Channel Selection

I've been told by support that there's no way to force the EERO's (I have three) to use a specific channel.   

My network is performing poorly and sporadically.  Using a frequency analyzer app on my phone I'm showing EERO on the same channel(s) as 5 neighbors.

I thought the system hopped to open space automatically but this is clearly not happening.

55 replies

    • rfischmann
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Just got my first two eero's yesterday (Pro 6) and my first impressions aren't good. I'm getting much lower speeds on my office than I got before with an old Wi-Fi 5 NETGEAR Orbi system. How's that possible? And how come we can't change the Wi-Fi network settings, channels and everything?!

      • kingivory76
      • 2 yrs ago
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      rfischmann Since my original posting in this thread, I've switched to a Google mesh system as threatened, and I will never be going back to Eero (at least not until they enable manual channel selection). The Google mesh system has been like night and day in comparison. If you're still within your returnable/refund period with those Eero's, I would consider switching them out for a different brand entirely. 

      • rfischmann
      • 2 yrs ago
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      kingivory76 I wish I could. Bought it on a trip to the US and am now back in Portugal, where I live. Can't return it…

      • kingivory76
      • 2 yrs ago
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      rfischmann That's unfortunate. Welcome to the Club of Eero regret

    • missileman
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Same here, swapped out to Ubiquiti, not looking back.

    • rfischmann
    • 2 yrs ago
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    If eero's intelligence was good enough so that it really didn't have to allow us to set a channel manually, I'd be fine. But it first connected to channel 149, which is pretty bad here. Next day, it switched to 36 and things got WAY better. The other day, it changed to 48 and it was still pretty good. Then, on the third day and for the past 4 days, it went back and stayed at 149. So it might think that's the best way, and it's very bad.

    • ivan006
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I also would like some kind of ability to give the eero a 'kick' and let it know to reoptimise / rescan the area OR the ability to manually choose the channels.

    My user case is that eero worked fine until my utility company installed a smart electricity meter which signals on the same frequencies. My cheap dumb ISP router found other wifi channels to use however the eero 6 keeps using the same channels as the smart meter and quality and range has drastically reduced. 

    If only restarting it made it rescan or there was a button on the ios app we could press that says optimise wifi - something where it monitors traffic for a while and works out the best wifi channel to use. This could be taken further and over night the unit could review the connectivity logs and select a better channel - something TalkTalk in the UK do with their dumb cheap routers.

    my 20c


      • rfischmann
      • 2 yrs ago
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      ivan006 You're totally right. On my previous mesh system, there was a "troubleshooting" area inside the app that ran a process exactly like that. For 5-10 minutes, the system would cycle through all available channels and decide on a better one. eero's troubleshooting feature seems to do nothing.

    • missileman
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Switched to Ubiquiti Amplifi Alien mesh system.  Totally happy, not going back.  I really wish that Eero had worked out, but the lack of manual channel selection capability in a dense multi-dwelling unit (apartment building) is a deal breaker for performance and stability.

    • ivan006
    • 2 yrs ago
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    For the moment I have reverted to the cheap ISP router as it actually delivers ...

    Hopefully when EERO is updated I will try again.

    • mshamsur
    • 2 yrs ago
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    • mshamsur
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I have been facing Whats app call dropped from my phone due to interference issues and my phone support 2.4GHz. I have found 3 eero devices same frequency and same channel using my apartment and the distance is very close. All other company routers have feature channel selection but eero R & D department maybe don't know this feature. 

    • noobnoobc137
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Apartment living is definitely not ideal with all the radio interference. (My area has a ton of Bluetooth Interference) I certainly would be annoyed at having to change my router's channel everyday. Most router's do auto channel switching so it would be a never ending battle with your neighbors.

    Have you tried setting up "Client Steering" and "Optimize for Conferencing and Gaming" in the Eero  features?

    If you have a PC you can also set "Band Steering" (2G/5G/6G) on the WiFi network Adapter. That actually works very well.

    From my experience, if you work at home, you should do everything possible to hardwire your PC for video calls.

    • JoelBarrett
    • 2 yrs ago
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    This is insane and very disconcerting. I spent the last few days migrating all the devices off my old setup with multiple APs and as close to interference-free 2.4 and 5GHz channel selection as possible. (I was a Wireless Engineer for Cisco for 13+ years).

    I installed the eero Pro 6E mesh APs expecting they would find the least congested channels to settle on. Well, not only did they not do that, they actually chose the MOST congested 2.4 AND 5GHz channels. The eero system also decided it was a great idea to settle on the exact same channel for each mesh AP. I now have three APs sitting on Channel 7 for 2.4GHz and Channel 114 for 5GHz!

    This is ridiculous. I'm going to give it a couple days to see if it will settle down to different channels in less congested channels but if it doesn't clear up, I'm going to return everything to Amazon. My only positive thought for this is that now that I've migrated everything over to the Mesh APs for wireless, the new installation will take very little time since everything is already optimized for that type of deployment. I'm seeing positive comments, reviews and specs on the Google Nest Wifi Pro with Wi-Fi 6E and it costs about $100 less than the eero Pro 6E bundle. Sorry eero, but y'all got some work to do on this product because it does not work as advertised.

    Here are screen caps of the Wi-Fi network and you can see everything stacked up like Legos right on top of my neighbors APs when they should all be on different, less congested channels (at least for 5GHz) -- I know 2.4GHz is restricted to only three 20Mhz or two 40Mhz non-overlapping channels. Ridiculous. That's not RF optimization -- that's "de-optimization". It actually made things worse! AND, there is no way to fix it given the lack of those optimization features in the app.

    • noobnoobc137
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hey Joel,

    I'm no engineer like yourself, but working with Cisco did you ever work on Mesh specifically?

    Just speculating here, but maybe Eero doesn't allow for end-users to change Channels because it would mess up their Mesh somehow? (I'd like your 2cents)

    Also, out of curiosity when you mentioned it made things worse on your network, could you elaborate? From your screenshot you really don't have a lot of congestion. Is that enough for packet loss on your end? It does seem like you have x2 Eeros too close together (according to that screenshot).

    What do you mean by you have migrated over to the Mesh APs and optimized for deployment...and possibly changing to Google Nest?

      • JoelBarrett
      • 2 yrs ago
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      noobnoob-c137 -- I was primarily engaged on the Aironet and then Airespace solutions that Cisco acquired in 2005. Meraki wasn't acquired until 2012 and that's where the Wi-Fi mesh networking solutions came in. However, during the time I was deploying Cisco Wi-Fi solutions, I gained a ton of experience and knowledge in Wi-Fi analysis and interference detection and remediation. 

      I'm totally fine with eero not allowing an admin to make changes -- however, if the product is going to prevent modifications to the channel selection, it has to be intelligent enough to select non-overlapping and non-congested channels. There are two primary reasons for this. One is to provide optimal throughput to the connected devices. And two is to prevent unnecessary interference to neighboring Wi-Fi and other RF comms operating in the same frequency range, as specified in the FCC requirements for the ISM spectrums. This is also backed up by all the IEEE 802.11 standards, which eero should be following to operate in 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and now 6GHz (for Wi-Fi 6E). 

      My eero mesh APs aren't physically close together. They are separated by several walls and are on different floors. There's no way they should all be on the exact same channels nor should they be on the same channels my neighbors use, as you can see in the 2.4GHz screenshot. 

      By making things worse, I mean that when I had my regular APs in place, I had them on non-congested and non-interfering channels and was able to get close to the GigE throughput I see when my laptop is directly connected to my Fiber Gateway switch port. I could easily get 800+Mbps (up and down) on iPhones and other wireless-connected devices. Now, I'm lucky if I can 400mbps down and 150Mbps up. Now, of course, these still aren't shabby numbers but I want the rest of my throughput. Who wouldn't?

      I took a very detailed approach to moving my network devices off the old system I had in place to the eero solution. I did everything I could with eero to make sure the APs were well-placed, properly separated and also one-by-one moved the devices from the old APs and LAN to eero. I was super meticulous and thought everything through. I even started over when I realized I had no real admin control over using multiple SSIDs (like I used to) and channel selection. I had to completely rethink how I managed all the devices in the house because of the difference in the way that eero does things. 

      I'm not saying the way eero works is bad or "wrong". I like that eero is taking a "less is more" approach and I actually embraced it. I'm just disappointed that how I expected things to settle down into non-overlapping channels and minimal interference to my neighbors is not the result I ended up with. And, I have no way to fix it. Bottomline, I really wanted the eero solution to work and intelligently pick the right channels and to be able to optimize for coverage and throughput. At this point, that's not the way it's working. 

      BTW, I did do some additional research into Google Ring Pro (Wi-Fi 6E capable mesh APs) and customers are having more issues with these devices than they are having good results. Strangely, the comments from their customers mimic the comments from eero Pro 6E customers, just with different problems. So, at this point, I'm holding off considering them as a replacement. 

      My hope is that eero (or Amazon) will listen to some of the user complaints and do something to address them and make everyone's deployments better. But, then again, I work for a software company now (VMware) and I know fixes can be a long time coming. I have until the end of Jan 2023 to make a decision though so I've got some time.


      • swinster
      • 2 yrs ago
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      JoelBarrett the thread is six years old. Do you think it will be resolved by the end of January? 

      • noobnoobc137
      • 2 yrs ago
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      - Cool! That job sounded interesting.

      - "it has to be intelligent enough to select non-overlapping and non-congested channels" Yea, I've seen this happen a lot too, but I think they automatically change channels over the course of hours/days. Most routers do this anyway. I'm not sure how smart the auto-channels actually are compared to any other brand.

      - Point 1) "One is to provide optimal throughput to the connected devices...I'm lucky if I can 400mbps down and 150Mbps up". I don't think channel congestion is your issue here with that throughput. Every time I've seen heavy congestion, I'll still see near capped speeds, but it's just all over the place because of packet loss; almost like the connection goes in/out.

      - Point 2) "prevent unnecessary interference to neighboring Wi-Fi..." If I have the option to do channel selection on installs I will, but almost always when I return onsite, a neighbors wifi will overlap because either they messed with it or likely their "Auto-Channel" selection is crappy and ends up overlapping. This is why I usually don't care too much about channel selection...stuff's gonna overlap eventually. And if your in an area where you don't really have overlaps, then even if it does overlap it won't really affect your performance, it means there are other variables (PC NIC updates, other interference, glitches, etc.)

      - "...no real admin control over using multiple SSIDs (like I used to)" This is may not be to your liking, but have you seen the brand new Eero PoE models? Those have multiple SSIDs which is great! I have not played around with those models just yet.

      As I'm sure you know, if you need reliable and long term performance you have to be hardwired, and that goes for any brand. For my use-case I don't need anything higher than gigabit, but I do transfer ISO images between PCs using an Eero Pro 6 and I do get near capped gigabit speeds (see screenshots).

      I'm thinking that you either have some issue in configuring bridge mode, have a switch somewhere causing issues, have a Cat5 instead of Cat5e somewhere, or you got a defective eero unit (easy fix is to swap the gateway for another unit, and just add it as a new network so you don't lose any of your settings). If you have eero subscription, you can check the network activity and see when the APs change channel automatically.

      • JoelBarrett
      • 2 yrs ago
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      swinster of course not. I meant that I personally have until the end of Jan 2023 to determine if I'm going to return the product. I chose this 6 year old thread because it was the only one that consistently tracked admin discontent with the issue I was having plus over the years, the messaging about the issue was commented on by many different admins showing various levels of how people tried to address it. Lots of people follow this thread too and I was hoping that people from eero would also be monitoring it. 

      • JoelBarrett
      • 2 yrs ago
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      noobnoob-c137 This is good information. I intentionally chose the eero Pro 6E mesh APs because I did not want to run additional Cat6 drops. Since these mesh APs use 6GHz for backhaul, I felt like that would suffice to provide very high throughput, whether the associated devices were connected to an edge AP or the gateway AP. I will consider changing out the current gateway AP for one of the other ones and see if that makes things better -- thanks for that recommendation.

    • missileman
    • 2 yrs ago
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    FWIW, I am very happy with my Ubiquiti Amplifi Aliens (which I switched to due to this Eero channel selection issue).  Almost three months now and not one reboot.  Consistent high performance from all five APs in the mesh (wired).  140+ devices attached.

      • swinster
      • 2 yrs ago
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      missileman - I have to say, I think I am going to go the way of Ubiquiti. Not having control of the Eero's is getting too restrictive, not just for channel selection but not having multiple SSIDs with VLANs as well. 

      noobnoob-c137 it's good to see Eero finally get a PoE model, albeit you would have to sign up to become a custom installer. Without doing this, I have found very little in whether these devices support VLANs on their multiple SSIDs, but I suspect they will handle channel selection in the same way as the other devices. Either way, it would still mean getting rid of all current Eeros and replacing them with a new crop, at which point you might as well look at something perhaps more suitable. 

      I would love to see current Eero support changes. However, most of the feature requests that have been made, which I would like to see implemented, are also around 5-6 years old, so I don't hold out much hope, which is a shame. 

    • rfischmann
    • 2 yrs ago
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    After more than 3 months of emails exchange with eero's support, I'm giving up on trying to make it work at my home. It only chooses channels 149 or 161, which are the worst here.

    Not only eero insists on not offering advanced users the possibility of manually overriding the selected channel, but now their support decided to deny helping me because I live in Portugal, which "isn't a supported country" — as if it matter, for a Wi-Fi router, which country do I live in.

    I'm no longer able to return my units, but I wish I could. It's quite unbelievable that I literally exchanged dozens of emails with them, wasted their and my time (and money), only because of this stupid decision of not allowing us to change the connection channel. It's actually ridiculous and will slowly kill the brand/product.

      • noobnoobc137
      • 2 yrs ago
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      rfischmann That's a bummer your going through that. If you have gone through all that trouble and tech support...you need to hardwire.

      Please do your research before switching to another Mesh brand.

      I've used many, but if your an advanced user, I doubt you will like the big G. Though they also kind of "just work" like eero does (they sometimes have glitches when setting up several at once, but just keep trying) And you MUST use their Google Home App which I'm not a big fan of when sharing with family members.

      I don't recall if they have Channel selection either but they are not as powerful as the eero Pro, so you may need 1 more to compensate for your home's coverage.

      Also, FYI never buy important or expensive tech products in another country if your planning on coming back to the states or need US support. Most if not all companies do not support foreign tech/warranty support.

      And it actually does matter where you live, because there are different radio regulations for each country, and some that don't really regulate their products like the US.

      Japan has Channel 12 for example.

      Northern Mexico almost exclusively builds homes made of concrete which is very different from the US in terms of WiFi penetration/performance.

      I've known a tech from Brazil who said their electricity current over there is not super stable and is common to cause issues with sensitive devices at times. 

      And if you run a business, you have to always draw the line somewhere on support, warranty, etc.

      • Mido01
      • 1 yr ago
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       Hi, I am about to be in your situation soon. My Eero Pro 6 is arriving today in Canada but I will use it in Oman. Devices in Oman like in Europe cannot connect to high 5GHz channels like 149. But can only connect to low 5GHz channels like 36. I had this problem with my 3 pack Google Wifi US version, and I fixed it by buying one UK version Google Wifi and making it the main router. That forced my other points to switch to the low 5GHz channels.

      Your Eero Pro 6 should have two 5GHz bands. One broadcasting at the low channels and the other at the high channels so I am surprised that's not the case for you. Can you confirm?

    • wazza
    • 1 yr ago
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    I have noticed a similar issue, on my system there are several issues.


    the 2.4ghz channel chosen is channel 10 and the channel width is 40Mhz, both these setting are not to industry standard.

    Channels 1,6,11 should only really be used and channel width should be 20Mhz.


    the above setting are causing an impact to my network and other surrounding networks, is this something eero can resolve on an individual basis? or is it best to return to Amazon?


    images from Metageek inSIDer application 

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