Eero vs velop vs orbi!

The short answer is that Eero rocks.  So I bought Orbi a couple years ago from Costco, and could never get all of my devices, especially my wifi cameras, to work consistently.  I returned it and bought Velop.  Same deal, although it wasn't quite as bad.  Well, it was bad enough that I finally sold them on ebay and went Orbi again, because 1) the firmware had supposedly come a long way since my first purchase, and 2) they had an outdoor unit.  Well, this second try still had lots of issues with the cameras, and purple rings, and poor performance, etc..  SOOOO... I decided one night, before returning Orbi yet again to Costco, to go buy Eero and see what happens, because, hey, I had 15 days to return it to Best Buy.

Amazing!  The UI was hands down the best (live display of what eero you're connected to and much, much more.  The setup experience was the best (three eeros and two beacons).  And most important, it just worked!  My cameras all started showing their max fps consistently, and haven't missed a beat through firmware upgrades, kids unpluggin them, etc..  I had one time where I put a beacon too close to an eero and it caused a bit of issue, but i just moved it and all was well.  Other than that, 0 issues.  0.  I even put a beacon on a ceiling outlet in my outdoor pavilion to get outdoor coverage.

It's been a month or two now, and I'm just totally blown away with how much better my life is because everything just works with Eero.  Needless to say, I returned my second purchased Orbi setup and haven't looked back.  Thanks, Eero!

5 replies

    • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
    • cotedan87
    • 5 yrs ago
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    As a regular home user with about 45 devices going at any given time, I’ve got the same experience. Eero is strong, super stable. It just works. Period. 

    • jimfbk
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I've been using eero since, I think, 2015 (from the beginning).  I now have a fairly large house, with 4 eeros (latest gen).  I cannot recall a single time that I had to reboot the eeros; I only rebooted when I was experimenting.  I had significant comcast issues for 4 months, but, aside from one hardware failure (easily diagnosed and replaced under warranty) the eeros never went astray.

    My previous network solutions (WAPs with range extenders) constantly needed attention and fiddling.

    The eeros have been a dream; they just run.  I sure hope this continues under the new ownership.

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 5 yrs ago
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      jimfbk awesome to hear.

      As for new ownership, I’d be more worried for those under the Google umbrella than those under Amazon. Google ad links and trackers (e.g. googleads.g.doubleclick.net) amount to tons of traffic and we all know they mine data like crazy and use it to throw stuff back to us.

      Amazon so far is not showing up much on the domain connections from my home network - just a few AWS calls, probably for eero Network management. We know half the internet goes through AWS in one way or another, yet it’s not the one in our face about grabbing our data and shoving ads in our face. 

      So, yes for eero in my home too. No to others. 

      Good to hear your eero system is like Fort Knox  

    • David_S
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Same results here johnwest80 after a month but against an Amplifi HD and Linksys Velop system. I'm amazed at how stable and reliable the eero system is compared to everything else I've tried. It's as stable as my old Apple Time Capsule but reaches everywhere in my house the Time Capsule couldn't and with more speed and no buffering.  

      • Fan of tinkering with new hardware. Canadian dude.
      • cotedan87
      • 5 yrs ago
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      David S nice to hear. 

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