Goodbye 3 Packs via Distribution

So today we found out from one of our local Eero distributors that Eero will no longer be selling 3 packs of their units to dealers. That going forward it's only going to be single units. This is very disappointing! First to have to find this out via distribution & not from Eero themselves is very concerning...I just called Eero Pro tech support & they did in fact verify that this is true as well. How can they do that to us dealers? We sell a lot of their units to our valued clients, we promote their products on our websites & social media pages.... & this does nothing but raises the price for the dealers by buying single units instead of 3 packs... It lowers our margin & makes it really hard to compete against other big box stores. IF someone from Eero can please let us know why they are doing this it would be greatly appreciated. We have been big supporters of Eero, but if this is the way they are going to treat their dealers by removing packages, and not directly communicating it with us its very sad. We maybe needing to look for another WiFi AP company to support. We eagerly await Eero's feedback. Thanks. 


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