Additional features and functionality I'd love to see for my eero WiFi system

These are couple things I thought could be added too. 1. Stealth functionality in firewall. This is an industry standard, and is actually required in more than a dozen US states, Canada, and Europe under their privacy laws. I was surprised it wasn't part of the firewall. It greatly reduces the attack surface, and helps protect both home and work networks. No user interaction is needed with it, nor is it a strain on the router hardware. It's considered basic firewall functionality. Will this be added? 2. Reboot from app. I haven't had to reboot my eeros yet, but would be nice bit of extra functionality in case the need arises. 3. Ability to manually update firmware updates to the eeros. Just a request from the geek in me. :) I think that's it so far. As networking professional, this is the best and most stable network I've seen yet, both from the consumer angle and professional angle. Love my eeros!

14 replies

    • r/eero Moderator
    • JTswift
    • 8 yrs ago
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    I can't speak to 1.

    I know 2 has been asked for before on the Reddit forum. I don't know if it's coming or not.

    3, however, was added in the last app update.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Hi  Richard1864 —

    Welcome to the eero community and thanks for your feedback! Also, thank you  JTswift for chiming in!

    I have passed along your feedback regarding stealth functionality for firewall. The security of your network is important to us, and we've taken a lot of steps to ensure it stays secure. If there are any additional security concerns that you may have, our team encourages you to reach out directly to security@eero.com.

    The ability to reboot your network from within the eero app is a request we've heard in the past, and as we continue to evaluate future features, this feedback is invaluable to that process.

    And as  JTswift mentioned, the ability to manually update your eeros to the latest version of eeroOS is a feature we just released! For more information, I encourage taking a look at our announcement post. This was a common feature request, so we are proud to offer it to our customers :)

    Thanks again! 

      • josef
      • 7 yrs ago
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      Jeff C. +1 for the request to add the stealth functionality (very important), I just setup my eero and tested this, although no ports report open, still, in fact sends responses with close ports, as mentioned by Richard this allows for an attack surface. I hope to see this coming in the upcoming updates. 

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    Sorry, what I meant with #3 was have the ability to download the new firmware to the smartphone and then upload it to the eeros that way.

    Case in point; a new firmware is available to eeros now, 1.1.3, but the manual update feature apparently either isn't active or the update isn't deployed yet as manual update isn't seeing it at all, nor have my eeros automatically updated yet either.

    I'm just surprised the manual update feature doesn't enable when the new firmware is released, which is implied will happen in the blog entry on the manual release update for the app.
    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Thanks for following up and for that clarification,  Richard1864 .

    I'll pass along that specific feedback.

    As for how the updates work, you can read more here. When we release a new update of the eeroOS, we do so on a rolling basis. This allows us to properly monitor the update, ensuring that before we send it to all networks, it doesn't potentially cause any problems.

    Since the new version is available to some networks, we provide public release notes. As soon as the update is available for your network, you will see the option in the app or the update will happen automatically overnight.

    I hope this helps provide a bit more clarity to the feature. Thanks again!

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Thanks @Jeff C! If they could do the download via the app, maybe that could provide another way to monitor the update process, see if update issues are due to individual home networks from inside the network? Might make for nice extra diagnostic tool when troubleshooting with customers.
    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for that additional feedback, Richard1864 !

    • kellen
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Just requested #2 as well. Have issues with Comcast and so reboots of units happens regularly around here. Reboot from app for all or individual would be great. 

    • Kpmone
    • 8 yrs ago
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    A vote for #1.

    Also experience similar issues to @Kelley. #2 would be a big hassle saver as I have 4 units scattered around.
    • big_mk
    • 8 yrs ago
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    +1 for reboot from App.  Occasionally I get the dreaded call of "the network isn't working".  To help rule out the routers, a reboot option would be fantastic.  Also, on occasion, I've had one of my four eeros hard lock.  Sending a remote reboot command would help identify either which one was having an issue (or, if it failed, then I know I need to physically unplug the "main" eero).


    Thanks - Mike

    • big_mk
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Not to mention it provides a great signal to eero about how often users reboot, a little log scrubbing and they might find out why, etc.

    • FuzzyG
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Eero already has self monitoring tools built in..

    • big_mk
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Naturally, otherwise they wouldn't have logs to scrub :-)  My point is users are requesting a manual reboot option.  A triggered reboot would give another signal to Eero engineers in how users are using their routers - and might help them find out what is happening on the network that causes users to feel the need to reboot.

    • pinthea
    • 5 yrs ago
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    +1 on the "stealth" request.  If "out of sight is out of mind", then if my main Eero hub doesn't respond to a port ping request, then I'm less in the cross-hairs of bad actors.  While there may not be a standard, it seems like you're not offering a feature that other manufacturers have figured out how to deliver.

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