Eero Pro Router - Very High Upload Usage 210gb
Hi all,
I have a home network that is currently in a vacant house under construction, so there isn’t much internet usage on it. However, through the Eero activities tab, I see the that Eero router itself has 210gb of upload bandwidth usage for the week. Any ideas as to why this is? Only thing I can think of is software updates, but I have multiple other properties with Eeros that go through the exact same software updates and their usage is only around 10-20gb of upload for the week.
Thanks in advance.
7 replies
Do you have any security cameras or some other device at this property that is always connected?
Any ideas? Here is a screenshot of the connected devices and their usage. The security camera upload along with all of the rest of the devices are still very low. All of it seems to be coming from the Eero pros themselves.
Like all "data counters" the data counter isn't very accurate it.
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 227Views