IPv6 DNS won't save
When I enter custom primary and secondary IPv6 addresses for DNS and hit save, Eero tells me it will reboot. I click "Yes", a screen flashes for a split second and then nothing else happens. If I hit back and then click on the DNS menu again, the IPv6 entries have been wiped out. The eero never reboots.
This is a first gen device (A010001) that is up to date.
3 replies
Thanks for bringing this to our attention JaggedJax . This definitely sounds like something we'd like to be able to investigate further. Whenever you're able to, please send us an email at support@eero.com with the subject "Community followup" so that we can easily locate your email.
We look forward to hearing from you so we can get this odd saving issue resolved! (=
Kora | eero Community Team
I figured it out and feel dumb :-(
The official Google IPv6 is in the format: 2001:4860:4860::8888
But I somehow missed one of the colons and entered: 2001:4860:4860:8888So I'm sure eero tried parsing it, and as it was invalid the record wasn't saved. I tried one more time before emailing support and realized my mistake. It worked fine after that.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 131Views