Using Eeros as Access Point

My home is wired for ethernet with a Ubiquiti ER-X in the closet distributing ethernet all over my home. I've ordered Eeros Pro 6s to add as access points at various points in my home.

Reading through the documentation it looks like either Double NAT'ing them or putting them all in bridge mode is the way to go. Any recommendations on which is more performant?

I read another post that said that Eeros TrueMesh technology does not work if the Eeros that are Access Points are not downstream from another Eero. Does this affect performance? I would expect each Eero to just distribute WiFi at their respective locations?

Does it make sense to replace the Ubiquiti ER-X in the closet with another Eero + switch to distribute ethernet around the house? I don't really need the Eero in the closet to provide WiFi so I'd get one of the cheaper models and not a Pro. Would mixing the 6 Pros with the older one upstream cause performance issues?

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    • jj155244
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Got the following response from Eero support so I thought I’d paste it here so anyone else finds this thread will have an answer:


    1. I would say Double NAT is fine and if you find issues bridging is acceptable solution as well.
    2. Yes all the eero's have to be downstream of the gateway eero for the mesh system to work correctly.
    3. If you put eero in bridge mode you still get the benefit of a mesh network
    4. It makes sense a lot of people do that same setup its a common one.
    5. You can mix and match any eero's together without issue!

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