Eero behavior with certain HomeKit products

I have noticed that certain HomeKit devices behave strangely in the Eero app, specifically Apple HomePods set to stereo pair. At certain intervals, Eero “invents” that these devices have multiple IP addresses and even come across as wired devices. 

if I check the MAC address it doesn’t belong to any particular manufacturer and/or of course they are not wired. The only way I figure out what they are is when I see the HomeKit name inside Eero. Upon restart, the device can sometime disappear and goes back to the set name per MAC address. 

Anybody else seeing this? I assume this is affected by private IPs etc. 

9 replies

    • ponsholm
    • 2 yrs ago
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    • ponsholm
    • 2 yrs ago
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    • ponsholm
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I guess not too many responses to this topic due to my specific setup? I have isolated this issue to multiple reddit threads seeing the same thing. It must be HomePods set to stereo output using default output sound on Apple TV - When it renews the IP lease, I guess it see new HomePods and the behavior seems to be that I need to make an IP reservation so they don't lose the IP address. 

    Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/eero/comments/pz92b5/homepods_appear_connected_as_a_lan_not_wifi_in/



    • rjrobertson_kc
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hey OP, did you ever get a resolution here? I’m experiencing the exact same. 

      • ponsholm
      • 1 yr ago
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       Nope; When it happens, I just restart the Homepods from the home app. These latest AppleTV updates are a little buggy when it comes to stereo pair. I am much more annoyed with audio lag, no audio, disconnection issues etc. so I just don't try to update the Apple TV OS very often. 

      • rjrobertson_kc
      • 1 yr ago
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       so I had my Apple TV hardwired to the internet with the HomePods set up as stereo pair. At random times, one of them would not respond to volume. So if I turned the volume down all the way on the ATV, one would stay at the same volume. 

      After I switched the ATV back to wireless and disabled the HomeKit feature within the eero app, I THINK it resolved the issue. However, some of my HomePods randomly show as offline in the eero app even though they’re online and playing music. I also have a million recently online “unnamed devices” that I assume are the HomePods going on/offline. 

    • Ledford911
    • 1 yr ago
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    I am currently having this exact problem. Almost every night my HomePods show up as new devices in the eero app and then the volume control only controls one of them. 

    I just turned off client steering to see if this helps. 

    • ponsholm
    • 1 yr ago
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    For now, I have solved this by doing the following. Turn off the system the HomePods are connected to. Then, restart the Eero. The first time the 2 HomePods show up, make sure you have named them something like HomePod left and HomePod right. Finally, reserve the IP address for both in the network settings. The problem has not showed up for weeks now. Knock on wood...

      • Ledford911
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

       thank you! I’ll reserve the IP addresses!

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