Problems Connecting MacBook after Update

Has anyone else had problems connecting their MacBook after yesterday’s update?  It seems to be the only device affected. I tried calling support, but was on hold forever and the disconnect. 

33 replies

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
    • Official response
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    If you are experiencing any sort of issue that doesn't seem normal, please contact eero support. Our tech support team are experts in troubleshooting these matters and will do everything to get it resolved. 

    Feel free to give us a call at 1-877-659-2347 or email us at support@eero.com.

    • eero Community Manager
    • Jeff_C
    • 7 yrs ago
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    Hi  Jason —

    Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear the trouble you are experiencing. This isn't something we've seen, but we'd like to help. Feel free to give us a call at 1-877-659-2347 or email us at support@eero.com .

    • Cygace
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I have the same problem. I'm connected with a high level of signal, it works for a few seconds and after It drops all the packets, the wifi level stay connected but no ping to the router is available.

    I'm frustrated because I have the Eero system since a few months now and It works not like it should be.

    • rcrcr
    • 7 yrs ago
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    I am seeing the same. After awhile, MBP still has full signal, but no ping to the gateway (or elsewhere). Disconnecting and reconnecting the MBP seems to remedy.

    • Jason.1
    • 7 yrs ago
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    This issue was resolved for me while involved in another issue with support.  I'm not quite sure what the resolution was as it was fixed after they looked at my network.

    • mitct02
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Same issue here. Three 1st gen. Two have wired backhauls. My MBP (and my son's) show as being connected to the Internet but are unable to ping the router (I use bridge mode) or anything outside. Often, it resolves itself after several minutes. But stopping and starting wifi works every time. And no other devices on the network have problems, so the Internet connection, LAN, etc. are all fine. It is MBP and eero APs.

    Eero has been really diligent about trying to solve this, but so far no real progress.

    They initially thought it might be a roaming problem, but I even have the problem when I remove two out of three devices from my network - I assume you can't have a roaming problem with one AP.

    Connecting to another brand of AP (my router has one and I am currently trying a borrowed competing mesh product).

    I love the product. Love the app, device profile. Performance has been fine - nothing to write home about. But I own them. Six of them, between two locations. I have the same problem in both locations.

    I'm stuck. Waiting on the next move from eero.

    If anyone has solved this, I would LOVE to know how, because I am sitting on nearly $1k of hardware.

    • zubinanary
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I also have the same problem, but only with a single MacBook Pro 13 Retina with the Touch Bar, but my other's MacBook Pro don't have it.  What I've started to do is turn off Wifi and turn it back on, for that problematic MacBook Pro.  That resolves the issues.  What I've noticed is that the MacBook Pro is connected to the lowest signal eero device (all Gen 1) and doesn't connect to the one that is about 5 feet away.  


    The only other thing different about the MacBook Pro. is that the problem with the issue also has an MDM/APNS profile because it's belong to my wife's work.  Don't know if a "managed" MacBook Pro using an MDM/APNS Profile has issues with flipping between one eero and another.  We can't remove MDM as that will trigger an alert and the entire MacBook Pro would be wiped out.

    • rcrcr
    • 6 yrs ago
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    After months of experiencing this issue on at least a daily basis, I regretfully took all my eeros out of service and replaced them 1-for-1 with Ubiquiti access points. That was over two months ago, and I have not experienced this issue even once since then.

    • mitct02
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I am two weeks in with an alternative and counting. Not once have I seen the issue.

    Eero support went dark on this a week or so ago, which is discouraging. I want to like the product and the company, but it is hard not to share my experience widely. I feel like I should warn people, as these are very expensive devices and too heavy to function as a boat anchor.

      • eero Community Manager
      • Jeff_C
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mitct02 —

      Thanks for your patience as our team has been working with you through this issue. As mentioned, we don’t have any known issues with MacBooks. 

      That isn’t to say there isn’t an something going on, but given it isn’t something we consistently see, finding out what is potentially causing what you are experiencing will require a deeper look into what is happening.

      I can see from the last correspondence on your ticket, our support team is escalating the matter. We hope to have additional steps for you soon.

      Thanks again.

    • mitct02
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Curious about a couple of things for those having this problem:

    1. Are you using Gen1 or Gen2? I am all Gen1. Wondering if there's a correlation.

    2. Wired or wireless backhaul? I have had trouble with both.

    3. Bridge mode or router mode? I am all bridge mode - one of my troubled sites uses PPPoE and the other has quite a few port forwards.

      • rcrcr
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mitct02 When I still had the eeros in service, my scenario was:


      1. Gen1

      2. Wired backhaul

      3. Bridged


      Same scenario now, except with Ubiquiti APs instead of eeros, FWIW. 

    • zubinanary
    • 6 yrs ago
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    1. Gen 1 and Gen 2 Beacon

    2. Wireless backhaul

    3. Router Mode

    • mitct02
    • 6 yrs ago
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    An update, but no news.

    Eero followed up with me. The person on the case (I assume it has been escalated because the other guy, Adam, was great and cared a lot) had read through all the notes and had a handle on the issue. But he is starting over in thinking about it.

    So I turned the eeros back on and took the competitor (which was working perfectly) out of service. I experienced the issue within a few hours. I shared the info with eero. I think what they want to do is correlate my experience with anything they find in their logs.

    But I also put together a little script I run in the background. It logs mac network info (via the airport executable) every minute or so. If it is unable to retrieve an http request (I have it pointed to a site on my LAN that loads very fast), it logs the same Mac wifi info constantly while it is not working.

    I am no Python programmer (this is actually my first script), but it seems to work. And I am also not a wifi expert, so I do not know if the information is informative..

    Here is the git repo if anyone cares to gather the same info and knows what to do with it.

    Of course I would most like to hear if anyone knows what this is and how to solve it, besides buy a replacement. I am trying to preserve my six eero investment.

    Thanks in advance.

      • tc60045
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mitct02 - smokeping is a very handy and well-known pinging-and-graphing utility that does what your script does — and more.  I run it in a docker container on my server (package from linuxserver.io) to see how everything on my network is responding, and have used same with Comcast to identify issues (back EMF) in the neighborhood.  

      Running it from a neutral machine AND from your connection-dropping machines can give you (and eero) proof of the issue and perhaps some insights. 

      • mitct02
      • 6 yrs ago
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      tc60045 thanks for that! Looks like a very useful, capable tool for lots of stuff, including troubleshooting eero Mac connection problems.

      At this point though, I have them offline in my main location in favor of a competitor, which is working great. I still have them installed in a remote location until I can get to them to replace them with more reliable units. I have been willing to deal with the frustration of having spotty wifi despite having spent way too much money on eero to salvage the investment and help the company figure this out.

      But they have gone mostly-dark on this. I occasionally get an email from them telling me that engineering is looking at it but has not gotten back yet. But they have not asked for more information in weeks and it seems pretty clear they're not working on it. If they were, they would be participating in this thread, where they have more than one person seemingly with the same issue. If I were sincerely trying to solve this problem, I would engage this group.

      Thanks again for the pointer to the rrd-based tool. Using it with Docker is a piece of cake.

    • mitct02
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Well, it's official. Eero gave up on this and told me there is nothing they can do. They won't take them back (I took too long troubleshooting this I guess) and they won't even try out Gen2 hardware (though to be fair they do not think that would help, as evidenced by people here having the same problem with Gen2 hardware).

    What is most disappointing is that even though they had a set of people experiencing the exact same issue sitting right here in this thread (and I did point that out to them), they chose to not engage with this group to find what we have on common.

    I tried and tried. Time to move on. I am joining rcrcr in this.

    • robtay_outlookcom
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Jeff C. I have a brand new MBP 13 inch with Touchbar.  Every time I turn it off or close the lid (sleep mode) and restart, I can't connect to internet.  I have to run wireless diagnostics and it does something and then I'm magically connected again.  On diagnostic tool, everytime wi-fi, wi-fi settings, and network are green.  ISP, Internet, and Server are Red.  After I run wireless diagnostics everything turns green and then I'm connected again.  Tried with older MBP and it works fine everytime.  So...new MBP something is going on.  Maybe the network card, maybe the network configuration, I don't know, but hopefully eero support can figure it out.  

      • mitct02
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Jeff C. are we ready to admit that there is a known issue with MBPs? Don't you think that engaging the community having this problem is a good way to solve it?

      • eero Community Manager
      • Jeff_C
      • 6 yrs ago
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      robtay@outlook.com  — Thanks for reaching out and sorry to hear you are experiencing an issue with your MacBook on your network. That definitely isn’t the expected behavior, and I can even confirm that many eero employees use the same computer on their home networks.

      If you haven’t contacted support yet, please do so and we can take a look.

      • eero Community Manager
      • Jeff_C
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mitct02 —

      For something to be considered a known issue, it would have to be affecting a large set of the user base. As mentioned above, nearly all eero employees use MacBooks on their eero networks and don’t experience these same issues. That isn’t to say there isn’t something going on, but considering the number of reported cases compared to the overall number of MacBook users with eeros, it wouldn’t be considered a know issue (thus a limitation) of eero networks.

      Again, for anyone experiencing something similar, I encourage you to contact support. The more similar cases we have, a better connection the team can make towards finding out what may be causing the issue being experienced.

    • dankirsh
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Honestly, there have been so many posts on reddit and other sites complaining of this MBP issue, while nobody seems to ever report anything similar with non-MBPs anymore, that it seems crazy to not consider this a known issue.

    I've been having this issue since I first got eero. Turning the wifi on/off works 100% of the time. The eero support people basically told me there was nothing they could do and that it had to be a Mac problem, even though that makes no sense at this point. They worked with me for a while before giving up. I've spent so many hours trying to fix it that I finally just gave up too. I spent so much on eero, and it works reasonably well with my other devices, that I decided it wasn't worth replacing eero with a competitor's product.

    I have a MBP 15" w/ TB. It is a little better than when I first got it (it was debilitating at first, occurring hourly or more, but now happens maybe 1-2x/week). I've never had anything like this happen on any other network.

    Interestingly, it used to happen even when eero was hardwired to my MBP (using a USB ethernet dongle), but that issue disappeared with one of the eero updates. The wifi issue remains.

    I occasionally get a dead connection on my iPhone that requires that I turn the wifi on/off and then it works again. That only happens once every few weeks though, so may be an unrelated issue.

    I've basically just decided that I'll use my MBP hard-wired when I am at home to avoid this issue that is almost certainly an eero issue. When I'm ready to upgrade in the future I might go non-eero to avoid this issue unless they finally discover what is causing this problem, even if it is one that doesn't affect enough of their customers for them to work on it anymore.

      • mitct02
      • 6 yrs ago
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      dankirsh - After eero tech support gave up on me after countless hours of troubleshooting and nagging them, I tried other products, such as Netgear Orbi and Linksys Velop, both of which worked flawlessly and never did what the eeros do.

      I wound up getting Open Mesh MR1750s, which are about $100, have much better range and performance, and have been consistently online and dependable. I have one working to cover the area that took four eeros.

      They also have a great cloud-based management and monitoring solution free as part of the product that allows me to see the mesh network and manage it for maximum performance.

      Now I am trying to sell my eeros online to someone who doesn't have a MBP and can settle for slower connections. Not surprising, there have been no takers and I am selling them cheap.

      Good luck to you, dankirsh I hope they figure it out.

      • dankirsh
      • 6 yrs ago
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      mitct02 Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely check out those other options when it comes time to purchase a new system. As long as eero continues to work when hardwired I don't want to spend even more money now, but it is good to know that the same issue does not happen with some competing devices.

    • ice_mf_mike
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Did anyone ever figure out a solution to this issue?  Seeing this with my MBA and Eero.  I have other APs on my network which do not have this issue nor to any other endpoints.  Eero is in bridged mode hardwired to my switch.

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