Luma vs. eero - a real world face-off

I had the opportunity to try both of the current wi-fi home mesh systems this month. On August 5th, I received a Luma home system, consisting of a three-pack and a single device. I have an older three level home, so I thought four devices would best serve my purposes, and since they were significantly less expensive than the eero devices, I took a chance on a pre-order.

To make a long story short, I was constantly emailing their technical support team with problems, including inconsistent connectivity to the Internet to include dropouts of a few hours at night (yes, I checked the app settings to be sure it wasn't set to shut off the Internet at night), sporadic performance and frequent buffering of streaming media. My son even offered the observation that his 4G LTE connection on his smartphone was faster than our wireless connection. The technical support folks were quick to respond and offered numerous suggestions, but after none of their recommended fixes worked, I requested a return label and a refund and I dropped off the return package this morning.

Yesterday, my eero three-pack arrived, and I set it up with minimal difficulty, other than the app's insistence that my 10-number passphrase be reconfigured as a phone number, and having to reenter all my passphrases as (###) ###-####, complete with parentheses, a space, and a dash! Once I figured out that little quirk, everything worked smoothly, the eero devices pulled down and installed the latest update, and the network is very fast and reliable - so far. I've heard no complaints and everything just works, which is all I want my network to do. I've only got a one-day sample set, but given that the Luma network was problematic from the start, I'm quite hopeful about this one.

There is a pronounced difference, at least thus far, in consistency and performance between the two. If my eero network continues to work as it is, I would recommend it to anyone looking for a whole-home wi-fi solution.

5 replies

    • r/eero Moderator
    • JTswift
    • 8 yrs ago
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    Not the first time I've heard this about the Luma system.

    As a beta eero pre-order guy, I have been supremely happy with my purchase.

    I'm not sure why you got stuck using your phone number as your wifi password, unless I'm reading your post incorrectly.  You should be able to pick any password you want within the app.

    Welcome to the world of eero!

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view
    Hi  @ rmiller1959 —

    Welcome to the eero community and for sharing your early impressions of your experience! We are thrilled to hear everything is working as expected, and we look forward to your future contributions to this space!

    With regards to the one issue you encountered, this appears to be a bug when using 10 digits (similar to a phone number) as your password. We are working on a fix.

    You can change your password if you'd like to something more convenient.

    To change your network password, open the eero application and tap the menu button in the top left corner. From there, you'll want to tap on Network settings. You will see an option for Network password, which will take you to a screen where you can change it to whatever you wish!

    I hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!
    • rmiller1959
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi, JTSwift! I'm glad to know your experiences with the eero system are positive as well. Just to clarify, the app isn't forcing me to use my phone number as a password. Rather, it's taking my 10-digit password and converting it into a phone number format, so instead of "1234567890", I get "(123) 456-7890". From Jeff's comments, it seems they're aware of the problem (and a minor problem it is).

    Thanks for the information, Jeff! At least I know it wasn't something I was doing. Now that I've got all my wireless clients configured with the password as it is, I'll leave it for now. Maybe I'll revert back to my 10-digit password when the bug fix is done.

    I appreciate the feedback!

    • r/eero Moderator
    • JTswift
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Well, on the plus side, that has to be a strong password, right?!

    • rmiller1959
    • 8 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Ha! Truth be told, I thought it was a security feature to enhance my password's strength! :)

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