Ps4 pro connection issued

Hello I wanna come on here looking for some help so this has been happening for a while now and my ps4 has not been holding a stable connection to the ps4 pro I’ve tried change the bandwidths from the 2.4ghz back to to the 5.0ghz the 2.4 has the best signal strength and all but I get good download and upload speeds and I still lag out of every game I play I barely can’t sit in a cod lobby or the 2k park without getting kicked out or error coded I’ve tried changing my dns serves all that nothing seems to work and I can go to the Lan cable because the eero is in the kitchen but I’ve never had a problem with the internet until now I still get 95-100% signal strength it’s like my eero forgets to stay connected to my ps4 and I lag out every game please respond I’ve tried everything.

3 replies

    • eero_support
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello Jbahara,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to the community. In order to give you the best steps in troubleshooting I'll need you to answer a few questions first. 

    Can you provide the topology of your network? Ex. Modem -> eero (Gateway) -> eero (wired) -> eero wireless

    What eeros do you have on your network?

    Have you tried forgetting the network on your PS4 and rejoining the network?

    Looking to hear back,


    eero Support

      • Jbahara
      • 4 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James thank you for replying I have a eero pro and it is wireless because I can’t go wired I only have one eero and it is in the kitchen I don’t know why but it is like the eero won’t keep a stable connection to my ps4 pro and my wife always drops them I have to test my connection again 

    • Rikps4
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I'm having a similar issue with a ps4, once connected signal drops until ps4 is no longer connected to the net! I'm not as tech savvy so have no idea what a dns or things are! Any ideas? 

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