Problems with AirPlay

Hello, I just purchased some eeros and I am very happy with them. But I am currently having a lot of problems with my AirPlay speakers; they are Pioneer A4 and are constantly disconecting and they used to work just fine with my previous router :(.

17 replies

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Official response
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    Hi  Luis —

    Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the eero community!

    I am happy to hear you are enjoying your eero WiFi system so far! However, I'm sorry to hear of the issue you've encountered with your AirPlay speakers.

    If you haven't yet, please contact our support team so they can troubleshoot this matter for you. They can be reached by phone or email, with the contact information available here.

    • Richard1864
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Which iOS device are you using, and have you updated it to the latest version, iOS 9.3.5? That may help too
    • Luis
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Yes, I already updated everything but still wont work.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Hi  Luis —

    Have you contacted support yet? I could also have someone reach out to you as well :)

    • Ron
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Airplay was unusable last summer. A couple of eero updates have made it barely usable, but I still need to force a reboot of the eeros for it to work reliably. I'd say eero software is approaching 1.0 quality.

    • yroc
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    I have this issue as well.  The only way I've found to get around it is to disable all but 1 eero (which defeats the purpose of having the eero). 
    My guess is that if my player device is not on the same eero as the airplay device (we have 3 airplay devices) then it doesn't show up.  Sometimes if i reboot one of the airplay devices it seems to switch eeros, and then i can see it.   

    • randyMiles
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I also have this problem with my eeros!  I have 4 eeros and it got much worse after adding the 4th eero.  My airport express controlled speakers are useless now!  They intermittently connect to iTunes and then disappear!  

    • feinstaj
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Glad I found this thread. Airplay very spotty, and a two of my Denon receivers have disappeared completely.

    • meg0m
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I have been experiencing the same issue and have blamed Apple/Airplay. Finally thought to search these forums. Has anyone received an acceptable response/fix from Eero on this? I have observered numerous network issues since buying first eeros, with devices being dropped from the network and even the entire internet connectivity dropping. Too often, I have to cycle everything (modem, routers, devices) in order to get up and running again. If this is because of the Eero routers, my opinion of Eero is going to go from "can't get much higher" to "how the F do they consider themselves network experts?!".

      • meg0m
      • 7 yrs ago
      • Reported - view



      Sooo ... having finished a nice serving of crow, I can report that Eero tech support did a fantastic job troubleshooting this issue with me this morning. Issue looks to be with Apple, at least in my circumstance. Appears to be an issue with the iPhone OS not updating properly for advertised audio interfaces. For example, at some point this morning, airplay devices disappeared from the audio airplay list on my iPhone (X in this case). All devices were available and worked on my computers and iPad. Despite the audio interfaces not displaying, my Apple TV did display in the iPhone's Airplay Control Center overlay, and I could control the Apple TV and see updated information from it in the overlay. Multiple restarts of the network made no difference on the iPhone. Turning the iPhone's Wifi on and off made not difference.

      Finally, we shut down and restarted the iPhone. Everything displays and works as expected. For the past 1.5 hours, everything has remained correct.

      The Eero tech rep did correct some config settings that were not optimal. He also made ip reservations for all of my airplay devices in the hopes that the problem may be caused by updates from airplay devices for which the iPhone does not refresh.

      Anyway, after my slagging on Eero, I am happy to report that my doubt in Eero was unfounded.

      • Luis
      • 7 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      meg0m I have not received any acceptable fix. I used to have a netgear router and never had any problems with airplay. I just gave up trying to fix it.

    • jamois
    • 7 yrs ago
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    While Airplay between devices and Apple TV works, I also use Reflector on my Macbook Pro and that does not work.  Not sure who is the blame in this case but as with others, "it used to work with my [fill_in_the_blank_router]".  Wondering if the eero folks have any experience with Reflector (a fantastic tool by the way, for sharing the device screen on a Mac or Windows machine).  

    • yroc
    • 7 yrs ago
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    meg0m  i'd be curious to know if that sticks.  
    like Luis we gave up on airplay on eero (and happened to switch to a bunch of echo dots as spotify players around the house which is a smoother setup anyway, as music is our primary use case (not video to tv, which also had the same problems)).  sometimes ours worked, often times it would not.  after restarting iphone is when it most consistently worked.  i suspected that ours was caused by eero not properly broadcasting services between multiple access points (would be surprised if static IPs fixes this).  our av receiver supports airplay as well as spotify remote and airplay often disappeared via the receiver, along with the apple tv and whatever the apple audio-only things used to be called.   sometimes just one of the airplay devices would show up and not the others (i'm guessing based on which eero each one was connencted to). 
    before acknowledging that there was a potential problem, they asked that i provide a very extensive amount of support data, which i wouldn't have minded providing if it felt like they were looking for a solution and not just putting the burden on me to do a bunch of work to figure out why their thing doesn't work.  "i'm running the latest eero and ios" should be enough to get started.  

      • yroc
      • 7 yrs ago
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      overall i do like the product.   a few issues other than airplay

      i pay for eero plus and can't whitelist a site (and depending on browser/os, a site can be blocked without me having any way to see that it is eero blocking it).  my only workaround to get to the legit site is to turn off most of that kind of protection...  fortunately for the latest one i tried 5 different browers on 3 computers and one of them finally gave me the eero plus screen instead of an SSL error, which is an issue eero should fix  

      limited customizability/configurability, no command line.  i had to get rid of my $150 adblock device because there was no way to connect to the eero and then connect to the device (it sits upstream of the eero, and if eero isn't connected to internet, you can't manage eero at all).  fortunately they added adblocking support and fortunately pihole can sit in parallel of a network unlike the previous one (adtrap).

      hard to troubleshoot when stuff doesn't just work (like above, if not connected to internet can't even connect to it to relay to other devices or test)

      the password management app in eero plus has a garbage interface compared to lastpass, and the vpn they offer is only in beta on windows, and isn't as smooth as expressvpn.  i wouldn't be surprised if those companies paid eero to more or less advertise for themselves, instead of eero adding more value by using plus user revenue.  

      • meg0m
      • 7 yrs ago
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      yroc I agree with your critiques. The Eero UI has been designed too much for users who know nothing and have no interest/ability to customize to their real needs. Given how long Eero has been running, it seems way overdue to provide some level of "Advanced" options. God forbid anything beyond the iPhone app.

      One comment during my call today was a bit irksome. The rep criticized Apple's history of doing proprietary stuff with their network stack. Talk about pot calling kettle black.

      Anyway,   yroc  Luis and jamois comments all are good reminders that my particular solution today (1) does not confirm that eero is not at fault or a major contributor to this problem and (2) may not last :).

      Luis  makes an especially good point that, just because one service (eg, remote control of appletv) may be broadcast successfully, airplay may not. Rrrrrrrr. What happened to "it just works"? The impossible dream.

    • Dave.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    WPA3 setting seems to kick off Airplay (older devices) while working fine with the Airplay2 devices. Figured this out the hard way. Very frustrating as I use an older Apple TV to stream music from my phone to wired outdoor speakers. With WPA3 disabled everything is working perfectly. 

    • Richard.3
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I just installed euro and my Samsung TV 8000 series no longer gets airplay from my iPad. I followed several things listed here. I ensured airplay was active on my iPad and I rebooted my iPad. But it didn’t work.

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