Better coverage outside/ ideas?

Attached to this thread you will find a silly drawing of my house with room layout/outside entertaining and pool. (Yes, I'm not an architect!) 

I currently have (3) Eero Pros (Ethernet) and (1) Beacon. On "Prime" day I got a couple of more units to work with. (1 Beacon / 1 Pro) 

I had hoped that mounting the new beacon in the windows facing the "outside are" area would help and it does... but not ideal like inside coverage. 

1) If I mount the Eero pro in the window (replacing the beacon) with this Amazon popular wall mount holder using wifi only, will the pro provide stronger wifi than the beacon? 

2) If not, do you have any better ideas? I know I can probably get an ethernet cable somehow outside but from what I understand the Eero's currently are not designed to withstand the heat in Texas. 


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