eero pro wifi 6 units all on same band

12 replies

    • rogerss2010
    • 2 yrs ago
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    i have 4 eero pro wifi 6 units

    in a large house. they all seem to be on wifi channel 1 along with the rest of the neighborhood. while channel 6 and 11 are wide open..

    why is that? why arent the units spread across channels.. seems like they are creating their own channel crowding

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello rogerss2010 ,

      Thank you for reaching out and welcome to The Community! eeros use DFS, Dynamic Frequency Selection. This allows the eeros to continue to monitor channels and congestion, then shift to less congested channels when needed. This feature was recently added to eero 6 and eero 6 Pro models.


      • rogerss2010
      • 2 yrs ago
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      James thanks james for the info

      but in practice doesnt see to me happening on my units they consistently sit on channel 0 

      leaving channel 6 and 11 completely open. doesnt make ANY sense why they arent using them.. so much for dynamic channel monitoring and selection.  

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello  rogerss2010 ,

      If you feel that the eeros might be suck you can soft reset the eeros. This will force them to go through re-learning the environment again.


      • rogerss2010
      • 2 yrs ago
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      James  really? does that NOT defeat the purpose DFS? they are SUPPOSED TO BE SMART? Or is that marketing hype? 

    • rogerss2010
    • 2 yrs ago
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    sorry channel 1 not 0

    • rogerss2010
    • 2 yrs ago
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    i should also mention ALl these eeros backhauls are hardwired to the main switch.. non of the backchannels are wireless

    • rogerss2010
    • 2 yrs ago
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    the article u just sent me states

    DFS is on eero Pro; not eero Pro 6

    so i think that explains the issue, no? 

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello rogerss2010 ,

      The article is not updated just yet to reflect that DFS has been enabled on eero 6 and eero Pro 6 models. I have already submitted a request to have the article updated. I was sharing the article as a form of reference that you could review to verify that my statement was supported. I apologize for any confusion that the article not being updated yet might have caused.

      In regards to soft resetting the eeros to refresh DFS, this shouldn't be needed at all. You stated that your eeros are not selecting the best channels, which led me to want to try soft resetting your eeros so they can start re-learning your environment. This process can also take up to a week to complete but most of the learning takes place in the first few hours.

      However, if you feel that this is something more concerning than what I am suggesting I would be happy to help you troubleshoot. I will send you a direct message so you can get an email over to me. This will allow me review your network, the logs, and see if there is a cause to your eeros not switching channels as you are seeing.

      • rogerss2010
      • 2 yrs ago
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      James i do appreciate your responses james. i wont be back on site for another week or so. at that time i will  take another look to see if any have migrated.  if not i’ll call in and start this process again

      • eero_support
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello rogerss2010 ,

      If you want to email me using the directions I direct messaged you I can hold onto your ticket that way when you are ready we already have a connected ticket established and if the behavior is resolved you can let me know and I'll just close out the ticket. But it is up to you. I'll be here if it is not my weekend and ready to help you. Just @me and I'll get notified.

    • Enthusiast
    • thatsthequy
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Unfortunately James is misunderstanding DFS with the question you are asking.

    eeros all have to use the same channels so they can communicate with one another wirelessly. Automatic Channel Selection (ACS) is what determines which channels to use across the two or three radios on your eeros in your network. You and your neighbours networks are probably picking channel 1 due to non-wifi interference being detected on channel 6 and 11.

    Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) is a feature that allows the 5Ghz radios to use channels shared with Weather Radars. 3rd generation eeros recently got support to use DFS channels in some regions. DFS is likely unrelated to the question you are asking.

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