Devices prefer guest network
Frequently, devices on our network including MacBook Pros, iPhones, iMacs will mysteriously jump from our main network to the guest network. Just 2 minutes ago I rebooted my MacBook Pro and it booted onto the guest network. It's random and irritating. It's been going on for at least 6-12 months. We've lived with it, but now I'm a little over it. Any suggestions? We have 4 Eero Pros and 2 Beacons.
5 replies
Go into your wifi settings on each device and “forget” or delete the guest wifi network, or turn off “auto-join”. This will stop your devices from connecting automatically to the guest network.
I get that but it seems like a problem in the device logic. I should also be able to “bind” a device like an Apple TV to a specific Eero unit — one of ours jumps devices which is annoying. It should stay connected to the unit 12 inches away from it not 30ft and through a wall.
Fully aware it’s ancillary to the original topic. Sorry if that upsets you. I understand the devices “decide” which unit to connect to. However, all but the desired Eero unit you want a device connected to could blacklist the device leaving the single (or multiple) remaining unit(s) as the only point(s) of connectivity.
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
- 234Views