eero Pro 6 upgrade - several devices not connecting

Hi – I just upgraded my network from a Linksys WRT1900 AC router plus an Engenius EAP600 to the eero Pro 6 3 pack.  The Linksys/Engenius core ran 2.4 and 5GHZ wireless fine and was reasonably fast but I upgraded for better security and speed. The transition was very smooth as I reused the same SSID and password.  I mapped my home using an Android app, Wi-Fi Strength Meter, and I appear to have solid coverage throughout.   My eero’s are running v6.0.2-11.  My network currently has about 40 – 50 devices online and active at any one time.  It also hosts a SmartThings Hub which connects about 50 – 75 sensors/devices via Zwave and Zigbee.

Right now, everything appears to be stable, but I have several devices that simply will not connect to the eero network.  I have tried band steering both on and off and have DNS Caching on.  I turned off the 5GHZ band and have enabled legacy mode to no avail.  I will keep playing with this but if anyone has any advice, it would be appreciated.

I have the eero app installed on both my Samsung Galaxy S9 and my iPad Air 2.  I like it on the iPad best as it just seems easier to use.  At one point, I removed the network password to try and connect my devices to an unsecured network – that worked.  When I went to re-enter the password via the Android app, the app would crash repeatedly, but I was able to re-enter the network password via the iPad app.  Finally, while doing this troubleshooting/re-booting/re-configuration I noticed both apps were showing my laptop and desktop as off-line when both were active on the network and accessing the internet.  Not sure why some devices are shown offline when they are in fact online and active.

Right now I’m having mixed feelings on whether I made a good choice in upgrading.  I plan to stick with this for a little while longer to see if I can connect/upgrade/replace those devices that won’t connect.  I also need focus closer on the eero apps as flaky or inaccurate information would be a show stopper.

11 replies

    • MMckenna
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I have had the same concern. Many of my devices are online, but are being shown as “offline” on the app.  

    • KY_Tom
    • 4 yrs ago
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    One of the devices that won't connect is a Garmin Index Scale, a legacy 2.4GHz device.  I can turn off the 5 Ghz band and it will connect, but that is NOT a long term solution.  Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

      • Ergolad
      • 3 yrs ago
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      KY_Tom I know that this is a little older post, but I have had an issue with my Garmin FR630 watch connecting over wifi since my Eero Pro system upgraded to 6.0. After months of communicating with Eero Support with no solution, the Reddit community helped me identify that Secure+, specifically Advanced Security, was preventing the Garmin from connecting. I have notified Eero of the issue. For the time being disabling Advanced Security allows my Garmin to connect. Don't know if that might help you?

      • wintersteiger
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ergolad That workaround worked for my Garmin index Scale (same problem KY_Tom had).  I hope they fix the underling problem as I do like the Eero Secure option and would like to turn it back on.

      • Ergolad
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Glad that helped you too wintersteiger . I wouldn’t  hold my breath about Eero doing anything about it. My support emails have been ongoing for nearly a year. They recognize the issue, but haven’t offered a fix. The overall tone from them is they are putting it on Garmin. With each new firmware, I test and email the results. No joy so far. I either disable Advanced Security, or bypass WiFi and use Bluetooth and the Garmin app on my iPhone. It’s extra steps, which is a drag. If I fire up my old Time Capsule router it works on that just fine. This was introduced with the 6 firmware from Eero. Doesn’t feel right to put it on Garmin, or not to fix it, It just doesn’t pass the sniff test. 

      • wintersteiger
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Ergolad thanks for reaching out with more unfortunate details.  I am surprised by that to be honest as this affects me spending more $$ with Eero on the Eero Secure and Secure+ packages.  Apparently they make enough money on the routers and don't care beyond that too much.  Thanks again!

      • Ergolad
      • 3 yrs ago
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      I know right wintersteiger ? Eero often had an interesting take on support issues.For what it’s worth, once I wired my 2nd node on the network, Eero has been for the most part a set it and forget it solution. Except those rare middle of the night firmware updates, as I tend to work in the middle of the night!

      • Ergolad
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Hey wintersteiger , and anyone else having Garmin connectivity issues, or other devices that don't play well with Eero. After over year of enabling/disabling Advanced Security on my Eero every time I want to sync my Garmin FR630, I found another user over at Garmin suggesting one use a Guest Network on the Eero (it's set for Google DNS, and I assume essentially bypasses Secure+ all together). Well, whatever it is, it works for me! Thanks for nothing Eero.

    • WylieB
    • 2 yrs ago
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    As an FYI, what finally worked for me was turning off IPv6 and rebooting the Eero network. I had already done the aforementioned items, Security+ , DNS. I will try turning back on IPv6 at some point and hope that it continues to work. That will be true for Security+ but I will do them separately and spaced out over a few days to see if one of them breaks the connection again.

      • Ergolad
      • 2 yrs ago
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      WylieB did you ever try using a Guest Network? It’s not always the best solution, depending on the device you’re connecting with, but I feel a Garmin GPS watch is pretty innocuous. I don’t use IPv6. And the Guest Network bypasses the Secure+ issue that is reliably blocking my FR630. What kind of device(s) are you having connectivity issues with?

      • WylieB
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Ergolad No, I didn't try that solution but will give it a go if IPv6 or Security+ causes the scale not to work again. 

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