Turning on GUEST WIFI boots 10+ devices off
This is a new problem for me. I have always had guest wifi enabled and never questioned it. I turned it off yesterday then reactivated it today. Instantly at least 10 devices got booted off my network.
I can easily reproduce this time and time again simply by turning on guest wifi - it will always boot a bunch of devices off my network until they reattach again.
Is it normal for my devices to connect to guest wifi even though my main network is the one I want to use ? (Seems the ones bumped off are 2.4 - Lifx bulbs, external Nest cams etc).
I'll submit a support request within the eero app.
13 replies
Hi, Dan –
Thanks for reaching out to share your concerns. I'd like to assure you that this behavior is expected, and not indicative of any issue or error with your eero network. Toggling the guest network refreshes several processes on the eeros, with one side effect being that connected devices need to re-associate with their nearest access point.
Hope this info helps, please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!
Drew, eero Community Team -
I can't go without complimenting the eero team here online and at phone support for thorough and professional service and problem-solving. Whether or not I'm able to mold the way eero works to my way of doing things is another issue, but seeking and receiving assistance from eero has been excellent.
cotedan87 The language you're discussing, telling you that some network devices may disconnect temporarily is not accurate. When the configuration change is made your entire WiFi system is rebooting. What the app should do is warn you anytime a configuration change is going to reboot the router(s).
It's been a year+ now when this issue was brought up, but nothing has been done about it.
Eero team - this is a big deal. And simply having a note that says "this will disrupt your network for a few minutes" - while important to warn - is also not a good solution.
When the guest network is disabled, you're really completely removing that guest network which causes a reboot. But in many circumstances, removing the guest wifi completely is not necessary. PAUSING the guest network is actually what is desired, just as pausing certain assigned IP devices in groups on the main network.
It would make sense that a good solution is the ability to PAUSE, in addition to a full DISABLE. Pausing will basically block those logged into GUEST (kids for example, or their friends) until it is unpaused. This has multiple benefits:
1) NOT giving out your main home network Wifi password to guests - something increasingly important not to do as SmartHome devices become more prevalent
2) The guest network is then self-filtering, without having to assign each and every new device that logs onto the main network. Everyone on the guest network is deemed disruptable, while the main network (security cameras, etc) remain solid and not disrupted when the guest network is paused.
Giving your current app structure, it would appear from the outside that this new functionality would not be extremely difficult to incorporate, as you basically already have this concept designed into the main WiFi settings.
Thank you for continuing to strive to be the best home WiFi mesh network. I rave about and recommend Eero constantly.
This is a really bad experience. Google WiFi managed guest network on the fly without a reboot. It’s possible. Rebooting a whole network just for guest is not smart. Please fix ASAP
My bigger problem right now, is when I turn on Guest Mode... my network performance absolutely bottoms out. And there are no devices connecting to Guest at that time (As I can make the network name random).
Connected devices (even hard line ones), completely lose their bandwidth and throughput. And once I turn the guest mode off, everything goes back to normal -
I have the same issue with multiple devices disconnecting when Guest Access is enabled or disabled on my Eero 6 Plus Mesh, however, the behaviour is different than when I restart the whole mesh. On a normal restart, generally all of my devices will eventually reconnect by themselves (unless WPA3 is enabled, but that's another story!) When I enable/disable Guest Access, many of the connected devices will NEVER reconnect and I have to do a network restart to resolve the issue. So... there is a problem, here. Something is broken, it seems.
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 13Replies
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