eero/Alexa/manufacturer app integration

I manage my 70 plus smart home devices using 3 apps: Alexa, Tapo (TPLink) and, now, eero.

(which is great by the way)

I have cameras, smart plugs, lights, and also some others like a Yale security system, Hive Heating etc.

Technically, it all works fine, and between my 3 main apps I can just about manage the lot. (There is still one device shown in eero that I can’t identifier but I’ll get there).

HOWEVER (there’s always a however isn’t there !),

….. in spite of my eero being linked to my Amazon account, and the Alexa app providing a degree of ‘common information’ to TPLink’s TAPO app (all good products), there is still a mundane administration process to keep eero’s registry of devices in line with the others.

For example, I have a naming system for all my devices, and this name is passed through from TAPO to ALEXA, as they are linked by account.

eero, though, knows nothing about these device names, so I have to KEY THEM ALL IN MANUALLY.

To identify a device in eero, all I have is a MAC address, IP address, and sometimes a host name.

and eero has no ‘MAC address search’ !! can we have one please ?

Even better would be closer integration between ALEXA app and eero app, so at the very least all my devices have the same name in both apps, automatically.

I see that some ALEXA devices are now offering eero repeater services, so it can’t be a huge step to consider whether we could have one app to incorporate all the features of Alexa AND eero.

what does the team think ?


Doug Roberts

> 40 years in IT


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