Eero app shows router offline - but it’s not.
Running 4 wired eeros. All running smooth. Tonight the eero app showed that all 4 of them were offline.
Checked the light on all eeros - but nothing unusual. White non blinking . Also checked the internet - no problems surfing. No devices offline.
So...... what’s going on? App shows everything is offline, but nothing is offline at all.
21 replies
Have you tried restarting your gateway eero to see if that resolves the issue?
+1.... i installed 4 Eeros this weekend and have had the same issues with them showing offline (event the gateway) but can still pass traffic. I have 3 wired and 1 wireless and once it a while, the wired units revert to the wireless mode and an "manual" reboot seem to fix them temporarily.... not sure if something is going on with the firmware....Also had issues where a device (laptop) randomly drops the wireless connection and have to force manual reconnect..... the first couple of days have been a bit frustrating... Coming off a Meraki solution that did not have issues and switched due to cost :(
I'm also experiencing this issue. My 6-eero system, all wired in AP mode, has been running for 3 weeks flawlessly. A huge upgrade from Orbi.
Today, I saw two of my AP's offline when checking from work. When I got home, one was still offline. I rebooted it manually by cycling power and noticed it was claiming it was on old 3.1 firmware. I did the update, and it briefly showed online but now is offline even after power cycling twice.
I will call support.
Having the same issue. I'm new to eero and I've deployed a 4-node eero Pro network which has been running flawlessly for almost a month. Then all of a sudden last week, the app shows that the entire network is offline even though all the devices connected to it were still online, I could still connected to my VPN (which confirmed Internet connectivity), and my firewall's DHCP Server (OPNsense) showed an active lease for the gateway eero.
I've contacted support, so waiting on their response. Looks like I'm gonna have to make a site visit to reboot the APs manually.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 21Replies
- 6060Views