eero / iOS Random Disconnects Still Occurring

Starting a new thread to re-summarize the situation:

3 eero Pros (not Eero Pro 6), all on eeroOS 6.3.1, in a 1450 sq ft condo
6 Apple devices all on iOS/iPadOS 14.5.1
Private Address off or on does not seem to matter
4 of the devices are mounted on arms and do not move (so they are presumably not moving between APs)
DNS on eero set to /

Problem: Devices are randomly disconnected from eero WiFi. When this happens, the device does not automatically reconnect and must be manually reconnected. Other side effects are that the Private Address option may toggle from off to on and that the WiFi password may be forgotten on the device. One older device (iPad 2 running iOS 9.3.5) has NO issues. Other devices (not using iOS/iPadOS) have NO issues as far as I am aware.

At this point I think there are issues in both eeroOS and iOS/iPadOS -- and that means that we really need eero and Apple to talk to each other and work out the source of the problem and get it fixed. I've done all of the troubleshooting I plan to do at this point -- now I am just reconnecting devices as they disconnect and grumbling as I do so.

Please, eero -- get with Apple and figure out what the hell is going on. Surely between the two of you, you can reproduce this issue and figure out the actual cause. If a device knows the SSID and password for the WiFi network, there really is NO excuse for it to become disconnected.

125 replies

    • clayj
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    FWIW, I have separately submitted a bug report to Apple regarding Private Address mode. Basically, what I said to them is that it is 100% unacceptable for a WiFi connection to have its Private Address mode change unless it's changed manually. If I set SSID "X" to run NOT in Private Address mode, that should NEVER change unless *I* change it. (The scenario I encountered: I briefly set one of my iPads in Airplane Mode. I made no other changes. When I turned Airplane Mode off, the iPad reconnected to the eero WiFi network -- but now Private Address was turned ON.)

    • clayj
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Happened again today. Went out for a few hours, came home and my iPhone 12 Pro (iOS 14.6) was disconnected from WiFi, as were two of the iPads that were in my home the entire time. I don't know if it's an iOS bug, but it still sure seems strange that two iPads that literally did not move the entire time were also disconnected. Other iPads were NOT disconnected.

    • dnbglobal
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I’m having the same problem with an iPhone 12 Pro.  All other Apple devices are fine - iPhones 11 and 8, iPad and iPad Pro.  I have 4 x Eero Pro 6 devices in a 4000 sq ft townhome.  The iPhone 12 started randomly losing Wi-Fi about 2 weeks ago.  Reset Network Settings sometimes brings it back but basically it is unreliable and I can’t depend on it.  Apart from asking Eero to fix this with Apple, does anyone on the chain know if it would help to have IPv6 enabled on the Eeros - it is not at the moment.  

    • uoɹʇɐԀ
    • ofaeis
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Sounds to me like some sort of a Power Save -- Also I've noticed some devices seem to save the AP MAC address hard coded into them the first time they connect, defeats the whole purpose of a mesh in my opinion...I had a few issues with iOS switching between APs fast sometimes--haven't had this problem in a while though~

    • rsahita
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Exact same issue with latest IOS on iPhone 11 and latest eero fw. Please address this with Apple Eero!

      • rsahita
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      hi checking back - any resolution to this issue? I am also like others here at this point considering this a sunk cost and changing my routers to another brand :(

      • JBake130
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      rsahita I feel you, I wasted money on Eero to work for 8 months, now I’m looking at other options as I’ve wasted $200 on these

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello rsahita ,

      I would like to take a look into this and help you troubleshoot if you have not already reached out to our support. I will send you a direct message with steps on how to reach out to me if you would like. Alternatively, you can give our support a phone call as well. I have shared a link below that you can use to identify the best phone number to use.


    • ckdekks
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Yes, having the same issue with a 4 year old iPad Pro after upgrade to 14.7.1.  Doesn’t happen with iPhone 11 and 14.7.1.  Very frustrating and keeps iPad from seeing Sonos system.  

    • clayj
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    8/9: Reset the timer here. I walked down the street for a few minutes earlier this morning and then came right back home. My iPhone 12 Pro is once again not connecting to my eero Pro 6.

      • clayj
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      clayj And now my kitchen iPad, which was just sitting there minding its own business the whole time, has now also dropped.

      Eero, PLEASE work with Apple to figure out why this is happening. There is no excuse AT ALL for a device which knows the SSID and password to become disconnected from the WiFi network.

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello clayj ,

      I know this isn't affecting all Apple devices on all networks as my iPhone and iPad, both older versions work just find on my eero network at home. I'm wondering if you have tried disabling WPA3 if you have it enabled. If not, can you check and see if you have WPA3 enabled and try disabling it for further testing?

      • clayj
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James Hi James -- I am not using WPA3 here.

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello clayj ,

      I went ahead and sent you a message. I would really like to take a look at the backend on your network and start getting all the steps you've taken rolled up into a ticket if possible. Can you please take a look at your direct messages? There are directions there that walk you through the steps to get a email to me directly. Thank you!

    • AllTaken
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks for your efforts in this issue clayj. I’m new to the ecosystem and your posts are the top hit when googling the issue. Exact same situation here, random disconnects across newer iOS devices.

    Any idea when eero will do something about this? 

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello AllTaken ,

      We would like to take a look at your network and help you troubleshoot this behavior as well. I will send you a message shortly with instructions on how to get an email to me so we can start troubleshooting if you would like. Alternatively you can also give our support a call using the link below to find the best phone number.


      • AllTaken
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James Hi James, thanks for reaching out. I see you’ve given me the standard response seen with this issue. Whilst I’d normally be fully on board with the idea of support taking a look, I don’t feel in this circumstance anything fruitful will occur.

      The situation at present is that eero have multiple consistent reports of the issue and for months nothing has happened. The latest user to post in this thread explains the direness of the support so far. I won’t be partaking and I think I’ll get out of the ecosystem whilst I can. Thanks all the same and good luck to you all.

    • JBake130
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I’ve had this problem for months now, not just iOS, but multiple devices disconnect.  I have been working with support for 3 months or so.  I’ve been waiting for Atleast a month for next tier to look at logs.


    At this point they aren’t going to offer anything.  It started around the May firmware upgrade.

    Extremely frustrating,  they told me to try to return to Best Buy where I bought it 11 months ago…. It’s not Best Buy’s problem, it’s Eeros. 

    • jetglue
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I have had the same problem for a few months now, but it is not limited to Apple devices. Our Samsung smart TV (2020 model) and a Chromebook all have the same issue. TV won't reconnect unless you completely remove the nearby Eero from the network and re-add it. We have to work and school from home, so after a day of fighting the wifi every 30 minutes, you get the adventure of trying to connect the TV. Always a blast at the end of the day. Have been in touch with support by phone and email multiple times and literally the only thing that they have offered is the legacy mode solution. That didn't solve it and now I have $300 worth of paperweights that are headed back in the very near future if Eero can't fix their issues. Nest wifi doesn't have WiFi 6, but if the choice is between WiFi 5 that works and 6 that doesn't, the working mesh network wins out.

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello jetglue ,

      Thank you for reaching out here. I am sorry to hear that you are having this experience with your eero network. If you would like, I can take a look at the the network on the backend and go through some troubleshooting with you. I'll send you a direct message with instructions on how to get an email to me and my team shortly.

      • jetglue
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hi James 

      Despite repeated emails to support to find out the status of my RMA and refund, I have gotten no response. This is after I spent 3+ hours of my work day on the phone with live Tier 2 tech support over two separate days, which ended in the tech admitting that the problem would not be solvable and he was putting in a ticket for a refund. That was at least 10 days ago, and I was supposed to hear back within 2. Crickets since.

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello jetglue ,

      I apologize for the delay in response on your ticket. I would like to look into this for you as soon as possible. I'll be sending you a direct message soon requesting some information that I can use to locate your ticket and get you an update.

    • Dan.2
    • 2 yrs ago
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    We are having the same or similar issues. Worked fine up until about 1 month ago.  Now our iphone Xs (all three in the house) routinely get disconnected from wifi.  Changing the network settings on the iphone from or to Private Address fixes the problem until they get disconnected the next time. Seems to be a ios / eero compatibility issue.  All other devices in the house are fine.

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello Dan ,

      Thank you for reaching out to us here on the community! If you are willing, I would like to collect some information about your devices and take a look into this. I will send you a direct message with steps on how to get an email to me so we can start troubleshooting. You can also give our phone support a call if you would rather troubleshoot over the phone with one of our support agents. I will provide a link with their numbers below.


    • SaltyJim
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Having the same problems with iPad Pro and eero WIFI randomly dropping, it’s super annoying. iPad Pro running 14.7.1  

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