Ethernet randomly stops working on Pro 6


I noticed since 6.4.0 that I intermittently have an issue where ethernet devices connected to the gateway Eero that normally work fine (macbook, apple tv) will stop working, no internet. Rebooting devices sometimes, not always, fixes this. Rebooting Eero sometimes fixes this, but usually I have to do a full network restart to resolve it. In MacOS, it says 'self assigned IP' so doesn't seem to be receiving an IP address from the router. It's definitely not a device issue as this affects any device that's plugged into the Eero, and everything was working fine prior to the latest update. 

I may call Eero support about it but wanted to post here first. It does get frustrating sitting on the phone for hours troubleshooting before the rep actually believes me that this is a bug, but pretty sure that's what this is. 

14 replies

    • eero_support
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello Mzaur8 ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community! I would like to do some testing with you so we can identify the cause of this behavior. It looks like you have tested this with multiple devices so far, great job! Did you test with a different ethernet cord? Can you confirm that you are plugging the devices directly into the eero or are you going through a hub/switch? 

      • Mzaur8
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James Thanks for your response! Yes I am using an ethernet switch, but I did test without it as well, going directly from Eero to macbook pro or AppleTV. I also tried switching ethernet cables. The only way I fixed it was restarting the network. 

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello Mzaur8 ,

      Gotcha! Do you have multiple eeros? If so, can you try swapping one with the Gateway? If the same behavior occurs it is most likely not the eero.

      • Mzaur8
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James sure I can try that. But if same behavior occurs isn’t it possible that there’s some software bug causing this? 

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello Mzaur8 ,

      Lets try swapping the Gateway out to see if it is a hardware failure. If the same behavior happens it is most likely not the eero that is causing the problem. In that case we'll want to start running down the line to identify where the failure is. 

      How often is this happening?

      Also, in regards to the software bug, this is unlikely. But through the tests we will do we will be able to verify if it might be software related or not.

      • Mzaur8
      • 2 yrs ago
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      James Ok i'm definitely open to all possibilities, but my experience with Eero in terms of bugs has not been good. Like right now I am trying to switch out the gateway and the new gateway Eero is booting up for a long time and then getting stuck with a red light. Is there some trick to switching them out? It doesn't seem to automatically pickup that this is the new gateway.  I tried power cycling my modem several times as well as the new gateway Eero. The modem 'LAN' light is blinking green which indicates it has an ethernet connection to the Eero. It is solid green when there is no connection. Something is definitely going on with Eero software. 

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Hello Mzaur8 ,

      If you have a standalone modem you will need to power cycle your modem to release the public IP from the MAC ID of the previous Gateway. This is expected behavior because the eero acting as the new Gateway is not being given an IP address from the modem. You need to leave the modem unplugged for roughly 3 minutes to clear the cache on the modem before plugging the modem and then the eero back in. The software has nothing to do with what you are describing right now. You may want to consider giving us a call so one of our IT support agents can walk you through over the phone. I have provided a link below that will help you identify the best number to call.


      If you would like to continue, we can keep troubleshooting here for a bit. But if we're still having difficulties getting the other eero to come online then we're going to want you to call in so we can get a better idea of how your network is setup and be able advise you more quickly.

      • Mzaur8
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      James Thank you. That was quite a headache. It took 2 hours for my isp (Ziply fiber) to figure out how to release the IP/mac lease. No amount of power cycling the ONT would do it. So now finally I am connected to a different gateway Eero and will monitor incase this happens again. It only happens maybe a few times a month so it's not super common. I'll let you know if it happens again

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello Mzaur8 ,

      Thank you for the update! Sorry that took so long. Hopefully they made notes so if you need to do it in the future for some reason it won't take as long. Just reply here when you have an update and I'll see it.

    • Gudconnect
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I am having the same issue.  My Eero Pro network was rock solid but I got greedy for speed and upgraded and I really regret it.  Every week I am resetting my network, changing nodes, disconnecting nodes.  I know eero is trying but it sure seems like we are testing things that have no chance of solving the issue.  Simply put i either get 400-500 wireless speed or i get 20 and or no connection at all.  Please EERo give us a solution.

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello Gudconnect ,

      Thank you for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community! I apologize that you are having difficulties with your network. I have found with the customers I have worked with that majority of problems stem from other devices, other equipment or eero placement. I would be happy to assist you in troubleshooting your network if you would like.

      The first step is to always verify that the eeros are not too close together causing WiFi congestion. WiFi congestion will cause speeds to drop, devices to disconnect and even eeros to go offline because there is too much traffic and the eeros are unable to communicate with each other. Ensure that your eeros are at least 35-45ft away from any other eero and the closer to 50ft the better. Also please read over the article below as it goes into detail about other factors that can have significant impacts on WiFi networks. 


      When you have checked this if you are still experiencing the behavior please let me know and we can continue troubleshooting.

    • Gudconnect
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I have gotten so many conflicting opinions on this. Not enough nodes, nodes to close, nodes to far, some device on your network... just tell me this- i upgraded from an eero pro with 4 nodes in my house with zero problems because my internet speeds increased and the old ones wouldnt handle it- now i have 3 eero pro 6 WITH ALL the SAME devices in the house and now i am resetting my network at least once a week when the speed drops to almost nothing.  the only change is my eero mesh set up.  

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello Gudconnect ,

      I understand how frustrating this can be. The eero Pro 6s that you have replaced your old system with are more powerful and using WiFi 6 instead of WiFi 5. This could require changes to placement, a reduction in active eeros, and some of your devices not being able to connect to WiFi 6. You may be experiencing more than one of these and the causes can vary. Were you able to go through and verify that your eeros were at least 35-45ft away from each other? How many square feet is your home?

    • Shaun543
    • 2 yrs ago
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    I am having this issue with all my Apple TV's (6 in the house), and HomePod minis (8 in the house).  Everything else works great, but constant connection issues with these products.  I have forgotten and added networks, did all kinds of restarts, disabled the Eero security on the Home app and nothing fixes it.  They will work fine, then just tie up for no rhyme or reason.  I have the Euro Pro 6 with 3 total nodes.

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