To Bridge or not to Bridge

Hello - Looking for advice on how to best leverage our EERO network with our existing Xfinity Router/Modem. I've heard conflicting advice on bridging the Xfinity router and others saying it's cleaner to use eero separately, which creates a 2nd network to choose from. If anyone can provide a simple explanation and walk me through what I should do I would appreciate it. 

4 replies

    • eero_support
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


    The best setup for the eero system would be to bypass the Xfinity router if possible. If you have a modem router combo, you can place that into bridge mode and connect the eeros up to it. Alternatively, you can also purchase a stand alone modem to get a similar result.

    The next setup you can use if you have a modem router combo, if you cannot bridge mode it, is to connect up the eero system to the MRC and turn off the wifi on that router and just use the wifi from the eero network.

    Hope this helps and let me know if you have any additional questions,


    eero Support

    • bford9
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thanks, James. Can you explain why that's the best setup? Wouldn't having 2 different networks give me more options to connect to? what does bypassing the xfinity router optimize the system?

      • eero_support
      • 3 yrs ago
      • Reported - view


      For sure! When you have two networks it will give you more options to connect to, but the questions that need to be asked are is it necessary. When you have a device connecting to a network you want the connecting to where ever you're reaching out to to be as direct as possible. So if your device requests to access a website, it sends that information out to the internet through your router.

      Generally every router is going to filter that information and some of them will scan it for damage and other possible issues. So when you have a device that is trying to reach out to the internet that is connected to a router that has to go through another router it creates a state referred to as "Double NAT". Double NAT devices connected to Double NAT networks can exhibit all kinds of behaviors, such as seeming to not access the internet to getting intermittent connectivity.

      In the end, the best way to set up eeros is to have them connected into a stand alone modem. Example: Stand Alone Modem -> Wired eero (Gateway) -> Wired Unmanaged Switch -> Wired eeros/other devices.

      Hope this helps,


      eero Support

    • bford9
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    🤯no idea what a wired unmanaged switch means, but I'm assuming the conclusion should be I should bridge my xfinity router and then just re-name my eero network to the same network name as what I had on xfinity, correct. 

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