the areas in my house. 

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
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    I'm sorry to hear you decided to return your eeros, Bixbysbro .

    If you ever look to give eero another shot, please feel free to contact our support team. We're more than happy to work with you on placement and anything else to ensure you get the most out of your eero WiFi system.

    • SmartHomeTN21
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Jeff C. Well.. I just found another thread about Apple devices.  I had a 6s and changed to the 7 when I changed carriers.  I didn't notice issues before the swap, but I have only been running the Eeros a short time.  After reading that post, I am guessing my issues may be related to the apple iOS device.  My older Apple TV was also having some issues connecting or allowing me to use Airplay from the phone.  I was static in the living room and not roaming.  I unplugged 1 of the 3 Eeros and it seemed to connect better, but the videos were super choppy.  I reset both devices as mentioned and it seemed to run fine for a short time and then started again. My MacBook 12" seems to do fine.  I have several smart devices in the home (4 Kuna Camera lights, Ecobee Thermostat, Wink Hub, Chamberlain MyQ) on top of the various devices for 5 people with phones, laptops and tablets as well as the Smart TVs and cable boxes, etc...  I was just trying to find a better way to determine which devices connected to the Eeros may be using the most bandwidth or if it is truly the Apple devices.


    Side note: The setup of the equipment was super easy.  I have changed out my router and modem on numerous occasions over the years.  I set this to use the same SSID as the old router. *after unplugging and powering off the old router.  I was running a 2.4 SSID and a 5 SSID, so I did have to reconfigure a few devices to use the same SSID.  Overall, it was up and running very quickly.  I may try to adjust placements of the units, but I do not have coverage issues in the 2638 sq ft home.  My wife is not complaining about losing connection on her laptop any longer. 

      • bbrinks
      • 7 yrs ago
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      SmartHomeTN21 how did you setup the Chamberlain MyQ on the eero?  The eero does not have WPS.  I was thinking about getting my old netgear router out and setting up the same SSID and password, set the chamberlain up with the WPS function on the netgear, turn off the netgear bring back up the eero and see if the Chamberlain will connect with the eero at that point.  Any thoughts are appreciated.  Bryan

      • SmartHomeTN21
      • 7 yrs ago
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      bbrinks I do not use WPS at home.  It has been awhile since I setup the My Q.  Pretty sure I had the phone on my WiFi and connected to the MyQ hub with Bluetooth.  I do not recall if I entered the info or it took it from my phone settings. 

    • Boboso52
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Eero can't provide more speed than is provided by your ISP.  If you max at 50mbps download, that's the max you could receive.  I have a complex home network and it has never run any better. 


    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    SmartHomeTN21 How old is your Apple TV?  Some of the older models had problems with AirPlay.  Have you also tried resetting your iPhone 7's network settings, Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings?

    • SmartHomeTN21
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Richard1864 No.  I didn't think to do that.  Good idea though since we did a restore from the 6s backup.  I'll try the network reset to see how it goes.

    The Apple TV is Gen3,  A1427.   Pretty sure the phone is the issue though.  It did better from the laptop.  I also hardwired it to the Eero to test how that would go.  It refused to connect to anything with the one in the living room plugged in.  I am going to see about moving the locations around to see if that helps as well.   I may try tonight after I get home from work.

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    SmartHomeTN21 I had the same issue with my iPhone 7, after also restoring from an iPhone 6s Plus. I suspect it's caused by the iPhone 7 having newer 802.11ac 2nd generation networking, and the networking settings from the older iPhone(s) aren't compatible with the newer networking protocols.  

    Unplugging the power cord from the Apple TV for a minute or two may also help. Or resetting the Apple TV may help it connect via wifi to Eero. 

    • Bixbysbro
    • 8 yrs ago
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    I pay for 100 mbps and roughly get 60 down when I'm next to the modem. in my room where I had a eero I was getting maybe 30.

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Bixbysbro did you turn your modem off, then connect Eero, turn the modem on after connecting Eero, and then plug Eero in for power after your modem finished booting up?

    • SmartHomeTN21
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Bixbysbro Richard1864 I paid for 100Mbps before we moved. Now I am at 60Mbps and get close to that.  So far, resetting the phone network settings seems to have fixed that issue.  I got back to 62 on the Speedtest from the phone, matching what Eero showed.  The Eero system fixed my dead spots.  I will continue testing bough  


    Bixbysbro, not sure what kind of modem.  It may need reset!or firmware update.  Or you may just be in a highly populated area of cable users.  

    • SmartHomeTN21
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Bixbysbro Richard1864 I paid for 100Mbps before we moved. Now I am at 60Mbps and get close to that.  So far, resetting the phone network settings seems to have fixed that issue.  I got back to 62 on the Speedtest from the phone, matching what Eero showed.  The Eero system fixed my dead spots.  I will continue testing bough  


    Bixbysbro, not sure what kind of modem.  It may need reset!or firmware update.  Or you may just be in a highly populated area of cable users.  

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    SmartHomeTN21 glad the network reset worked. Anything else Incan help with?

    • SmartHomeTN21
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Richard1864 good for now.   thanks for the tip. 

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Anytime!  :)

    • curtis
    • 8 yrs ago
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    I've been using eero for about five weeks. My ISP provides 30
    Mbps down, 5 Mbps up service to my home. 

    Short version: Based on speed tests by eero and testmy.net my network's upload speed is not operating to capacity. However, speed tests from my ISP and speedtest.net indicate my network's upload speed is just fine.

    Long version: A couple of weeks ago the results of eero daily speed tests changed. The download speed remained as expected, about 30 Mbps but, upload speed was reduced from 5 Mbps to 1 Mbps.

    I performed a speed test from Safari on Mac mini pointed at testmy.net and its results matched those from the eero app. I also launched Safari on my iOS devices -- while connected to home wifi -- and performed the same tests. The results also matched those from the eero app.

    I called my ISP and requested a reset signal be sent to my cable modem. Ran the speed tests again on all devices ...no change.

    I unplugged both eero devices, then reconnected them to power. Ran the speed tests again ...no change.

    Next, I ran a speed test from Apple TV. Since there is no web browser on Apple TV I used an app: Speedtest by Ookla. This time my upload speed was good ...around 5 Mbps. Download speed was around 30 Mbps ...also good.

    To be thorough, I also speed tested my iOS devices using the Speedtest app ...again 30 down, 5 up. And finally, on my Mac mini in a web browser pointed to speedtest.net ...all good, 30 down, 5 up.

    As a final step, I retested my iOS devices and Mac mini with their browsers aimed at testmy.net ...not good, 30 down, 1 up. These numbers match what I continue to see in the eero daily speed tests.

    My question: Who is right? On one side, my ISP and Speedtest.net say everything's working great. One the other side, eero and testMy.net say my upload speed is not working as advertised.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Official response
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    Hi  curtis

    Thanks for sharing the process you took for checking speeds.

    Generally, we suggest using a product like speedtest.net or MLab if you want to double check your speeds. If you see a discrepancy from the speeds shown from these tests versus what you see in the eero app, please file a ticket with our support team so we can investigate. Generally, the external tests are pretty accurate and shouldn't inflate your numbers.

    If the issue persists, feel free to give us a call at 1-877-659-2347 or email us at support@eero.com.

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